Alien Abductions

Neuropeptide Implantation

A Case For "Neuropeptide Implantation"

Dorian* 1996

This paper assumes that you, the reader, can accept the premise that there have been a very large number of alien abductions over the last few decades. If this is true, the fact poses MANY questions. I present the reader with a NEW theory that might help us to gain some insight, if not into the long-term goals, at least the Motis Operandi of our Gray alien "Buddies!"

I am referring to the-now infamous-GRAYS. The race most often associated with UFO abduction incidents. I accept the idea that this GRAY "invasion" is NOT a benign field-trip for their race. Let's look at this with open minds and put aside OUR social/racial centrisms for a moment. Firstly, these Aliens may not think in short terms like we do. They appear to be immortal and to gain what they may be seeking, they appear willing to planpossibly as much as a thousand years- in advance. This is something WE would simply NOT understand due to our temprocentric biases and mortal viewpoint. (I will cover the science behind this new "Immortal" paradigm-and theories concerned with exposing their "long-term" plans-more deeply in another paper, time permitting) Regardless of their REAL intentions, we can see a frightening trend among abductees, and that is, a flagrant acceptance of their violent abductions as a GOOD thing! How could this be? Why would a rape victim (this is really what it amounts to...and more) embrace their tormentors and invite them into their lives to stay? This kind of pretzel logic appears to be gaining steam among abductees! On a Sightings program, broadcast on 01/15/97, I even heard one purported abductee say-concerning the aliens abducting her and running experiments-"I just wished they'd asked...first!" Whitney Schriber's latest book appears to contain the same kind of sentimentality. Incredibly, he seems to WELCOME his abduction experiences and believes himself to be in "control" now-over when he is taken! This apparently irrational behavior may add veracity to what I have claimed to my on-line friends about the Gray's possible use of Neuropeptide "Memory" implantation. On a recent Art Bell show (Winter 1996), Striber went so far as to claim that he "controls" his own abductions, suggesting that he is not only a willing participant but in control! Is he a dupe or what?? But the REAL question is, HOW did he reach this conclusion? What motivates him to say such things about his ABUSERS!?

As I unfold what I believe to be the TRUTH to you in this paper, I want to make a point early on. a TENNABLE theory shouyld, by default, explain ALL the available data. In the case of abductees, like Striber, we need to explain his "feelings," his memories, his experiences, his NON-Conscious memory of the events, the Alien motivation for such policies-methodologies (especially the apparent TRAUMA induction perpetrated on the victims), the jumble of DREAM images with REAL events, the alien "doctors," all of it...with ONE theory. This theory explain all the data with a measure of simplicity, as economy demands it!


In 1970, a University of Tennessee Medical Center researcher, Dr. Georges Ungar isolated a molecule of amino acids arranged into an 11-link chain that has shed light upon the mechanism behind the storage and meiotic transfer of memory and instincts. He had discovered a smaller relative of the neurotransmitter family-now labeled "neuropeptides"-in lab rats. He was able to isolate these "neuropeptides" formed during episodes when rats were forced to undergo NEW and often traumatic experiences-experiences that forced a reversal of their most basic instincts-driving them to seek the presence of glaring white light instead of their nocturally-drive natural habitat in the concealing shadows! Upon injecting isolated peptide compounds newly formed in the brains of the test rats, into other "target" rat's brains, the newly memory-implanted rats applied the learned responses of the original rat memories. I later experiments (at Berkely I believe) rats even ABSORBED and REPRODUCED the experiences of running a complex maze with stunning specificity...navigating mazes through these protein-based proxy experiences...alone! Neuropeptides are also CHEMICALLY SYNTHESIZABLE! Specific memories or behaviors (feelings?) can be created synthetically, as Dr. Georges Ungar's original discovery demonstrated-suggesting the feasibility of largescale IMPLANTATION as a very realizable objective in one had the motivation! This also provides us with an electro-biological mechanism to explain the transfer of INSTINCTS from parent to child. Since these compounds apparently provide us with the "missing mink" between the events of an organism's "somatic" experience and the subsequent INSTINCTUAL memory of it's progeny, it follows that memories can be transferred to another organism not only through the gamete fusion, but also, artificially, via direct injection of memories INTO a host unrelated to the parent with the original memory. VELIKOVSKY V.S. FREUD/JUNG*ON GENETIC MEMORY The prophetic book by the genius and indisciplinary scientist/Psychoanaylst Immanuel Velikovsky, friend to the likes of Sigmund Freud, Carl Yung, and Albert Einstein (he edited Einstein's newsletters) called "Mankind In Amnesia," (sleeve comments by Buckminster Fuller) represents a breakthrough in the area of genetic memory neurophysiology. Velikovsky anticipated the discovery of the Neuropeptide by many years. He proposed a model of memory transfer from Progenitor to prodigy via a UNIT of memory he referred to as the "Mneme."

