The Willow Game
				by Greg Costikyan

In The Willow Game, you travel through a magical land, where fearsome
foes, fabulous treasures, and fantastic adventure await you.  But beware;
you may be transformed into a possum, a pig, or even the dreaded Eborsisk!

	In The Willow Game, you play one (or more) of the characters from
the movie.  Your characters are either Good or Evil (although Sorsha can
change sides during the game).  The most important card in the game is
"Elora Danan," the baby who, according to prophecy, will lead to the
downfall of the evil Queen Bavmorda.  If you are Good, you must try to
keep the baby out of Bavmorda's clutches and take the child to safety.  If
you are Evil, you must try to find the baby, capture her, and take her to 
Nockmaar Castle.
	You'll enjoy the game even more if you think and act in character:
if you're Madmartigan, be reckless and arrogant; if you're General Kael,
be ruthless in carrying out Queen Bavmorda's will; and if you're Franjean
& Rool, have fun making a general nuisance of yourself.  Always remember,
though, that you are in a desperate struggle between Good and Evil, and
that you should work together with the other players on your side.
	The heart of the game is the cards.  The Evil characters begin with
many cards, the Good characters with only a few.  One of the Good
characters has Elora Dana's card--but the bad guys don't know who.  They
move around the board, searching for the Good characters and fighting
	The Good characters begin weak, but become more powerful as the game
goes on.  They move about the board, searching for Places of Power and 
gaining Treasures such as Cherlindrea's Wand.  If they find the Sceptre of
Tir Asleen, they may use it to free the people of Tir Asleen, who will
protect the baby from Bavmorda's wrath; that's one way they can win the
game.  The other way is to become so powerful that they can slay Bavmorda
in a magical duel.

	The Willow Game comes with:

One mounted gameboard
Six character cards
Twelve plastic pointers
Six plastic stands
Two plastic pawns
144 playing cards
One twelve-page rules booklet
One cardstock display
Two dice
A platform tray with storage wells
The game box

	If anything is damaged or missing, we'll replace it.  Please write
to Tor Books at the address printed on page 2, and mark your envelope
"Attention: Willow Game Components".
	If you have any questions about the rules to The Willow Game, we'll
answer them.  Please write to the Tor Books address, "Attention: Willow
Game Questions".  Enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope (foreign
customers please enclose two international reply coupons).

(3.1) The Character Cards
	Lay the board on the table.  Place the display (the cardstock sheet
that's printed in red and black) next to it.
	Then, find the six large character cards.  The illustration to the
left shows you what the one for Willow Ufgood looks like.
	Everyone should roll two dice; the high-roller gets to choose a
card.  (Re-roll on ties.)  Then, the player to the high-roller's right
chooses one, and so on around the table, until everyone has chosen.
	By the way, even though Franjean and Rool are two different
characters in the movie, in the game they're treated just like a single
	THREE TO FIVE PLAYERS: If you don't have six players, some players
get two character cards.  If you have five or fewer players, one player
gets both Willow and Madmartigan.  If you have three or four players, one
gets both Airk Thaughbaer and Franjean & Rool.  If you have three players,
one gets both Kael and Sorsha.
	HINTS FOR NOVICES:  Let the more experienced players take the Evil
characters.  They start with more cards, so they're more difficult to
play.  Also, we suggest you play with three or more players the first time
or two you play; novices may find the two-player game confusing because
both players have a lot of cards.

	The plastic clips that come with the game are called pointers.  Clip
two to each character card--one to the left side, and one to the right.
Position each pointer over the number indicated by an arrow (see

	Six of the small cards are printed with pictures of the main
characters.  Insert these cards in the six plastic stands.  Then, look at
the large character cards; they tell you where to put each character's
	EXAMPLE:  Madmartigan's card says "Begin: At the Crossroads."  Place
 his stand on the board in the Crossroads space.

	Sort the rest of the small cards into four decks.  The biggest deck
is for Encounter cards.  There will be seven Treasure cards, five
Transformation cards, and two Army cards.
	Give the Army of Nockmaar to Kael, and the Army of Galladoorn to
Airk Thaughbaer.

	Shuffle the Treasure cards.
	There are eight large illustrations on the board which contain the
word "Hide" and a number.  These are Places of Power.  Without looking at
the Treasure cards, place one face-down in each Place of Power except for
Nockmaar Castle.
	The Crossroads, the Tavern, and the Army of Galladoorn spaces,
although illustrated, are not Places of Power.

