Myriad of Enchantments
To master body, mind, and spirit....synergy.
The triscele.....three arms representing land, sea, and sky- the foundation of Celtic cosmology.
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This website was created for anyone interested in magic and/or paganism.
Most of the information here is a reflection of my personal, spiritual journey and my magical practise. You will notice that I've created much of my beliefs and practises on my own- some might say my path is "eclectic," though I don't prefer that term. I've studied many traditions, such as Druidry, Wicca, traditional witchcraft, Enochian magic, Egyptian magic, Chaos magic....and I've drawn ideas from here and there. My studies of science have also influenced me....some believe scientific knowledge hinders one's beliefs and practise of magic. However, my belief is that scientific knowledge enhances a magical practise.. 
If you take just one concept with you when you leave my site, I hope it is this
: your spirituality and magical practise can be molded into what you desire- completely personalized by you.

March 24, 2008......Until today, it has been 5 years since I have updated this site. I also don't believe I have so much as visited the site since about 2004.
I read through my pages and noticed how much I've grown and changed in the last five years. I think what is most amazing is that Geocities didn't delete my information- and I remembered my password.

It's funny to be almost 32 years old and looking back on essays I wrote and ideas I had 5-7 years ago. When I read through some of these pages, I cringe! At the same time, however, I find myself nodding and remembering the ideas I had. I recall the moments I spent typing this information, the experiences that helped me draw the conclusions I made, and I also remember the people who influenced my life at those times.

Please enjoy reading this site, and come back soon! I'm planning to add to the pages and also edit much of what you see here.
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              Defining "Pagan"...A Difficult Task

The majority of pages within this site are dedicated to witchcraft, Wicca, and general Pagan ideas. But I would like to discuss the "meaning" of the term Pagan here before you venture into the essays.

What is a Pagan? Dictionaries often say a Pagan is a person who is non-Christian, non-Muslim, and non-Jewish. Some say a Pagan is also non-Buddhist and non-Hindu, claiming that
Pagan is an umbrella term for anyone not following the five major religions of the world. Still, other meanings suggest that a Pagan is one who embraces a nature-based religion, one who follows an ancient polytheistic or pantheistic path, or a person with no religion.

My opinion is this....take your pick. Who do you consider a Pagan? The word origin is Latin- from
paganus, meaning "country dweller, villager." In certain regions in the past, the people who lived in the country, or out in the bush, were still following the old religions of their ancestors and were not yet converted to Christianity. Thus, as time passed, any person still following the old religions or practises were called Pagans. It also gave way to to the meaning "civilian," for Christians were considered to be "soldiers of Christ," so a non-Christian would then be a "civilian." This meaning was used in reference to a spiritual civilian.

Today, people in the "Pagan" community often can't agree with who exactly is a Pagan. Each person has a different idea, usually based on one of the meanings I suggested above. In my personal opinion, it doesn't really matter what meaning you choose. If you consider yourself a Pagan because you are non-Christian, non-Muslim, and non-Jewish, that's fine. If you consider yourself Pagan because you are following an old practise that incorporates reverence of nature, fine. It's up to you to decide how you choose to use the word, who is under the umbrella, and who falls outside.

My personal use of the word.....I stick with Pagan as being anyone who is not Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, or Hindu. Why do I prefer this meaning? It just seems like the easier way to go, it makes it less difficult to define one's path. I especially don't prefer the meaning, "Pagans are followers of nature-based religions....." simply because I know so many who do not follow a "nature-based" path, yet are polytheistic and do not follow one of the five major religions. I also know those- including myself- who don't consider their path a "religion" per say. Sticking with the meaning I use seems simpler to me. 

Then again, many people whom I would consider to be Pagans don't even like the term. That's fine too. Use the word, don't use it......all up to you.

Website Blessing and Dedication
Magic and Magick- Grasping Concepts
Understanding Energy
Wicca or Witchcraft?
The God and Goddess
Circle Casting and Raising Energy
The Elements
The Moon
Candle Magick
Natural Magick: My Herb Garden
Wiccan Tools
Sabbats: Pagan Holidays
Importance of Meditation
How Do I Know I'm a.....?
Your Book of Shadows
Magickal Names
Wicca In Everyday Life
Magickal Days
About the Afterlife
The Celts
Tree Lore
Gems, Stones, and Crystals
The Oppressed Pagan
Poetry Page
Personalizing Your Path
Magick: Black or White?
The Burning Times
Is Wicca Really a Religion?
Making Your Own Tools and Incense
Spiritual Cleansing
Coven Vs. Solitary Practise
Melding Christianity & Paganism?
Spirit Guides
Animal Guides and Totems
Rede This...
Magickal Alphabets
History of Candle Magick
The Criticism of Eclecticism
Please, Don't Ask....
My Magick and Spirituality**
Ritual, Magick, and Spellcraft
The Lost Art of Candle Magick
Creation Vs. Evolution
What Is Shamanism?
The Druids
Sex Magick: My Feelings and Advice
Satanism: My Understanding
Astrology: A Brief Introduction
Astral Travel
An Autumn Celebration
Green Witchcraft and Kitchen Witchery
The Moon and Sun: Power
Sorcery: A Brief Introduction
Ouija Boards
Finding Good Resources
Christophobia: A Word About Christianity
Respect, Tolerance....Shut Up
The Harm None Scare
Physical Health: Motivation
My Bookshelf
A Page About Me
Pagan Search Engines
Awards I've Received
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When I first began creating this site, I posted essays that were submitted to me by several friends of mine, including Jimmy, whom I miss terribly. I have lost contact with him but will repost his essays if I am able to contact him again. Please email me, Jimmy!
Banner.....thanks to Tyrvald. Click to visit his site.
Contents of this website are COPYRIGHT © 2000-2002 Melissa Crowe. Legal action may ensue if copyright is infringed.
All contents are original unless noted. Credit is given to all resources where necessary.