Quoting from Mankind in Amnesia:

The understanding of the collective unconscious mind may explain many phenomena observed in social animals, like ants and bees, working on a common plan. Anybody who has observed the behavior of large shoals of fish, numbering in the thousands, changing instantaneously and simultaneously the direction of their swim, finds it difficult to explain the simultaneity of action as mimicry; it appears more plausible that the fish act as they do by impulses of a common mind-the collective mind of a crowd, all members of which are reacting identically to a given impulse. The question then arises whether a collective mind is a product merely of some process akin to telepathy, or whether it may also link consecutive generations. This is a highly important problem bearing on nothing less than the ultimate fate of the human race, and with it, on the rest of the population of the planet.1

He goes on to quote Carl Yung:

Mankind is powerless against mankind, and the gods, as ever, show it the ways of fate.... In the realm of consciousness we are our own masters.... But if we step through the door of the shadow we discover with terror that we are the objects of unseen factors. TO know this is decidedly unpleasant, for nothing is more disillusioning than the discovery of our own inadequacy. It can even give rise to primitive panic, because, instead of being believed in, the anxiously guarded supremacy of consciousness-which is in truth one of the secrets of human success-is questioned in the most dangerous way. But since ignorance is no guarantee of security, and in fact only makes our insecurity still worse, it is probably better despite our fear to know where the danger lies.2 Velikosky anticipated the discovery of the MEMORY TRANSFER unit we now know of as the Neuropeptide also recognizing the errors of his mentors and fellow pyschoanalysts.

From Mankind in Amnesia we read: OF RACIAL MEMORY

Whether acquired characteristics are inheritable is a question that has generated scientific debate and inquiry since the days of Lamarck. He was a proponent of such inheritance and it is usually asserted that Darwin, two generations later, was its opponent. The truth is that Darwin in his theory of gemmules ( 1868) subscribed to the view that each cell in an organism sends its imprint to the reproduction cells (germs or plasma ) and that this is how inheritance of parental features takes place; in such an arrangement acquired characteristics would naturally be hereditary. New characteristics of wheat or rye cultivated in a changed environment could become inherited: a rugged stem could develop, for instance, when a plant grew year after year in latitudes of short summers, windy falls, and late springs. How long such inheritance would persist if the plant were repatriated to its earlier soil and climate, is at the base of the modern dispute about the inheritance of acquired characteristics.