	Take the Possum card from the Transformation deck, and place it on
the display, in the "Possum and Spell Card" box.  Shuffle the rest of the
deck, and place it face-down in the "Transformation" box.

	Fan the Encounter cards and look through them.  Remove the four
cards with the black triangles in the corners.  Shuffle the rest, and
place them, face-down, in the "Encounter" box of the display.
	Give the Bow card to Sorsha, and the Dust of Broken Heart card to
Franjean & Rool.
	Place the Transformation Spell card in the "Possum and Spell Card"
	Give Elora Danan's card to Willow's player.  He should draw three
additional cards from the Encounter pile.  He may examine all four cards;
then, he must give one to Madmartigan, one to Airk, one to Fanjean & Rool,
and retain one for Wilow.  (In other words, Elora Danan is handed out
secretly, and can begin with any one of the four Good characters--the Evil
players don't know who has her.)
	Deal six extra cards to Sorsha, and six extra cards to Kael.
	NOTE:  The Good characters each start with one or two cards.  The 
Evil characters begin with seven cards.

	There are two plastic pawns in the game, one red and one black.  
Place them on the display, the red one in the box printed with the picture
of a red pawn, and the black one in the black box (see rule 7.2).

	Each character is either Good or Evil--the character cards tell you 
which.  Only Sorsha can change sides in the game (see rule 18).

(4.2) VALUES
	Each character has four values--Prowess, Magic, Stealth, and Health.  
Each value is a number between zero and six.  The higher your value, the
better your Prowess, Magic, Stealth, or Health is.
	The right pointer on your character card is used to record your 
Health.  When your Health changes in the game, you move it up or down.
	The left pointer is used to record Magic for some characters and 
Prowess for others.  Willow and Franjean & Rool can learn Magic, 
increasing their Magic value; but their Prowess value is printed on the 
card, and does not change in the game.  The other characters can improve 
their Prowess, but their Magic doesn't change.
	Stealth values are printed on the character cards, and never change.

(4.3) HANDS
	In the game, each character has a hand of cards.  That means that 
you will have two hands if you control two characters, three hands if you
control three, and so on.  You must keep each of your characters' hands 
separate at all times.
	Each Good character may have up to five Encounter cards.  Each Evil
character may have up to seven.  If one of your characters ever has more 
cards than he's allowed to have, you must immediately play or discard the
extras, or give them to another character in the same space.  (See also 
rule 8.1.)
	You can discard any Encounter card at any time you wish, except 
during a fight (see rule 11.1).  EXCEPTION: The Elora Danan card may never 
be discarded.
	When you discard Encounter cards, place them on the display in the
"Discards" box.

	In most games, each player has his own turn.  In The Willow Game, 
all Good players go at once; then, all Evil players go.  You're supposed 
to co-operate with the other characters on your side.
	The Good and Evil turns together make up a round.
	Here's the order of events for each round of the game:

	1) Draw Cards: Draw an Encounter card for each Good character's 
	2) Fight Foes: If a Foe card has been played on a Good character, he 
	 must fight that Foe (but see Rule 11.2).
	3) Move and Search: Good characters who did not fight Foes may move.  
	 Those who wish to enter a Place of Power must first search and find 
	4) Heal: Characters who moved or fought Foes regain one Health; 
	 others regain two Health.
	5) Fight Evil Characters: Good characters in the same space as Evil 
	 characters may fight the Evil characters (even if they moved or 
	 fought a Foe).
	6) Take Treasures: If a Good character is in a Place of Power, he 
	 may take the Treasure card in that space (if any), and may use the
	 Place's special power.
	NOTE: If Willow takes the Treasure in the Nelwyn Village during the 
first Good turn, he may not move.

	The Evil players follow the same steps as the Good players, except:
	*Each Evil character gets two Encounter cards, not just one.
	*Evil characters never have to fight Foes.
	*In order to fight a Good character, an Evil character must search 
 	 for the Good character in the "Move and Search" step, and find him.
 	 Good characters do not have to search before fighting.
	*Evil characters may never possess Treasure cards!  The only special 
 	 power they can use is the one for Nockmaar Castle.
	NOTE: Some cards let characters take additional turns.  A "round" 
is not over until they've taken these extra turns.

