[Breen "Battleship"] ['Til Death Do Us Part]
[Strange Bedfellows]

The below images ARE NOT MINE. Nope. Nosiree. They were captured by Star Trek Interactive and are copyrighted to Paramount who hork over the money to make this fine piece of TV. The images are reproduced on my account for the purposes of STI's bandwidth, but other than that I have no claim to these images at all. If you would like to reproduce them, go through STI and not me... (though a ref to here for the hell of it would be greatly appreciated). In short...
*brings out basin of water and does the Pontius Pilate thing*
...I'm not to thank or to blame for what's on this page.


Organic-looking? Maybe. Assymetrical? Yes. Cool? Definitely! Images of this Breen bruiser of a ship were captured by STI from various episodes of the Final Chapter.


It is my suspicion that due largely to much of the ep taking place on a Breen ship, Breen troopers feature.. um.. quite heavily. Note for one the rather interesting differences from Breen helmet to helmet. And is it just me, or are the Breen A LOT taller than they used to be; in "Inferno" the captive Breen was basically average in height but here they're all in the Hirogen-sphere.


Only images from the preview are available as of yet; see them on the Final Chapter page.

[Breen "Battleship"] ['Til Death Do Us Part]
[Strange Bedfellows]