Welfare and Living Wages

Movingideas.org on Welfare Reform and Poverty

What was the early “Success” of TANF?

Is the System Working?


Steve Kangas’ Myths about welfare:

Myth: There are Welfare Queens driving Welfare Cadillacs.
The poor receive the most welfare. See also: Money for nothing: where's the outrage?
Welfare is to blame for runaway government spending.
People on welfare are lazy and stupid bums.
People on welfare are usually black, teenage mothers who stay on ten years at a time.
People on welfare should just find jobs.
Welfare gives people an economic incentive to avoid work.
Welfare gives mothers an economic incentive to have more children.
Welfare gives women an incentive to have children out of wedlock or break up marriages.
Welfare can be replaced by charity.
Welfare increases poverty.
Welfare traps people in poverty.
The U.S. has wasted over $5 trillion on the war on poverty.

Welfare—facts at a glance

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families:

What is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families?
Who is eligible for TANF?
How are federal TANF dollars distributed?
What are the law’s work requirements?.

What are considered work-related activities under TANF?
Are there time limits for TANF recipients?

How much federal funding is provided for TANF on an annual basis?
How much TANF funding goes to child care?
Are immigrants eligible for TANF?
What are “barriers to employment” and how common are they among TANF recipients?
Has welfare reform been a success?
What is the current status of welfare reauthorization?

Welfare: The Cheapest Country

Nobel economist Robert Solow disproves claims of economic harms by welfare.

A Basic Income For All