	Keep playing rounds until one of three things happens:
	1) If an Evil character has the Elora Danan card and enters the 
	 Nockmaar Castle space, the card is removed from play.  One more 
	 round is played; at the end of that round, Evil trimphs (unless 
	 Bavmorda is slain before then, see rule 17).
	2) If a Good character slays Bavmorda (see rule 17), Good triumphs.
	3) If a Good character is in Tir Asleen and has the Sceptre of Tir 
	 Asleen (a Treasure card), he can try to "free Tir Asleen" (see rule
	 16).  If he succeeds, and a Good character brings Elora Danan to 
	 Tir Asleen, Good triumphs.

	If Evil triumphs, all Evil players win.  However, the player who 
delivered Elora Danan to Nockmaar Castle is the true victor.
	If Good triumphs, all Good players win.  If Bavmorda is slain, the 
player who slew her is the true victor.  If Elora Danan is delivered to 
Tir Asleen, the player whose character delivers her is a joint victor, 
along with the player who frees Tir Asleen.  (If the same player 
accomplishes both, he is sole victor.)
	In the unlikely event that Bavmorda is slain on the same turn that 
the baby is delivered to Tir Asleen and Tir Asleen is freed, Good 
triumphs, and the characters who slew Bavmorda, delivered the baby, and 
freed Tir Asleen are all joint victors.

	Each character can move either one or two spaces in any direction.  
Some cards let characters move farther (Horses, River Boatmen, and 
Pegasus, for example).
	If two or more characters, all of them Good or all Evil, begin and 
end in the same space, they are moving "together."  This is important 
because some cards and special rules apply to characters who are 
together.  For example, Franjean & Rool, and characters moving with them, 
can always find Cherlindrea's Forest (see Franjean & Rool's character 
	You may not enter a Place of Power unless you "find" it first (see 
rule 10.3).

	Sometimes, a space on the board contains two or more character--and 
not all the spaces are big enough to contain several stands comfortably.  
When a space gets crowded, take the character stands and put them on the
display, in one of the big pawn spaces.  Take the corresponding pawn (red 
or black), and place it on the board to show where the characters came 
from.  The characters are still considered to be in the same space--you 
just use the pawn to solve the crowding problem.

	Good characters can have up to five Encounter cards, and Evil ones 
up to seven (see rule 4.3).
	When you play a card that's printed in blue, it is discarded.
	When you play a card that's printed in red, you place it face-up on 
the table next to your character card.  You can continue to use the card 
for the rest of the game--unless you lose or discard it.  (You can always 
discard Encounter cards--except during fights, see rule 11.1).
	Face up red cards still count against your limit!  That is, you can 
have up to five (or seven) Encounter cards, including unplayed cards plus 
face-up red cards.
	When you play and Encounter card that's printed in black, you place 
it face-up, just like a red card.  However, face-up black cards do not 
count against your limit.  NOTE: The only black cards which count against 
your limit are unplayed Encounter cards.

	Unless an Encounter card says otherwise, you can play it at any 
	There are five kinds of Encounter cards: Discards, Keeps, Friends, 
Foes, and Spells.  Each card's type is printed along the top of the card.  
(The card in the illustration is a Discard.)
	When you play a discard, follow its instructions, then discard it.  
Foes are also discarded after use (see rule 8.5).  (Both types are printed 
in blue.)
	When you play a Keep or Friend card, place it face-up. (Both are 
printed in red.)
	When you play a Spell card, place it face-up (but see rule 8.6).  
Spells are printed in black.
	When Encounter cards are discarded, they are placed face-up in the 
"Discards" box of the display.  When the Encounter deck is exhausted, 
reshuffle the discards, and use them as the new Encounter deck.
	If the instructions on a card and the rules in this booklet conflict 
in any way, the instructions on the card take precedence.
	EXAMPLE: This card can only be played during your turn.  It lets you 
find the Magic Spring space.  It is then discarded.  (Or you can discard 
it at any time if you don't want to find the Magic Spring.)

(8.3) KEEPS
	Some Keep cards have the name of a value (Prowess, Magic, or 
Stealth), followed by a number.  (EXAMPLE: The Sword card says "Prowess + 
2".)  This means that your character's value is increase until you discard
or lose the Keep card.  Do not move pointers when you play a Keep card; 
instead, you must remember to take the card into account when you use your 
values.  EXAMPLE: If Madmartigan's Prowess pointer is at "3" and he has a 
Sword, his effective Prowess is 5.

