Known superhuman powers: Havok is a mutant with the superhuman ability to absorb ambient cosmic energy into the cells of his body, transform it in an unknown manner, and release it as waves of energy that heat the air in their path enough to turn it into plasma. (Plasma is a super-heated state of matter consisting of charged subatomic particles.) These waves will emanate from his body in all directions unless he purposefully tries to channel them in a single directions, usually along the length of his arms. Havok is himself immune to the intense heat he creates. Whether he is immune to intense heat from other sources is not yet known.
Despite past accounts, the energy that Havok releases is not truly a concussive force. When Havok strikes an object with the waves of intensity of hot plasma, the sudden vast jump in temperature will often cause objects to shatter, explode, or seemingly disintegrate, and an observer might therefore wrongly think that the object had been struck by a concussive force. Should Havok direct his energy at the lowest level, he can project it towards a human being and his target will suffer a severe headache but will not burn up.
Havok's body is constantly in the process of
absorbing cosmic radiation. When each of his body's
power-storage cell enclaves reaches its capacity, excess
cosmic energy is thereafter absorbed and immediately
re-emitted in negligible quantities. Upon the total
expenditure of all his available energy, it takes Havok's
body about 16.5 hours to recharge to its peak level. The
act of concentration involved in releasing his energy in
anything other than an omnidirectional wave is physically
exhausting for Havok if he continues it over an extended
period of time