A change in the germ cells (sperm, ova) would result in inheritable new characteristics; but it is assumed that only somatic cells are susceptible to variation. Yet it cannot be denied that chemical processes or endocrine disturbances in an organism can decidedly influence the plasma cells, in which case the progeny would exhibit an inherited defect which occasionally can also be transmitted to subsequent generations. The question thus boils down to the problem of whether outside influences-via the somatic cells or even directly can affect the germ cells. Somatic cells-which make up the body of a living organism-live their span of time, and return to the metabolic process of nature, or to dust. The germ cells, however, carry life for untold generations, using the individual organism as their carrier. These cells are potentially immortal, though an enormous proportion of them goes to waste as anyone can witness who sees the seeds of trees or pollen lost, or thinks of the billions of spermatozoa ejected in a single copulation with usually only one of this multitude having a chance of fertilization. Remarkable is the endless reproduction capability stored in a single microscopic sperm or egg, with inheritable characteristics for generations without end. And it is not that a spermatozoon is inherited and multiplies again, but that the new organism has reproductive cells which produce the new sperm andegg. If these reproductive cells, or the sperm and egg, are influenced by some strong chemical, thermal or radioactive agent, the new characteristics may well become inheritable -and this opens the way to enormous possibilities in genetics.3 Mr. Velikovsky continues his line of reasoning and deduces that the cause of this IMBEDDED memorry is due to the shared memories, passed down through the genetic mechanism of a MNEME, of generations of progenitors who all suffered similar fates induced by global cataclysms. Bear in mind, as he points out, that the mechanism for such "neuropeptide implantation" (my word) is enhanced when coupled with TRAUMA! This is a VERY important point. The good Dr. Continues: Paroxysms in nature, accompanied by such agents, could influence the reproductive cells of the animal and plant kingdoms; if, as happened more than once, the area involved in a paroxysm were the entire world, then chances would be excellent for mutations to occur in many species and genera. The germ cells could be affected not only through the soma, or body, but also directly, with the subsequent origin and transmission of new characteristics. And since the same causes could conceivably result in similar changes especially in forms that procreate with more than one offspring at a time, perpetuation of new forms, if only viable for life, would result.4 The question whether strong impressions made on an animal's sensorium are the basis of instincts is a problem that requires more deliberation than space here permits and also some ingenious experimentation. The existence of a racial memory does not mean that an impression absorbed by one generation can be remembered by the following ones, but that impressions, especially traumatic and repetitious impressions, experienced by many of the forebears, may become a permanent though unconscious mneme or mneme complex, providing adequate responses in suitable situations.[italics Dorian] A racial memory is not a transmigration of the soul; it is, however, an inherited unconscious memory. And through a racial memory we can consider ourselves as having been present at some horrible cataclysmic scenes amid unchained elements, devastation by which no creature in the world, on land or in the sea, could conceivably have been unaffected. Thus the accumulation of the genetic mnemes comes down to every representative of the species in our days through every one of the genealogical lines: all ascendancy reaches back to the same generation that was exposed to the trauma. At approaching earthquakes, animals with fine sensoria flee, before seismographs even register any tremor. During forest fires, animals that normally live in terror of other animals will run together with their predators, struck by a greater terror, to cave shelters. It is quite obvious that some information-called instinct-is being reawakened and reactivated, with fear never absent. The racial memory of a species is a matter of fact: it tells a wild creature how to build its nest, how to provide food, how to find a mate for procreation, how to survive in open spaces or in a long winter; but the most devastating experiences are also the most deeply buried and their reawakening is accompanied by a sensation of terror


The octogenarian founder of psychoanalysis was not yet at the end of his insights and revelations. A repressed thought was asking to be spelled out.5 If we consider mankind as a whole and substitute it for a single individual, we discover that it too has developed delusions which are inaccessible to logical criticism and which contradict reality. If, in spite of this, they [the delusions] are able to exert an extraordinary power over men, investigation leads us to the same explanation as in the case of the single individual. alley owe their power to the element of historical truth which they have brought up from the repression of the forgotten and primeval past. [Italics: in text.]6 Freud speaks here of mankind's delusions, therefore delusions in which all of us take part and which are deaf to logical criticism; at the bottom, however, is a historical truth. What, then, is this truth, the happening that once overwhelmed the human race and traumatized and poisoned and scorched the minds of all generations that followed? Was it a bedtime story? Was it a nursery discovery of every infant? And did this drama happen as regularly as Freud thought it did? Was the natural process of reproduction, though not all trauma-free, devised as all aberration?7 So, we see that Velikovsky deduced the truth about our genetic instinctualheritage well in advance of the mechanism's discovery. A genius he certainly was, and we owe him a great debt. Why haven't we seen his MANY theories reprinted for the world to see? Is it merely the subconscious memory supressing the truth from our culture's conscious minds? Or has ther been a deliberate PLOT to keep this man's brilliant insights from receiving the public regognitions it so rightly deserves?

