Who I Am.

So you're wondering, "Who Is Kymberlie Renee McGuire anyway?"

I was born on March 18, 1975, so I am a Pisces, the sign of the Fish.
I am amazingly like what my sign says I should be, so if you know what a Pisces is like, you have a pretty good picture of me. If you don't, click on the Pisces symbol above to be whisked away to a very competent astrology site. For those of you interested in what your horoscope has in store for you, check out Cosmopolis' High-Tech Horoscopes. Be forewarned, that site is not for the faint at heart!

I also am an avid reader, with the genre of horror fiction being the one I enjoy the most. My favorite author is Stephen King, a truly talented man. Another favorite author of mine is H. P. Lovecraft, the creator of the Cthulu Mythos. If you havn't read it, I suggest you go to the library and check him out. If, after reading the Mythos, you like what you find, you should then read Stephen King's take on Cthulu entitled "Crouch End", which can be found in Nightmares and Dreamscapes. Clive Barker is also an amazing writer and artist, and those of you not familiar with his writings probably have seen, or at least heard of, some of his movies which include Hellraiser and its sequels and Night Breed. I strongly suggest perusing his works. Someone else that you should read, in the horror genre, is Dean R. Koontz. Twelve of the best books that I have read, though, are actually fantasy books by David Eddings. They are the five books that constitute The Belgariad, the five that constitute The Mallorean, and Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress. If you know of any great books that I would enjoy, please e-mail me. I now have a page dedicated to books and authors for your reading pleasure.

I just graduated from the University of Houston where I received my Bachelors of Science in psychology. I am very interested in the fields of abnormal and aberrant psychology. I currently am employed at a consulting actuarial firm, Malcolm Thompson & Associates, Inc. So much for using my degree right away! :)

As I have mentioned before, I'm a great lover of music. I am especially fond of the music of the Eighties, including such bands as Information Society, The Cure, and Erasure. I also love The Police, but even more so, Sting. Two of my favorite artists are Enya and Tori Amos. Enya creates wonderful soothing music with a distinctive Celtic-flair. She has been featured in many soundtracks including L. A. Story, which did a wonderful job of using her music, and Stephen King's Sleepwalkers. Do yourself a favor and buy some of her albums; you won't regret it. Tori Amos is a wonderful pianist and songwriter and her voice is simply amazing. Her CD Little Earthquakes is one of my absolute favorites. If you actually listen to the words that she sings, you will be amazed. Her song "Girl" I have adopted as my own personal creed and am striving to do what the song suggests. Please buy this CD. It is very powerful and you will be moved by her music. I do enjoy all types of music, though, as my MIDI page will indicate.

Another thing that I derive great pleasure from is art. I love impressionism the most, but do enjoy all types of art. My three favorite paintings are Claude Monet's "Japanese Footbridge" and Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night" and "Irises".

I also have a great love in my life for The X-Files! This is the greatest show on television and just about the only thing worth watching. I cannot get enough of this show If anyone ever needs to talk about an episode, e-mail me! I love to discuss this show with others. I even converted my brother into a believer! To see if your an X-Phile (I most assuredly am!), why not visit Rene Weber's X-Files Page? It's got some really funny stuff ("All I Ever Needed To Know I Learned From The X-Files") and some cool links.

My favorite comic strip is, of course, the ever-popular Dilbert. After finally getting a job in the "real world", I believe I can relate to most of Dilbert's life.

Another thing that I have really gotten into as of late, is Civilization: Call To Power. I have long been a fan of Civilization II, and have spent countless hours on that game, but Civilization CTP has it beat hands down, in my opinion. If you enjoy turn-based simulation games, give this one a try. You'll really like it. I also enjoy playing Heroes of Might and Magic III and Phil McCrum's Heroes of Might and Magic II and III Homepage is the best site I've seen to receive information, cheats, tips, downloadable scenarios, and much more. Be sure to check it out and have fun playing!

I also have one of the cutest pets around. He's my pet rock named Todd. Isn't he adorable? Don't get too close, though. He tends to get excited by new people and will always try to lick you! You should rush right over to Sheri's homepage and get your own!

Thanks to my wonderful friend, Bay, I have a cool anime portrait! Take a look at this artful masterpiece that Bay created for me! Don't forget to visit him and maybe he'll make one for you too!

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