Medieval Steles Plain nock £7.00, Horn
insert nock £8.50
Steles are made from either 11/32 Sitka Spruce or
Yellow Cedar they are self nocked
and come with or without horn slivers. The fletchings are 6” hand cut in the
style and come in a choice of white or grey. The steles are finished off with a
spiral silk
binding in either red or black.
Arrows are can be made from
either Sitka Spruce, Port Orford Cedar or
Yellow Cedar and are spined to within 1lbs increments. The fletching and
nock colours available are listed on the DIY Materials page. We will also fit
any type of
pile available from our stock to suit your preference. The arrows can be
personalised with cresting (up to 5 bands) or additional colours being
spliced into the fletchings, this is at an extra cost of £2.00 per arrow for
cresting and £1.00 for splicing.
Per dozen with :
3” Fletching (Shield/Parabolic) £48.00
4” Fletching (Shield/Parabolic) £50.00
5” Fletching (Shield/Parabolic) £52.00
5.5” Low Profile Fletching (Shield/Parabolic) £54.00
Self nocked Arrows
A) Basic self nocked arrow made with the pile of
your choice and
either 4” or 5” shield fletching bound at top and around the base
of the fletching with silk thread (red or black). £66.00
per dozen
B) As above with the addition of a sliver of horn inserted in the top
of the shaft to reinforce the nock and the whole fletching is bound
with silk thread (red or black). £72.00 per dozen
Flight Arrows £96.00 per dozen
Shafts are barrelled or
chested with low profile 2.5 inch fletching (shield or parabolic
available) and lightweight steel piles. Specifications can be tailored to your
as with the target arrows.
The shafts are footed with a 4 point footing made from various
hardwoods subject to
availability. The specifications are the same as the target arrows.
Price per dozen - £96.00