Well, that, Iam afraid, is a subject for another time. Suffice it to say that his brilliant insights were- as they so often prove to be right on the mark. As to the question of whether the original peptide recipient's transplanted/artificial memory(s) would surface consciously or could only be drawn into conscious recognition through a vehicle like hypnosis I cannot say. Iam sure. however, that SOMEONE has done the work. The CIA-an organization that spent a fortune, over decades, trying to perfect Mind-Control techniques, would be sure NOT to pass that one up!!! If the IMPLANTED HOST CAN become consciously aware of this transplanted memory...WHAT A BRAINWASHING TOOL! Even if the memory-implant remains imbedded only in memes that cannot be deliberately recalled, and therefore ONLY passed to its offspring as INSTINCT, what a powerful weapon this might be for long term MIND control! The next generation of these progenitors (TAKEN FROM THEIR MOTHER'S WOMBS??) might instinctually ACCEPT their parents abductors and abusers as what: Saviors, Friends...Gods? Motivations for "neuropeptide implantation" may be many. If, as many Earth scientists agree, manking may not, as a whole, be psychologically prepared for the realization of a NEW paradigm, the motive for RE- Engineering Planetary memory/instinct may seem almost justified to some. How would huyman beings respnd to the sight of an extraterrrestrial ship landing on the White House lawn?

Commenting on Yung's comments on the reality of Flying Saucers and their impact on societies "pyshe," Velikovsky comments: In...his last [book], Jung prefaced a discussion of flying saucers with these unusual words: It is not arrogance that urges me, but my medical conscience which advises me to fulfill my duty and to prepare the few whom I can reach to the fact that events are in store for the human race that signify the end of an Eon.8 In these parting words, after over half a century of study of the human mind, Jung revealed his vision of things to come.9 And if these memories buried in the host's brain might contribute to REM dream imagery thereby effecting the unconscious mind within the lifetime of the original implanted host-this might altered emotional/physiological states of those so implanted, manipulating them into more favorable or accepting states of mind within their immediate generation, and maybe even NEW INSTINCTS towards the GRAYS in suceeding generations! INDUCED TRAUMA*CONSPICUOUS PROOF OF INTENT One of the most startling pieces of evidence-supporting the theory of both purpose and intent of this "Neuropeptide Implantation" thesis is the methodology employed by aliens in "processing" victims. Simply ask yourselves some really basic questions, then as an exercise some logical extensions of Velikovsky's theoretical reasoning as to the "catalyst" for memory enhancement/embedding. What if: 1) Someone wanted to make sure a MEMORY took? 2) What if one wanted to embed CERTAIN memories that would "RIDE" on another set-a TRAUMATICALLY-INTRODUCED set which would ensure the memory TOOK-and later, remove the catalytic agent/memory? Just look at your BASIC abduction Scenario, bearing in mind that TRAUMA seems to ensure a memory gets embedded. Dr. Georges Ungar's original experiments included electro-schock, to drive rats from Dark-secure hiding places (rats are naturally nocturnal and so seek dark places for SECURITY) and drove them into the glaring light with electric prods! This resulted in a certain level of TRAUMA did it not, in the rats? And the memories TOOK, it would seem? Think about we Earthling's (touted by so many Gray-alien apologists as a more ADVANCED species. We PRIMITIVE humans have some respect for life. We understand it is Not nice to torture animals, do we not (well...most of us)? Do we not understand that undo stress, like FREAKING OUT some bear, might injure its psyche? don't we when removing dangerous animals like bears from campsites in national forests to more remote wilderness areas-TRANQUILIZE the animals? This is good for both parties. The bear doesn't remember anything- and is not traumatized and WE are safer. Are these ADVANCED STUPID they cannot figure this out? Why don't they KNOCK us out?

