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Our Bruzer
Mr. Hippity Hop
December 29, 1995 - January 29, 2007
My Sweet Boy.  I can remember when you were born.  It seems like yesterday.  Your mom had to have an emergency C-Section.  There were four of you little guys.  You and your sister, Piglet, were the only surviving babies.  When I saw the vet take you from your momma, my first comment was "Oh, what a Bruzer".   That name stuck.  Your officicial name is John Wayne Bruzer. You were a joy to watch.  You would always go to your Momma for her to wash your belly. I remember laughing so hard when you would run in the house and slide on the carpet to your mom so she could wash you.  You became a buddy to Pebbles right off.  She loved to lay next to you or on top of you.  You moved 4 times with us, taking each move in stride.  You loved the sunshine and would always be sure to find it. 

One day I noticed some changes in you.  Your breathing especially and what we at that time thought were seizure like episodes.  Now we know it was from the tumor growing in your little chest.  You were a fighter and never wanted to disappoint us. 

Then the day came that I knew I had to help you give up that fight. As you went to your permanant sleep you looked up at me with love.  I held you for the longest time saying, "I have you now my boy, no wanting to be let go".  You never liked to be held much and this time I showed you it was not all that bad.

You are now with your Momma, Snorts, waiting for the day when we can be with you again.  Play my boy, be happy and healthy.


Mom, Dad and Pebbles