	Friend cards act just like Keep cards, except that Evil characters 
can never play Good Friend cards, and Good characters can never play Evil 
Friend cards.
	Friend cards you cannot play are useless to you.  You may discard 
them whenever you like.

(8.5) FOES
	Only Evil characters can play Foe cards!  If you are Good and have a
Foe card, you may discard it whenever you wish.
	If you are Evil and have a Foe card, you can play it at any time by 
placing the Foe card on top of any Good character's card, the Good 
character (or his champion--see rule 11.2) must fight the Foe on his next 

(8.6) SPELLS
	You can only play a Spell if your Magic is one ore more.
	Your Magic limits the number of face-up Spell cards you may have 
(for example, if your Magic is three, you can have up to three face-up 
Spells.)  If you have as many face-up Spells as your Magic permits, you 
can only play a new Spell card by discarding a face-up one.
	Unplayed Spell cards count against your limit of five or seven 
cards, but are not affected by your Magic.  Face-up Spell cards are 
limited by your Magic, but do not count against your limit of five or 
seven.  (Spells are printed in black.)
	When your Magic goes up, you can play new Spells.  If your Magic is 
reduced, and you have more face-up Spells than your reduced Magic allows, 
you must immediately discard or give away the extras.
	NOTE: Even if your Magic is zero, you can still use Spells if you 
have Friend or Keep cards that increase your Magic.

	If two characters are in the same space, they can trade any number 
of cards at any time (except during a fight--see rule 11.1).  You don't 
have to trade equal numbers of cards--one player could even give his 
entire hand to another.
	You can even trade face-up Keep, Friend and Spell cards.  The 
character who receives these cards must keep them face-up (or discard 
	Good characters may never trade cards with Evil ones (or vice 

	Elora Danan is a special card.  She may never be played or 
discarded.  However, she does count as part of the hand of the character 
who possesses her.  This card is the key to winning the game.
	Elora Danan can be traded just like the other cards.
	If the Health of the character who is carrying Elora Danan is 
reduced to zero, she may be captured by an opposing character (see rule 
	HINT: The Good players should always try to keep Elora Danan's 
location a secret.  Whenever two Good characters meet, it's a good idea 
to exchange a card or two, just to keep the bad guys guessing.

(9.1) ROLLS
	Whenever you use your Prowess, Stealth, or Magic, you have a 
	When you have a contest, roll a die, and add the number rolled to 
your value.  Your opponent does the same.  If you have the higher total, 
you win the contest.  If your opponent's total is higher, he wins.  What 
happens when the totals are equal depends on the type of contest 
(see below).
	Remember to modify your value for Keep and Friend cards when 
resolving a contest.
	When a Foe, a Spell, or a Place of Power is in a contest, any other 
player can roll for it.

	Whenever you fight another character of a Foe, you have a Prowess 
contest with him.  The difference between your total and your opponent's 
is the number of Health the loser loses.  If there is a tie, no one loses 
	EXAMPLE:  Madmartigan is fighting a Bear.  Madmartigan's effective 
Prowess is 5, and he rolls a 2, for a total of 7.  The Bear's Prowess is 
2; another player rolls for the Bear, and gets a 4, for a total of 6.  7 
minus 6 is 1, so the Bear loses one Health.

	Whenever you cast a Spell, you have a Magic contest with the Spell.  
Each Spell has a Resistance, printed on the Spell card.  The Spell's roll 
is added to its Resistance; you roll is added to your Magic.
	If your total is higher or equal to the Spell's total, you succeed 
in casting the Spell, and the effect described on the Spell card occurs.
	If the Spell's total is higher, you fail to cast the Spell.
	EXAMPLE: Willow is trying to cast the Fly Spell.  His Magic is 3, 
and he rolls a 3, for a total of 6.  The Spell's Resistance is 4, and 
another player rolls a 5 for it, for a total of 9.  Willow fails to cast 
the Spell.

	Whenever you search for another character of for a Place of Power, 
you have a Stealth contest.
	When you search for a character, you find him if your total is 
	Each Place of Power has a Hide value, printed on the board.  
The Place's roll is added to its Hide.  If the Place's total is higher, 
you can't enter it this turn.  If your total is higher, you have found it, 
and can enter.
	The hider wins on ties--the character or Place isn't found.
	EXAMPLE:  Kael is searching for Franjean & Rool.  Kael's Stealth 
is 2, but he has the Army of Nockmaar, which increases it to 5; he rolls 
a 3, for a total of 8.  Franjean & Rool's Stealth is 5, and they also roll
a 3 for a total of 8.  The totals are tied, so Franjean & Rool are not 

	An Evil character can only fight a Good character after finding him.
(Good characters can always attack the bad guys without searching.)

