The views expressed here are my personal views of the afterlife. They are similar to some other Pagan beliefs, but there are aspects I've developed personally. Heaven and Hell? I believe that we pass on and have access to a spirit realm when our bodies die- not just Pagans, but all people of all spiritual paths. I'm not sure what this realm is like, exactly, but my ideas are that it's beautiful and that we have amazing abilities in this realm. I believe we have access to knowledge and abilities that we do not have here in the physical realm. I also believe that once our bodies pass on and our spirits are released, we are able to have contact with the living. I'm sure you or someone you know has had some kind of contact with the spirit realm. I believe both the spirits of "good" people and "bad" people may have the ability to contact the living. I obviously don't believe that Christians are the only people who have rights to heaven and to the divine. I mentioned before that I believe all religious paths can lead us to the same place. Think of it like a vast, open field with several paths winding through it. All paths lead to the same long as you follow your path to the best of your ability, and not at the expense of others, you will reach a pleasant destination. This is how I see it I believe that, in the afterlife, we can become a guide for someone who is living, we can choose to simply enjoy ourselves and congregate (or not) with other spirits, enjoy whatever mysteries the universal powers have in store for us, we can continue to learn and grow spiritually through contact with the universal power and other spirits, possibly grow to one day unite with the universal energies, among other things. I believe we do have choices, to some extent, as far as how we choose to exist in the afterlife. However, I also feel that much of the afterlife is a mystery and no one knows for sure what is in store. I believe the realm of the spirits does have beauty that we cannot fathom, beauty that surpasses that of the physical realm. What about "Bad" people? I don't believe that unworthy spirits exist in the same realm that worthy spirits inhabit. Meaning, the guy who lives down the road from you who is a jerk and leads a life walking all over people who get in his way, or who is dishonest, greedy, etc., won't be existing with those of us who overcome negative impulses (for the most part). I believe that unworthy spirits may be destined to roam the physical realm, and won't see a "better place" or possibly may be in the same realm as positive spirits, but may be alone and have no contact with the anyone else. I haven't yet decided exactly what my views are regarding the negative people of the world, but these are possiblities that I have contemplated. I certainly believe that there will be some sort of unpleasantness in store for negative people, and I do feel that our actions in the physical realm affect us in the afterlife. Have you ever met someone who was so self-centered, or dishonest, or uncaring, yet they never seemed to have any unpleasant obstacles to overcome? No matter how "bad" they are, they still seem to coast through life without experiencing many hardships? I've known people like this. I believe that it is possible that the negativity they are surrounded by and are sending out may never affect them until AFTER they pass on. Who really knows what the universe has in store for them? If someone is so negative, he or she may actually be destined to exist in a hell-like realm when they cross over, or be completely alone forever. Is there such a thing as reincarnation? As far as reincarnation is concerned- some Pagans agree that the soul can be reincarnated into different bodies. As I said before, I am open to all possibilities and I don't rule anything out. But, I'm not sure I believe in reincarnation at this point- not the Eastern ideas, the jumping from body to body until some form of "enlightenment" is achieved. I find it ridiculous, actually, but of course I won't completely discredit it. Can you decide not to allow your spirit to inhabit a new body, must you reincarnate over and over without choice? I now have a page dedicated to my beliefs of reincarnation so you are welcome to read that if you like. |
The Afterlife |