Instead, quite to the contrary, they do ALL the worst things...or do they? Let's see...victims are: 1) Dragged out of the security of cars and bedrooms into some unknown alien house (ship) of horrors. 2) They are NOT rendered unconscious, and, instead, are allowed to be FULLY Conscious! 3) Not only are they conscious, but-let's face it people, what's the worst thing that can happen to us-we are PARALYZED so that we cannot even SCREAM! 4) We have all sorts of scary operations done to us while fully cognizant of it! 5) Often these "experiments" involve insertion of needles into "private parts" and "rectal-type" probes guaranteed to freak out a REAL man, eh (only one segment of society is into that even remotely, and THEY never seem to get there's an idea!)? 6) Victims seem to receive implanted Dream Images. Why? Well, I maintain that these methods are NOT without deliberate purpose. These are NOT stupid sentients. These are TRAUMA-INDUCING and very deliberate procedures.

Here is what I think they are doing. Firstly, they are inducing memories that will STAY with the victim, and TAKE-be remembered-throughthe induction of trauma! also, it stands to reason that if we can easily isolate NEW neuropeptides, and synthesize them, then why not use the REPEATED and STANDARDIZED abduction scenario-neuropeptide memories as TAGS. In other words the aliens may maintain a very STRUCTURED abduction methodology so that they can TRACK the memory of the experience. Then they could LINK the desired OTHER memories-like, "LOVE the GRAYs," thoughts->>>TO that specific "protein hook" so that it takes, and is therefore fully implanted. I mean, isn't it easier to let the body do its normal job? Then these LINKED memories-false memories, synthesized memories-could be ATTACHED and might travel with the memory-tagged through TRAUMA by the body-to their intended location? Also, once successfully "implanted," could the EMBEDDING Mneme (memory unit) then be carefully isolated and removed? Or perhaps the new memory can be attached to a sort of doppleganger substitute, a matching-synthesized memory and re-stripped or substituted for the original embedded look-alike molecule? Any of these scenarios might explain the INDUCED TRAUMA that subjects are forced to endure. If the antagonist in this scenario wanted to tract and substitute memory units (Mnemes) this might be a very logical and scientifically executable methodology. With the further introduction of dream imagery, even if the victim DOES remember, he will think it MUST have been a dream. I remember Whitney Striber recounting Giant Penguin images. This is good? Might as well be penguins, or why not pink elephants, huh? Anyone trying to examine a hypnotic regression session would be tempted to discount all as a dream wouldn't they? If these memories are fully synthesizable, and the possible "language" so almost infinitely variable, any memory is possible. AN ABDUCTEE'S HAPPY MEMORIES, OR SOMEONE ELSE'S MEMORIES? We can extend this line of reasoning and see that hard evidence- locked in some abductee's minds-as recorded by many abduction-research scientists-also supports this theory, the "neuropeptide implantation" scenario hypothesis. Many abductees claim to have been taken on RIDES in starships. There are SO MANY similar memories...and memory of suppressed events, one can see the possibility (as an article in OMNI Magazine pointed out) that it would take large effort on the part of an alien interlopers to abduct as many people as seem to have had these experiences. Rides take TIME and resources...but let's play WHAT IF!? What if...the aliens merely implant memories of "fun times...flying in starships" into their victim's minds? A recent conversation that I had with a person that was convinced she had been abducted-and had been taken "for a ride" in a saucer- brings this hypothesis into stark relief! This "abductee" informed me that she was allowed to "fly" the ship, and recalls the thrill, in no uncertain terms, as exhilarating. She said her husband also had exactly the same experiences (she though the was being trained as a pilot). But then she grew quite, puzzled, and she said, "At one point I looked into a piece of metal inside the ship that was reflective," she continued, "...and I saw my face, but I [my face] looked like a Nordic's [another type of alien!]!" Was this HER memory, of a happy young woman taking the old starship out for a ride in the country? Or was this a memory BORROWED from some unfortunate Nordic's brainstem? Stolen, by the dark and abhorrent GRAYS (sorry...Iam a GRAY bigot!)? This may represent the mechanism for ULTIMATE MIND CONTROL...because the victim of such implanting would imagine that he/she had simply developed these memories, feelings through actual experience(s). Indeed, HOW could they tell the difference? After all, these "memories" would be SENSORY...unlike dreams. Remembered, sensed by SOMEONE ELSE! In fact, if the "Nordics" are advanced neurological-as I believe they might betheir memories would be even sharper, more cogent, than we humans might store in our own peptide memories! The recipient of such a meme-transfer might attribute their own change of heart to an increased awareness, sensitivity or understanding...even developing powerful emotional responses and feelings of empathy for entities in this case-who are really their arch enemies! These neuropeptides appear to be the initiation mechanism-the encoder, if you will, of emotions and moods. The amino acid language used to construct these peptide "sentences" can be incredibly complex. Each specific neuropeptide targeting a single specific neuron. Unlike their sort-acting cousins, the Neurotransmitters, and far more specific than Endorphins, neuropeptides (or peptides), they apparently are capable of conveying very specific ideas, moods, memories, emotional states, and behaviors. A leading neurophysiologist, Joseph Light, speaking metaphorically said, " seems that neurotransmitters operate like lines connecting individual telephones with one another, while peptides are more like a television broadcast, which can be picked up by anyone with the right receiver." 1 In order to impress the reader with a better understanding of HOW something as complex as moods, feelings, instincts and distinct memories could possibly be transferred by such compounds. I will quote Michael Hutchinson from his sweeping book on neurophysiology on Ballantine books, Mega Brain: Just how specific and numerous these various mental states conveyed by peptides could be is mind-boggling.