	A Good character with the Army of Galladoorn is always found--no 
Stealth contest occurs.  (It's pretty hard to miss an army.)  Any other 
Good characters in the same space are also found.
	An Evil character can search for a Good character if he ends his 
move in the Good character's space.
	If two or more Good characters are in a space, the Evil character 
has a Stealth contest against the Good character with the highest Stealth.
If the Evil character wins, all Good characters in the space are found.
	If both Evil characters are in the same space, only one of them can
search, but they both find the Good characters if the one is successful.
	Characters are only "found" for one turn; even if an Evil character 
finds and fights a Good character in one Evil turn, he can only fight the 
Good character in the next Evil turn if he finds that character again.

	Before you enter a Place of Power, you must find it.  (They are 
either hidden or guarded well.)
	To search for a Place of Power, you must be able to move into its 
space.  Move to a space next to the Place of Power, then search for that 
Place.  If you find it, move into the Place of Power; if you fail, your 
move ends.
	If you leave and wish to re-enter a Place of Power, you must first 
find that Place (again).
	If two or more characters are moving together to a Place of Power, 
only one of them may search for it (use the highest Stealth in the group).
If the Place is found, all characters in the group may enter it.  If 
characters aren't moving "together" (see rule 7.1), they must move and 
search for the Place separately.
	Some cards let you find a Place of Power without searching.  If you 
play such a card, you must still be able to move to the Place of Power 
space by the movement rules to enter it.

	Fights occur at two times: with Foes instead of movement, and with 
enemy characters after movement.

	Whenever a fight occurs, follow these steps.
1) All involved players may discard and trade cards.  Cards may not be
discarded or traded once the fight begins.  HINT: If you think
you're going to lose, you may want to discard cards to prevent the
enemy from capturing them.
2) Next, characters can cast spells.  The characters from the side 
whose turn is in progress may cast any and all spells they wish; 
then, their opponents can cast.  If the first group wants to cast 
any more spells, they can do so; they, their opponents can cast any 
additional spells; and so on, until everyone has cast all the spells 
he wants.
3) Next, each side chooses a champion.  If there's only one character 
from a side in the space, he's automatically the champion.  If one 
side has two or more characters, their players must decide which of 
them will be the champion.  If the players can't agree, the champion 
is the character with the lowest effective Prowess (that is, the 
worst fighter).
4) The champions have a Prowess contest, and lose Health accordingly 
(see rule 9.2).
5) If a champion's Health is reduced to zero, he and all the characters
on his side lose their hands (see rule 11.5).  His opponent gains 
one Prowess (see rule 11.6).

	If a Good character is alone in a space, and a Foe is played on him, 
he may not move and must fight the Foe in his next turn.
	If two or more Good characters are in a space, and a Foe is played 
on any one of them, they must choose a champion to fight the Foe.  The 
champion may not move; the other characters may do so.  (So even if a Foe 
is played on you, if you can get somebody else to agree to be your 
champion, you can still move.)
	If two or more Foes are played on a character, he (or his champion) 
must fight them in the order played.  Each Foe is always its own champion, 
and even if it loses, the character must still fight the other Foes.
	If two or more Foes are played on a group of Good characters, they 
may choose different champions to fight each Foe, if they wish.
	After a Foe is fought, discard the Foe card (whether or not the Foe 
was defeated).

	Kael and Sorsha find Willow and Madmartigan.  The Evil players put 
up Kael as their champion; the Good players choose Madmartigan.
	Kael's Prowess is 3, by the has the Army of Nockmaar, which 
increases it to 8.  He rolls a 3, for a total of 11.  Madmartigan's 
Prowess is 4, but he has a Sword, which increases it to 6.  He rolls a 2, 
for a total of 8.  11 minus 8 is 3, so Madmartigan loses 3 Health.
	Unfortunately, Madmartigan only has 3 Health, so his Health is 
reduced to zero.  He and Willow both lose their hands, giving all their 
Encounter cards (except for face-up Spells) to Kael.
	Kael's Prowess goes up by 1.

	Good characters can never fight each other.  Evil characters can't 
fight each other, either.
	You can only fight an enemy character if you're in his space.
	Evil characters have to find Good characters before fighting (see 
rule 10.2).

