Dancin' Eyes Zoolo Carbon Copy
CH. Knight Rider of Tri Smith X CH Hypnotized By Dancin' Eyes)
DOB: 3-26-02, possible red-factored, eyes cleared.
View Pedigree
Reserve Winners Dog under Judge Rose Mary Leist
WD/BOS under Sr. Breeder Judge Wanda Robertson
Arrow takes another BOBP under Breeder Judge Marge Stovall on Sept. 6th, 02
This time from the 4-6 month class! Pictured above and on the right with
BOBp again out of the 2-4 mo. class
under Breeder Judge Beth Alden.
BOBp out of the 2-4 mo. class
Breeder Judge Cathy Davis
Arrow at 6 1/2 weeks

Check our Brags page for more on Arrow and Ditto.