Each peptide is a string of amino acids. There are twenty main amino acids that can exist at any point and in any order along the chain. That is, the same amino acid can and often does appear in several places along the molecular chain of the peptide, just as the same letter can appear in several places in a single word. And, as with letters, it is the order in which the amino acids are arranged that determines the "meaning" of the peptide-"god" means something very different from "dog," though they contain the same letters, and similarly, just a few amino acids can be arranged into many peptides that carry quite different messages. Consider that the genetic code has but four amino-acid "letters" and yet is able to carry a genetic message so complex and unique it can create and maintain our entire physical structure. So, in a molecular chain with two dozen or more links or units, each of which can be any of the twenty different amino acids, the potential number of combinations is virtually incalculable. When only two units are linked together, for example, using any of the twenty different amino acids for each link, one could create 20 x 20, or four hundred, different peptides. Three building blocks or links using any of the twenty amino acids for each link, can be arranged into eight thousand distinct peptides. A combination of fifteen amino-acid links can result in 33.66 quintillion different peptides, many, many times more peptides than there are neurons in the brain. And these are relatively simple amino-acid chains compared to the fascinating 263-amino-acid chain called pro-opiomelanocortin, which is the subject of intense study by neuroscientists, since it is this peptide that contains within it the shorter peptides of endorphin (thirty-two links) and enkephalin (six links) and another peptide called MSH-ACTH 4-10 that apparently triggers sharp increases in learning and memory in human subjects. And compared to complex proteins, which may be several thousand links long, even such peptides seem relatively insignificant. Given the vast variety of peptides possible, it seems possible that there are peptides that can carry messages triggering virtually any mental state or behavior pattern conceivable. Again, the twenty amino acids can be compared to the twenty- six letters of the alphabet: just as the letters can be arranged into an infinite variety of messages, consisting of short words, long words, and groups of words arranged into sentences, so the amino acids can be arranged into a variety of peptides as vast as the English language. A peptide of a hundred linked amino acids can encode a message that is the equivalent in information of three or four sentences. Thus, when a peptide is released and carried to individual neurons, it is as if a message several sentences long were communicated to the target neurons. Using new laboratory techniques, scientists have now succeeded in creating a number of these peptides synthetically, including synthetic endorphins. And since peptides are so much more specific in their effects than neurotransmitters, it is probable that scientists may soon synthesize peptides that can do anything from increase your ability (or your desire) to read or to remember melodies, or cause you to feel elation at the sound of a bell, to avoid the color of blue, or to be attracted to redheads. Which brings us back to Georges Ungar's 1970 discovery of scotophobin, for it's now clear that this is simply another, relatively simple (eleven-link) peptide with a specific message: fear the dark. Since then Ungar has gone on to create other peptides, including one which causes rats to become habituated to a sound (only a buzzer, however, not a gong), and two which cause goldfish to avoid the colors of green and blue respectively. Other scientists have extracted a peptide from rats that causes other rats to remain on a platform rather than climbing down. It's becoming apparent that peptides can have almost infinite variety and unlimited specificity.10