	If a character's Helath is reduced to zero or if he is transformed 
(see rule 13.3), he loses his hand.
	If he fought a Foe or if he is transformed by play of a card, his 
hand is discarded.  EXCEPTION: Elora Danan is never discarded.  Keep her 
card, but discard all others.
	If he fought or is transformed by another character, he gives his 
hand to his opponent-including Elora Danan, if he has her card.
	You only lose cards that count against your limit of five or 
seven-that is, unplayed Encounter cards, plus face-up red cards.  You 
don't lose face-up black cards (except for Armies-see rule 14).
	IMPORTANT: When a champion's Health is reduced to zero, he and all 
the characters he is defending lose their hands.

	When you reduce the Health of a Foe or another character to zero, 
you gain one Prowess.  Move your pointer accordingly.  If you can only 
gain magic, you receive no benefit.
	Each Foe's Health is printed on its card.
	Your Prowess pointer can never move above six.  NOTE: Friends and 
Keeps can increase your Prowess (or Magic) above six.
	You can gain a maximum of one Prowess per turn-even if you reduce 
the Healths of two opponents to zero, or visit Fin Raziel's Island.

	When you lose or regain Health, adjust your pointer accordingly.  
Your Health can never drop below zero, nor rise above six.
	If your Health is zero, you may not move or cast spells.  
If forced to fight, you automatically lose your hand.
	When your character's Health is reduced to zero by a Spell or a 
card, you lose your hand (see rule 11.5).  If your Health was reduced to 
zero by an opponent's Spell, give him your hand; if a card reduced your 
Health, discard your hand.
	You regain one or two Health during the Health step (see rule 5).

	Each Spell card tells you when you can cast the Spell.
	You can only cast Spells at targets in the same space as your 
	You can cast each of your face-up Spells once per turn (so you can 
cast a Spell in both the Good and Evil turns in one round).
	You may only cast a Spell if you have a valid target.  EXAMPLE: You 
may not cast "Passage" unless you can reach a Place of Power in your move.
You may not cast "Strength" unless you or your champion are about to 
	When a Spell succeeds, follow the instructions on the Spell card.  
Some Spells have special effects when the fail (check the card), but most 
simply have no effect.

	Each time you try to cast a spell and fail, your Magic increases by 
one.  (We learn from our mistakes.)  Move your pointer accordingly.  If 
you can only gain Prowess, you receive no benefit.
	Your Magic pointer can never move above six.  You can gain a maximum 
of one Magic per turn.

	The Transformation Spell needs more explanation than is provided on 
the card.
	Before you move, you can cast Transformation on a character from 
your side-but only if the other character wants you to.  You can also 
cast it before a fight, on a Foe or an opposing character.
	If you succeed, you can transform the target.  Look through the 
Transformation cards, and choose one.  Place it next to the character's 
card, or by the Foe's card.  If the target already has a Transformation 
card, you have a choice: you can return him to his normal form, by 
returning his Transformation card to the Transformation deck; or you can 
replace his old Transformation card with a new one.
	When you cast the Spell and fail, it has no effect, unless the 
target already has a Transformation card.  In this case, the target is 
randomly transformed: shuffle the unused Transformation cards, and draw 
one at random.  Return the old Transformation card to the deck, and place 
the new one next to the target's card.
	When you transform an opponent, he gives you his hand (see rule 
11.5).  You must still fight him, but he uses the Prowess printed on the 
Transformation card, instead of his normal Prowess.  (His Health remains 
the same.)
	When your champion is transformed, you must choose a new champion.
	After fighting a transformed Foe, return the Transformation card to 
the Transformation deck.
	A transformed character has no hand.  When he draws Encounter cards, 
he must immediately play or discard them, or give them to other characters 
in the same space.  He may not keep face-up Keep, Friend or Army cards 
(but keeps the Elora Danan card, Treasure and face-up Spell cards).
	Transformed characters may have as many face-up Spell cards as their 
(untransformed) Magic.  However, they may not cast Spells, and have a 
Magic of zero for all other game purposes.

