Chapter 50.5 Nexus.

"Hah hah! This is so enjoyable," Nexus said.

"Nexus!" came a voice.

"Aw...geez.." Nexus muttered as he appeared in a chamber he recognized.

"We are the guardians of the dimensions," came one voice.

" have violate dimensional law," the second voice said.

"Yeah....I'm not hurting anything," Nexus said.

"So you like to think, but we cannot have freelancers like you messing with dimensions," the first one said.

"Yes, you will be punished," the second one said.

"Oh come on..have a heart about a stern warning?" Nexus said growing concerned.

"We think not," the two said. "You know we have the power to destroy you...but that would be uneccesarily cruel...instead..we'll just make you human."

"Human? must be joking."

"No. We're not. You possess great power, but nothing compared to our own," the first one said.

"And you are meddling in matters you do not understand," the second one said.

"You're right to deal with dimensions is withdrawn...and now.."

Nexus was hit with a blast of energy..and he felt the power drain out of him.

"Well that's just now that I'm human...what do you intend to have me do...just stand here?" Nexus asked.

"No we're going to send you to your new home on Earth," the first one said.

"Earth? Wait a're not going to..." Nexus said.

"They already now," The second one said.

"Uh oh," Nexus said as he disapeared.

He reappeared in an open field. Surrounded by some people he couldn't help but recognize. Standing there were five Sailor Scouts, Four Guardian Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, and Maverick.

"Ahem..." Sailor Moon said, her eyes narrowing along with the other ten.

"Well..uh...perhaps..uh..we can work something out..." Nexus said.

The eleven all shook their heads.

"Oh...well this stinks," Nexus said as they advanced towards him.

To The Summer of Love