WHAT MAKES PEPTIDES SO EXTRAORDINARILY INTERESTING IS that they are clearly involved in and perhaps directly control those complex states- moods, emotions, thoughts, behavior patterns, habits, attitudes, tastes- that we ordinarily think of as our "mind" or our "self." "Neuropeptides are involved in acquisition and maintenance and new behavioral patterns," says Dutch pharmacologist David de Wied, a pioneer of peptide research. "They facilitate registration, consolidation, repression, and retrieval of information, which makes possible the selection of adequate behavior."11 Taking the next logical step in this hypothesis, we arrive at some very frightening conclusions. IF these aliens are implanting memories, in the targeted abductees, WHAT IF their real plan is to introduce these memories in order to encode instinctual behaviors into an entirely NEW generation of Earth children? This might begin to explain the apparent "Nurseries" seen by many abductees, particularly "embryoimplanted" females who, in many cases, are asked to handle these (modified) human children in order to give them the nurturing experiences necessary for normal development. This appears to be a massive IN-BREEDING experiment?! To take a few more ideas from Megabrain: Peptides, that is, seem to be at the root of the mystery of how we learn, how memories are formed, stored, and recalled in the brain. Somehow peptides appear to control the brain's ability to concentrate, think, and absorb information. This has been proved in many recent studies, including double-blind experiments in which a control group was used, with neither the subjects nor the researchers knowing whether the substance being administered was active (one of a number of endorphin-like synthetic peptides) or a neutral, impotent placebo. In each of these studies, the subjects taking the peptides showed clear improvements in various tests measuring learning and memory.12


This INCREASE in memory retention, as well as other modifications of human awareness can be found in the biographical and autobiographical records of longterm multiple-abduction victims. These victims eventually make the conscious (subconscious?) connection to their abduction experiences. The next step, naturally, is to attribute such beneficial modification to their capture's nocturnal experiments and-to my shock and horror often start to proclaim their horrific experiences as an "Evolutionary" step...even feeling "Chosen" and "Special" and happy to be among this vanguard of this neo-human social order! One might even begin to see the victims of such a devious scheme calling for acceptance and an embracing of these aliens...acting as an advanced propaganda machine. Driven by zealous vision and catapulted from relative obscurity into the light of abduction fame seen as a CONTACTEE and worthy of adulation-such zealots might attempt to justify the obscenities of the implanting alien presence as "benign", "misunderstood", " need of help...," etc., without EVER REALIZING where the source of these "feelings" came from. These victims, after continued abduction experiences (see Whitney Striber's latest book) might begin denying their own RAPE, and looking upon it as their decision...their own choice! A combination of a "Utopian Dream," emotional manipulation and other enticements offered to the "Worthy" might be enough to sway even a more pragmatic human consciousness into active engagement, in eager anticipation of a NEW WORLD ORDER-the "pot 'o gold" waiting at the end of this abduction rainbow! This preceding scenario is NOT all that farfetched judging by a new wave of reports showing that many long-term abductees are beginning to see the abductions of a segment of this planet's population as "necessary" to realize a new utopian paradise!! Is it too much of a stretch of the imagination to suggest that world leaders, already hungry for power-many of the key individuals so programmed might readily embrace promised "carrots" of high technology dangled by their would be benefactors and the promise of being given POSITIONS OF POWER and AUTHORITY in this NEW WORLD ORDER, and in so-doing "Sell Out" their fellow human beings.