	The Army of Galladoorn and the Army of Nockmaar act just like 
friend cards, except:
1. When you discard or lose an Army, do not put it on the discard 
pile.  Instead, place it on the board in the Army of Galladoorn or 
Nockmaar Castle space, as appropriate.
2. If the Army of Nockmaar is in Nockmaar Castle, any Evil 
character who ends a move there can take it.  Similarly, any Good 
character who ends in the Army of Galladoorn space can take the Army 
there.  If two or more characters both try to take an Army at once, 
their players must decide who gets it.  If the players cannot agree, 
the Army remains on the board.
3. When a character loses Health, he may instead discard his Army
(return it to the Army of Galladoorn or Nockmaar space), and lose no
Health.  In other words, an Army can absorb any number of Health 
4. If the Health of a character with an Army is reduced to zero, he 
loses the Army.  Transformed characters lose Armies.
5.  Armies do not count against your limit of five or seven cards.

	When a Good character ends a move in a Place of Power, his player 
may use its special power.  Special power descriptions are printed on the 
	Each Good character may use a Place's power once per game.
	A character can use more than one Place's power, if he visits 
several of them in the course of the game.
	If more than one character visits a Place of Power, each can use its 
power once.

	When a Good character ends movement in a Place of Power which 
contains a Treasure card, he may take the card.  He may use it as long as 
he retains it.  Treasures are never discarded or lost to enemy characters; 
they can be traded to other Good characters (see rule 8.7).
	If two or more Good characters try to take a Treasure at once, their 
players must decide who gets it.  If they can't agree, the Treasure stays 
in the space.
	Evil characters in a Place of Power may look at, but not take, the 
Treasure card in that space.  They may not use the Place's special power 
(but see rule 15.3).
	Evil characters may never possess Treasure cards.

	If you get Fin Raziel's Treasure card, take the two cards in the 
"Possum and Spell Card" box on the display.  The Transformation Spell card 
becomes part of your hand.  Keep the Possum card with Fin Raziel's card 
until she is transformed.
	Fin Raziel is the only Treasure which can be transformed.  You can 
try to transform her before you move, just like a friendly character.
	Fin Raziel increases your magic, but never increases your Prowess.  
Even if she is transformed into an Eborsisk, she does not help you when 
you fight.
	Fin Raziel may not discard her Transformation card by bathing in the 
Magic Spring.  The spell Bavmorda cast on Fin Raziel is proof against the 
magic of the spring.

	All other Places of Power are for the benefit of Good characters; 
Nockmaar Castle is for the benefit of Evil ones.
	When an Evil character ends a move in Nockmaar Castle, his player 
may use its special power.  Evil characters can use Nockmaar Castle's 
power any number of times in the course of the game.

	To free the people of Tir Asleen, a character must:
1.  End movement in Tir Asleen.
2.  Have the Sceptre of Tir Asleen (a Treasure).
3.  Engage in a Prowess contest with the Sceptre (see rule 9.2).  If 
the character wins the contest, Tir Asleen is freed.  If he fails 
(or the totals are equal), it isn't-but he can try again on his next 

	Bavmorda has a Magic of 14 and a Health of 6.  Her Prowess and 
Stealth don't matter.
	When Good characters move into Nockmaar Castle, they must confront 
	The Good characters must choose a champion.  The champion and 
Bavmorda have a Magic contest (see rule 9.3).  As in a fight, the 
difference between the totals is the number of Health lost by the 
character with the lower total.
	The champion and Bavmorda engage in repeated Magic contests until 
the Health of one of them is reduced to zero.
	If Bavmorda's Health is reduced to zero, she has been slain, and 
Good triumphs.
	If the champion's Health has been reduced to zero, only the champion 
discards his hand (see rule 11.5).  If the champion has Elora Danan, her 
card is removed from play and Evil will triumph (but there will be no 
"true victor") at the end of the next round, unless Bavmorda is slain 
before then.
	If one champion's Health is reduced to zero, and there are Good 
characters left in Nockmaar Castle, a new champion is chosen.  Bavmorda 
has Magic contests with each of the Good characters in turn, until all of 
them have Healths of zero, or she is slain.
	No character may ever cast a Spell at Bavmorda, affect her by the 
play of a card, or engage in a Prowess contest with her.
	If Bavmorda is not slain in one confrontation, her Health returns 
to six before the next turn begins.

