Quinton Hoover cardlist

Still busy working on it. It is definitely not complete yet!

Magic: the Gathering (WotC):

Jyhad/Vampire the Eternal Struggle (WotC):

Middle Earth (Iron Crown Enterprises):

XXXenophile (Slag-Blah Publishing):

Shadowfist (Daedalus Games):

Legends of the Five Rings (Five Ring Publishing):

Doomtown (Five Ring Publishing):

7th Sea (Alderac Entertainment Group):

WarCry (Sabertooth Games):

Warlords (AEG Publishing):

Camelot Legends (Z-Man Games):

Power Cardz (Caliber Comics):

Rifts (Precedence Entertainment):

Rage (Five Ring Publishing):

Battlelords (New Millennium Entertainment):

Dragonstorm (Black Dragon Press):

Clout Fantasy (Hidden City Games):

Guillotine: A Noncollectable Card Game (WotC)

Roleplaying Game Books Art:

� 1997 arjande_vries@hotmail.com

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