The Ultimate Guide to Relationships.
There have been numerous couples in Star Trek. So many, in fact, that even this comprehensive list is not complete! Below are the significant matches between main characters of TNG, DS9 and VOY.

However, there are several pairs that I believe are true soulmates. These include:

James T. Kirk and Spock
William Riker and Deanna Troi
Tasha Yar and Data
Julian Bashir and (Ezri) Dax
Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher
Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres
Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay

Thin Line

Let's get started with...

The Trek Triplet!

Commander William Riker and Counsellor Deanna Troi

Star Trek : The Next Generation
Will and Deanna
One word. Imzadi.  Read the book by Peter David and you will have no doubt that these two are absolutely perfect for each other. Neither has a brain... (sorry, I'll stop that thought right now!) They are so sweet together, and Insurrection has hopefully cemented their relationship for good. (He shaves for her!) The Imzadi HomepageMy Immortal Beloved
Thinking back to the series, of all the matches in TNG this seemed to be one of the best until the writers decided to go with....

Counselor Deanna Troi and Lt Commander Worf

Star Trek : The Next Generation
Deanna and Worf
The seventh season wedding idea for Troi and Riker was dropped as Trek headed towards more of a "Beauty and the Beast" theme. Did it work? We certainly saw Worf and Troi married to each other in several alternate universes, and the couple grew closer all the time. That is, until Worf transferred to DS9...

Worf and Leiutenant Jadzia Dax (RIP)

Star Trek : Deep Space Nine.
Worf and Dax
The cool scientist and the hot-headed warrior. A match made in the stars? Time will tell, although "Let He Who is Without Sin" suggests that they do belong together. Not to mention their marriage! A match we never really expected - but if they're happy together, then so be it. But curse the terrible fate that took Jadzia away.  (sniff)  Worf had better not go after Deanna again or we will be most annoyed.


Other Trek Couples...

Leiutenant Jadzia Dax (RIP) and Dr Julian Bashir

Star Trek : Deep Space Nine
Jadzia and Julian
A relationship that never really took off. The potential was there very early on (remember his obvious flirting?), but each of them found other people. Not quite soulmates (even though they could have been!), but Bashir and Dax did look great together in those matching blue uniforms! Their last great moment occured in "Starship Down", before Worf truly came into the scene.... This relationship will always be fondly remembered, and with great regret. It could have been, should have been, magic.
  The Ultimate J&J Page * JJLL

Thin Line

Tasha Yar (RIP) and Data

Star Trek : The Next Generation
Tasha and Data
They had a wonderful friendship going, until (sniff) the tragic circumstances when Tasha departed from the "main" Trek timeline.
Still, she was back in various forms and the most fun was "Q-Squared", a novel by Peter David. In several timelines, it appears that Tasha and Data were having a wonderful relationship, and who could ever forget "The Naked Now"?!
 The Data and Tasha Fanfic Page

Thin Line

Sarek and Amanda Grayson

Star Trek : The Original Series
Sarek and Amanda
Such a dignified relationship.  There was a true love between this pair, and how difficult it must have been!  A human, marrying a Vulcan?  Even in the time of TNG it's still unusual.  But for Sarek and Amanda, it was special.  Their partnership lasted until death finally parted them.

Thin Line

Captain James T. Kirk and Yeoman Janice Rand

Star Trek : The Original Series
Kirk and Rand
This relationship definitely had potential.  Had TOS been written in a different decade, there could have been ongoing UST between them.  However, Kirk was an incorrigible flirt, and his relationship with Spock and McCoy was deeper than any relationship he entered with a woman.
Kirk and Rand - could have been great, but wasn't meant to be.

Thin Line

Major Kira Nerys and Dr Julian Bashir

Star Trek : Deep Space Nine.
Kira and Bashir
Strangely enough, I was a fan of this relationship way before the actors themselves got together. Read K.W. Jeter's "Blood Oath" (#3) and you'll become a believer as well!
And you can't forget "Fascination". I quote Dr Bashir himself : "...there would've had to have been some pre-existing latent attraction," explaining the situation after hours of making out with Kira....

Thin Line

Major Kira Nerys and Security Chief Odo

Star Trek : Deep Space Nine
Kira and Odo
 Odo was always in love with Kira. For the longest time, she saw him as more of a friend. Soulmates? To the delight of many 'Shippers (and the agony of Kira fans, myself included) they eventually got together after years of Odo-longing.
But...he left her.  So what does that mean?  (Your archivist's personal opinion on that doesn't belong here...cause all she would do is cheer.  I'm sorry, I just never saw their chemistry.)
 Odo and Kira fanfic * Kira and Odo PicOdo/Kira Whoopie FAQ

Thin Line

Dr. Julian Barshir and Lt. Ezri Tegan Dax

Star Trek : Deep Space Nine

This relationship is the only thing that makes up for the Worf/Jadzia/death fiasco.  J&J were meant to be.  Instead it became J&E, but part of Jadzia is always with Dax and therefore with Julian.
One of those cutist (and shortist) courtships in Star Trek. They spent less than a year together (in this lifetime) and had such an admiration for each other which turned into love and a memorable opening scene of the final episode of Deep Space Nine.
 Julian and EzriEzri and Julian

Thin Line

Jake Sisko and Ezri Dax

Star Trek : Deep Space Nine
Jake and Ezri
There was serious potential for this couple in the early seventh season, as shown by their conversation by the replicator and his behavior after watching her tell Quark she has no plans to reassociate with Worf.  But in they end they just didn't go forward with it.  So Jake is still alone and Ezri - well, she and Julian are a perfect match.
 The Ezri/Jake Shipper Nook

Thin Line

One thing that all of this proves - Star Trek (TNG, DS9) is not based on undying love or soulmates. However, there is one other TNG couple not yet mentioned ...