	If Sorsha is in the same space as Madmartigan, and the Dust of 
Broken Heart is used against either of them, they fall in love.  Roll a 
die; on a roll of six, Sorsha becomes Good.
	After they've fallen in love, roll a die each time Sorsha enters 
Madmartigan's space and finds him, or vice versa.  (Madmartigan may choose 
to be found.)  The first time, Sorsha becomes Good on a roll of five or 
six; the second time, on a roll of four, five, or six; and so on.
	Even if Sorsha or Madmartigan is transformed, they can fall in love 
and Sorsha can become Good-unless either has been transformed into an 
Eborsisk.  (True love conquers all.  But it draws the line at slavering 
two-headed monsters.)
	Only one roll is made for Sorsha each round, even if she encounters 
Madmartigan (or vice versa) more than once.
	When Sorsha becomes Good, she must immediately discard any Evil 
Friends she possesses (and the Army of Nockmaar, if she has it).  If she 
is in Nockmaar Castle, she must leave on the next Good turn.  (She does 
not have to confront Bavmorda.)  In a two- or three-player game, the 
player who controls Madmartigan immediately gains control of Sorsha.


Good Turn
1.	Draw Encounter Cards (one each)
2.	Fight Foes (fighters may not move)
3.	Move (two spaces) and Search
4.	Heal (one Health, two if you don't move or fight Foes)
5.	Fight Evil Characters
6.	Take Treasures

Evil Turn
1.	Draw Encounter Cards (two each)
2.	Move and Search
3.	Heal
4.	Fight Good Characters (must find to fight)


Good: You can have 5 cards.
Evil: You can have 7 cards.
All unplayed Encounter cards, plus all face-up Red cards, count against 
these limits.  Face-up black cards do not count.

Blue cards are discarded when played.
Red cards can be kept even after played, but count against your limit.
Black cards can be kept when played, and do not count against your limit.

Encounter cards:
Discards: Follow instructions and discard.
Foes: Only Evils can use.  After target fights Foe, discard it.
Keeps: Keep face-up after played.  Still counts against your limit.
Friends: Good Friends can only be used by Good characters, Evil Friends by
Evils.  Keep face-up after played.  Still counts against your limit.
Spells: You may only have as many face-up Spells as your Magic value.  
Unplayed Spells count against your limit; face-up Spells do not.

Army cards: Only Good can use the Good Army, only Evils can use the Evil 
Army.  When lost, place on board in Galladoorn or Nockmaar space.  Do not 
count against limit.

Treasure cards: Only Goods can have.  Never lost.  Do not count against 

Transformation cards: When transformed, you may not have a hand-discard 
all cards (except Treasures, face-up Spells, Elora Danan).  When you draw 
cards, you must play or discard them immediately.


When a Good character ends a Good turn in a Place of Power, he may use the 
space's special power (see rule 15).

Cherlindrea's Forest: Cherlindrea tells you of something that will help 
you in your quest:  look at any one Treasure card in a Place of Power.

Fin Raziel's Island: You learn of your true nature: gain 1 Prowess of 

Nelwyn Village: The High Aldwin cast the Bones for you: you may look at 
one other player's hand.

Markath's Study:  The Sage Markath teaches you wisdom: your hand may now 
contain 7 cards (instead of 5).

The Standing Stones: You may pray to the spirits of the stones: draw 5 
Encounter cards.

Tir Asleen: If you have the Sceptre, you may free Tir Asleen (see rule 

Nockmaar Castle is the only space that benefits Evil characters.  They 
may use it any number of times per game.

Nockmaar Castle: Evil characters may enter freely; their Health is 
restored to 6, and they may discard any Transformation cards.  Do not 
place a Treasure card in Nockmaar Castle.


Design: Greg Costikyan
Development: Eric Goldberg
Production: Pauline Neuwirth
Graphic Design: Carol Russo & Sheree Goodman
Card Illustration: Janet J. Kramer
Map Illustration: Romas Kukalis
Cover Illustration: Ron Miller
Editing: Debbie Notkin
Special Thanks to: Anita Gross, Louse Riley, Howard Roffman (of Lucasfilm 
Testing and Advice: Robert Audin, Jim Burnett, Michelle & Ron Charlton, 
Gary Christiansen, Jonathan Frater, Dan Gelber, Jeffrey Gomez, Cheryl & 
David Herr, William Herz, Will Kepper, Sid Sackson, Stephen Tihor, Allen 
Varney, Diane & Ron Whaley

An Eric Goldberg Associates Game

Published by Tor Books, 49 West 24th Street, New York, N.Y. 10010

First printing: April 1988


TM & (c) 1988 Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL).
All Rights Reserved.
Tom Doherty Associates, Inc. and Eric Goldberg Associates, Inc., 
Authorized Users.


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