...Welcome To...
~Ikuy's Harem~
!!Under Serious Construction!!
Hello there!  Thanks for stopping by, for whatever reason!  For those of you who don't know (or can't tell from the title of the page... *points*), this site is dedicated to all of the bishounen that I have claimed as my own in my years of fangirldom, collectively called My Harem! <3  Now, I'm not gonna put every male character here.  Why?  Because this site is only for the ones I really like!!  Additionally, they're all gonna be straight, definite males (as in, no Nameks, cuz they're GENDERLESS!!).  Why?  Because I'm that way!  And, no, I am not anti-gay or anything...  In fact, I have gay family members and Fred Luo is one of my favorite anime characters of all time! XD  But, yeah, I don't think a gay guy would be too thrilled to be in my harem...
Oh, and I'll be pretty busy for a while putting together what I already have in my head, but if you have a bishounen (or series!) that you think I'd like that isn't on here, tell me!  Please!!  Check out how you can talk to me on the Webmistress page.

Now, go browse!
Yeah, yeah, my site is really boring...  So go look at these sites!!  (Don't worry, it's nothing bad... I think...)  Check out these, these, these, these, and these, and maybe this too.  Oh, and don't forget this place... or this one....  And while you're at it, check out the stuff here and here, and tell 'em RabidFangirl sent ya if you check out this place or this one.  But perhaps you'd be more interested in this awesome, bishounen-filled place.  And if none of that appeals to you, maybe this will.

Yay!  Links! *starts thinking about Hylians...*  Oh, um, yeah!  Stuff! <.< >.>  No, nobody told me to advertise these places.  I just really like them...  But if they're yours and you'd rather not have me link to them, just tell me and I'll stop!
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