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Planescape Boxed Sets

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Planescape Campaign Setting

PS Boxed SetProduct: Planescape Campaign Setting (2600)
Designer: David "Zeb" Cook
What's It About? The first Planescape product, and vital for any DM. It contains all the dark you'll need to know to start a campaign in the Planes, mainly focussed on Sigil and the Outlands.PS Boxed Set
What Do You Get? A DM Guide to the Planes (64 page book detailing each plane briefly), Sigil and Beyond (96 page book describing Sigil and the Outlands and two short adventure ideas), A Player's Guide to the Planes (32 page booklet featuring factions and planar basics), the Monstrous Supplement (32 pages with modrons, dabus, cranium rats and other beasts), poster maps of Sigil, the Outlands, the Great Ring, Sigil's faction symbols, and a useful four-panel DM screen designed especially for Planescape.
Merits: Pretty much all of it, cutter.
Flaws: You'll love it so much you'll have to buy more!


Planes of Chaos

Planes of ChaosProduct: Planes of Chaos (2603)
Designers: Lester Smith and Wolfgang Baur
What's It About? The five planes of the Chaos side of the Great Ring, in full and gory detail.Planes of Chaos
What Do You Get? The Travelogue (32 page player's booklet giving brief guide to each plane), The Book of Chaos (128 page DM's book with extended sections on each plane), Chaos Adventures (32 page booklet with three brief adventures for each plane), a Monstrous Supplement (32 page booklet including Abyssal Lords, new tanar'ri, and fensir), and poster maps of the Abyss, Pandemonium, Limbo, Ysgard, and Arborea.
Merits: Good attention to details; useful planes, all.
Flaws: I found Ysgard a bit dull. The books are also quite hard to find information in...that was the intention, apparently, but it's still a pain.


Planes of Law

Planes of LawProduct: Planes of Law (2607)
Designers: Colin McComb and Wolfgang Baur
What's It About? The five Planes of Law, naturally.Planes of Law
What Do You Get? Five plane books, one each for Mount Celestia, Arcadia, Mechanus, Acheron and Baator (32 pages each, including three short adventures for each), plus a poster map of each, a Monstrous Supplement (32 pages, including archons and bladelings) and The Player's Guide to Law (32 pages containing chant on each plane plus two new sects, the Order of Planes-Militant and the Mathematicians).
Merits: Five more great planes, and some incredible secrets revealed.
Flaws: Arcadia didn't quite have enough "attitude" for my taste; I was left with the feeling a lot more could be done with the plane. More detail on the lower layers of Baator would've been nice.


Planes of Conflict

Planes of ConflictProduct: Planes of Conflict (2615)
Designers: Colin McComb, Dale Donovan and Monte Cook
What's It About? The rest of the Great Ring, namely, Bytopia, Elysium, the Beastlands, Gehenna, the Grey Waste and Carceri.Planes of Conflict
What Do You Get? Liber Benevolentiae (64 page booklet covering the Upper Planes of Conflict), Liber Malevolentiae (64 page booklet on the Lower Planes of Conflict), A Player's Guide to Conflict (32 pages, briefly touching on each plane), Adventures in Conflict (32 pages, four short adventures), Monstrous Supplement (32 pages, lots of great monsters), six poster maps, one of each plane.
Merits: Even the Good Planes aren't boring. Elysium's got some great secrets, and the Lower Planes are excellent. Great maps.
Flaws: The adventures are good (longer than the usual two page ideas in Planes Of.. sets) but aren't great.


Hellbound : The Blood War

HellboundProduct: Hellbound: The Blood War (2621)
Designers: Monte Cook and Colin McComb
What's It About? Anything you could possibly want to know about the Blood War, its combatants, battlefields, tactics, weapons, magic, bystanders, history and on.Hellbound
What Do You Get? The Chant of the War (32 page player's book with an overview on who thinks what about the Blood War), The Dark of the War (80 page DM's guide to all things fiendish and warlike), War Games (96 page book with three adventures, the last one - Squaring the Circle - is simply amazing), Visions of War (24 page mini-booklet full of scenes from the adventures), Hellbound: The Bargain (16 page visually stunning comic telling a tragic story of the War - also serialised in Dragon Magazine)
Merits: Fantastic adventures and lots of Lower Planar background. Squaring the Circle is a terrific and potentially planes-shattering adventure. A must-buy.
Flaws: It's a shame there wasn't even more!


A Player's Primer to the Outlands

Player's PrimerProduct: A Player's Primer to the Outlands (2610)
Designer: Jeff Grubb and Colin McComb
What's It About? What it says, berk: A brief guide to the main features of the Outlands; the gate-towns, realms, sites and so on, plus a new magical item: the Mimir. Ring a bell? Why yeah, that's what I named this site after ;-)Player's Primer
What Do You Get? A 32-page softcover book, a poster map of the Outlands, and a 41-track audio CD.
Merits: Useful booklet, though more for DMs than players in my opinion. Information tends to be brief and pretty sparse...DM's Dark sections would have been useful. The Mimir's voice itself and the sound effects on the CD are amazing.
Flaws: The other accents on the CD are a bit cheesy. The art is very sparse in the book, though the maps of the burgs are useful. On the whole pricey for the amount of information the booklet contains, though for sheer cool value the CD can't be beaten. A lot of people have criticised PPttO but I have a real soft spot for it myself :-)


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