It would not even take peptide re-programming to convince the greedy politician, or industrialist that if he/she cooperates that they would receive SPECIAL the form of "life extension," or NEW TECHNOLOGIES that would ensure such a position indefinitely? The technology for such a devious takeover is REAL TECHNOLOGY. One does NOT need to be an advanced race of angry escapees from a galactic penal system (my theory on these Gray nasties) to have access to this methodology! Although this may be too unsettling for some people to even contemplate, it must be accepted as lying well within the realm of scientific possibility! Just look at the Art Bell interview at the end of the paper. This is an excerpt from art Bell's interview with Courtney Brown, self described "Remote Viewer" reviewing what his "staff" of "remote viewers' claim to have received through their mind travels. The "remote viewers" are apparently beginning to see themselves on a mission to...SAVE their GRAY BUDDIES! Courtney describes his impressions of "viewing" an ancient Martian Flotilla...escaping a certain planetary disaster (this may be a REAL image) with our wonderful Gray Buddies leading them to safety on some new world...ahhh, the poor misunderstood and altruistic Grays... If you want my opinion...this Peptide Manufacturing/Implantation technology may be the mechanism for pulling off the greatest TRICK since the Trojan Horse...a gift the world would long remember. Now, it is the inhabitants of the Earth who's mind's gates have been opened to let in the enemy's gift...a horse of a different color who's memory we may wish we COULD actually forget!

1 Immanuel Velikovsky, Mankind in Amnesia, (DoubleDay, 1980?), p. 18

2 Carl G. Jung, "The Archetypes and twin Collective Unconscious," translated by R.F.C. Hull (Princeton University Press, 1968), pp. 3-7, 12-13.

3 Immanuel Velikovsky, "Mankind in Amnesia," (DoubleDay, 1980?), pp. 28-29

4 Immanuel Velikovsky, "Mankind in Amnesia," (DoubleDay, 1980?), p. 30

5 Immanuel Velikovsky, "Mankind in Amnesia," (DoubleDay, 1980?), p.. 30-31

6 Freud, "Construction in Analysis," in Works, edited by Strachey, vol. 23, p. 269.

7 Immanuel Velikovsky, "Mankind in Amnesia," (DoubleDay, 1980?), p. 31

8 C.G.Jung,Ein Moderner Mythus (Zurich: 1958).

9 Immanuel Velikovsky, "Mankind in Amnesia," (DoubleDay, 1980?), p. 170

10 M. Hutchinson, "Mega Brain," (Ballantine books, 1990), pp. 145-6

11 Bylinsky, Gene. Mood Control, New York: Scribner 1978 1 M. Hutchinson, "Mega Brain," (Ballantine books, 1990), p. 147

The paper attached is from an interview on the Art Bell show. Art is interviewing Courtney Brown...self proclaimed Remote Viewer...about the GRAYS... I do not yet pretend to know whether the controversial "Remote Viewing" is a socalled "out of Body" fraudulent, channeling...or simply an intuitive process. I believe it is the latter. If it is, then it is probably as difficult to read the data retrieved as it appears to be to read exact intents for an Empath (Iam an empath). It is just NOT a very clear reception for most humans... I DO believe that someone is "seeing" something. I don't think he has necessarily been the recipient of "Memory Transplants" BUT.....Courtney may not just be "viewing" but also CHANNELING! The information gotten through "Channeling" may be the most dangerous information of all. It is pretty apparent the Grays have gotten to him...WHO/WHAT is reaching him as he channels? THIS is another story! Read the following Radio Show Trascription from the Ar Bell Radion Show an interview with self-proclaimed "Remote Viewer" Coutney Brown and tell me if it doesn't cause your skin to crawl? I have maintained for some time now (due in part to my research into legends and writings of the ancients)...that the Grays are well known as the "Evil Ones." I believe that they are looking for more than sympathy...and new genetic material to SAVE their race (a popular myth). Instead, I maintain that the evidences will support a malicious plot at global subjugation, and a devious yet subtle cultural manipulation of the people of this planet into accepting their project...a project with a PRIZE for the end of this planet's temporal rainbow. I fear acquiring their "pot 'o gold" will only cause it to rain on mankind's parade! More on this next time...

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