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Dr Beverly Crusher

Star Trek : The Next Generation
Crusher and Picard
They were attracted to each other from the very start, and in episode 2 (The Naked Now) they could barely keep their hands off of each other! Sadly, the relationship seemed to flounder through the next few years until the last season and a beautiful, touching episode where Picard and Crusher were, in essence, mind-linked (Attached).
They married (and divorced, but we won't worry about that!) in at least one time line, but as for their relationship now, we can only ask : How long until Star Trek 10?  And will TPTB ever give us what we want?
 For some great Picard/Crusher fanfic and more, check out : BONC


And while we're at it, let's head on down to Star Trek : Voyager for some more weird and wonderful combinations!

B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim.
Kim and Torres
These two clicked right from the beginning and had such a connection in "Caretaker". They balance each other out perfectly, and have a deep trust in each other. And who could forget B'Elanna's anguished cry as Harry was sucked out of an airlock? "HARRY!!!" Also, B'Elanna has two nick names for Harry. "Starfleet" and "Spot". That says something, don't you think?


Harry Kim and Seven of Nine (Annika Hansen

Harry had an interest in Seven even when she was still Borg (just watch "The Gift").  This interest soon developed into a full-blown crush, and he still hasn't gotten entirely over her.  Unfortunately, she really isn't ready for love yet, but with any luck he'll be there when she is.  In the meantime, Harry has his dreams....
Seventh Heaven * We Are BorgStar Trek: Cilia


Tuvok and Seven of Nine

They share an understanding of logic and confusion over emotions.  Not to mention that they seem of equal mind - equally intelligent, often equally logical, and do not understand the frailties of the rest of the crew.


Seven and the Doctor
Seven and the Doctor dancing
Well, let's face it.  Neither has a proper name.  *g*  He seems to be the only one who can handle her constant quirks and ranges of (non)-emotion, always having a sparkling comeback ready.  They're both struggling with what it is to be human, and are helping each other along the way.  Does this mean love?  Perhaps....

So...will any of these win Seven's heart?  Or is her heart permanantly locked away from love?

(Does anyone have links for the above couple? Send 'em my way! )


B'Elanna Torres and Chakotay.
Chakotay and B'Elanna
She obviously dreamed of Chakotay for a long time. The episode where Sisperia-the-Caretaker's-mate put each Voyager crewmember into a "trance", and B'Elanna was rewarded her heart's desire with Chakotay, proved this relationship had much potential!  These two were true friends, as evidenced by many episodes. However, things changed, most notably Chak and B'E met their true soulmates.....


Kes and Tom Paris
Kes and Tom (aw, aren't they cute?)
This pair really sizzled on screen - they seemed to be a much better match than the eventual pairings. He flirted with her from the start, and when Tom was teaching Kes how to pilot a shuttle - wow. It was so sweet!  In the famous Before and After, viewers were rewarded with a glimpse of the future Paris family; Harry becoming Tom's son-in-law which was a lovely touch!
They were perfect together, supportive, loving, gentle.
Alas it was not meant to be.
Update - I heard a rumour that Kes returns for an episode and I so hope she has a nice scene with Tom.


Kes and Neelix
Neelix and Kes
The Ocampa and the Talaxian. They were together, and in love, from the very start. Even through Neelix's jealousies and Kes's learning of new opportunities for herself. They were prepared to have children together in one unusual episode.
But it was not to last. And now with Kes gone, Neelix can only remember the one he once loved and look to the future.


The following couples seem to be the true soulmates :

Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay

Star Trek : Voyager
Kathryn and Chakotay
In a quadrant an eternity from home, they could find more than they ever dreamed - each other. Chakotay would do anything for Kathryn, 'his lady', the one he has sworn to protect. We live in hope that she will someday return his devotion....
In the meantime, wonderful episodes such as "Resolutions" and "Coda" prove they are perfect together (already!) We have "Hunters" - where Kathryn's final ties to earth (and Mark!) are severed.  Despite the obvious "downers" in the latest season (Geeze, how many times can Chak cheat on her?) there seem to be a growing number of "moments" in season 5.  Write letters!  Join the campaign!  Save J&C!
JetC Home Page
A wonderful set of J/C fanfic links!


B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris

Star Trek : Voyager
B'Elanna and Tom
He flirted with her endlessly. And B'Elanna could've take his head off quite easily if she wanted to. Yet somehow, they keep growing closer all the time. It's an explosive relationship and well worth watching! And can you believe THEY GOT MARRIED???  (Different timeline, but who cares, at least we got to see it.)  Argh!
Torres and ParisThe Archive of the P/T CollectiveParis/TorresThe Paris/Torres Resort

UPDATE:  Yeah, yeah, they got engaged.  And married with such a cute exchange where they pondered whether she or Tom should change their surname.  And now baby's on the way.  It should make us happy but for the majority of fans, it DOESN'T because this relationship was forced upon us from the beginning.  Both T&B had much more obvious chemistry with other characters, even though it grew on us.
If only Trek would do romance properly!
If only Janeway and Chakotay could get together before Voyager ends!
I live in hope.

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