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Australian Media on Paganism

Occult Register - Letters to the Editor

Jan 31st - 13th Feb, 1998 - The Illawarra Mercury

Let's have the occult on register

SIR - If there is anything this country needs, it's a national computer register on the occult.

Statistics show that whenever there is a major pagan or witchcraft festival in the United Kingdom or the United States there is an increase in missing persons. I guess we know what happened to them - and if this is the trend there, it will be the trend here.

If you know anyone even remotely involved in witchcraft or satanism (Wollongong has 22 major groups), why not let your local detectives know, even anonymously. In this way, detectives can increase their files on these people. One day it may help solve some missing persons' cases.

If you are caught up in the occult and want to be set free from pathetic demon powers, read Romans 10:9-13.

Most Pentecostal Christian churches (for example, the Assemblies of God, the Christian Outreach Centre, the Full Gospel and Reach Out for Christ churches) have deliverance ministries.

- G GIBSON, Sylvania.

Why not a register for religious groups?

Wednesday, 04 Feb 1998

SIR - I respond to G Gibson's letter (Mercury, January 23) in which he/she states there must be a register of the occult community. Why not expand that to other religious groups as well?

Over the 2000-year reign of Christianity, more people have been murdered in the name of God than by any other organisation (that includes the Nazi movement).

From G Gibson's letter, it appears they (the Christians) still believe in demonic possession and the like. I thought that, with all the advancements made by science and the understanding of psychology, the concepts of demons taking over people and groups that perform human sacrifice went out with the Dark Ages (or, at least, are now contained in mental health wards under the label of "paranoia").

Occult orders or groups vary from structured membership numbers to sole individuals practicing for their own self-empowerment.

The religion of Wicca, for example, is nature-loving and has no actual set structure, as each Wiccan creates his or her own method of expressing love for the world and the goddess figure. On the other hand, the religion of Satanism has its own moral structure and philosophical basis, based on The Satanic Bible.

Both Wicca and Satanism can be practiced either in a group (Coven [Wicca] or Grotto [Satanism]) or as an individual, and various Wiccan covens are registered with their local governments as legal entities.

All Satanic grottos are registered with the Church of Satan Central Grotto in the US, which is a legal entity.

- JEISMAN RUBICANTE, Grotto Master, Wollongong.

Right to be outside mainstream

Friday, 13 Feb 1998

SIR - I write in response to G Gibson's letter "Let's have the occult on register" (Mercury, January 31). To have a register of all people involved in the occult is not only an invasion of privacy, but outright discrimination against people legally choosing non-mainstream religions.

I would be interested also to hear the origin of the "statistics" in relation to the missing persons at the time of major pagan or witchcraft gatherings. Pagan gatherings are, in fact, about like-minded people celebrating the Lady and the Land, nature, good company and life.

To imply that we are murderers and that humans (or any other animals) are sacrificed is not only a ridiculous concept, but are based purely on prejudice and extreme ignorance.

"An it harm none, do what thou wilt," is the universally known Wiccon Rede. It means be free of inhibitions and do whatever you like unless you harm another physically, mentally or spiritually.

My advice to G Gibson is: before giving your narrow-minded, ill-informed opinions, make sure they are based upon fact. It was people like you who sent hundreds of thousands to their deaths during the witch persecutions.

- ANNIE HAMILTON, Wollongong

The Illawarra Mercury

Page Updated 2nd April, 2000