There's No Burg Like Home

Copyright 1997 by Jon Winter and others
Last modified 15th April 1998

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A'Shad'Ifohg's Fall (by Draegarius)


In this town you can get anything, although what you want, and get, may not be what you needed. Merchants here sell much ware of dubious origin, stolen and smuggled goods, counterfeit and fake items ect. This is a place where a merchant "Aquires" back from you an item you just bought and spent good jink on. Betrayal here is a way of life, and even non tanar'ri residents take it up - at least as a hobby. It takes muscle and brains to survive here, and a good measure of luck. Two words of advice: don't take things the way they seem and watch your own back. No one else will.

A full description of this burg can be found in Draegarius' site: The Dustmen's Mortuary.


Battle not with Monsters (by Greg Jensen)


Look into this burg, and it can truly be said the Abyss also looks into you. Located in a valley on the Plain of Infinite Portals, this town has some very unusual magical effects. Whenever someone or something is killed, a piece of the victim's soul merges with the killer's. Tanar'ri are the most common foes here. So travellers who stop here and kill Tanar'ri will slowly feel themselves turning chaotic evil, until they, too, become Tanar'ri. The town was originally built by the valley's discoverer, Kovakz ( Planar / male cambion / R14 / Bleak Cabal / CE ), a former ranger whose species enemy was tanar'ri..before he became what he hated most. He built the town, and now enjoys watching others become their worst nightmares.


Bleeding Head (by Chris Nichols and Jeremy Owen)


Let betrayal be your watchword. Those who can, overthrow, and those who can't bide their time. Bleeding Head fell into the Abyss millenia ago, when the original inhabitants of the town turned against their god and destroyed him. Now, held by chains forged from this betrayal, the god's severed head hangs over the town's center. Let your enemy's defeat be an example to all, is the rule. Blood-drinkers and carrion-feeders come after the treachery is done. This town is a haven for traitors of all stripes.

A complete description of this burg can be found right here on the Mimir: Bleeding Head.


Ber-Gorgan (by Martin Bourassa)


The independent city of Ber-Gorgan is an haven for Abyssal petitioners. No tanar'ri are admitted here, especially Drakenbh'orgs, Blackdraken's personal servants. The city is built near Morgon -- too near, some say -- in the middle of a black desert. The heart of the city is built inside the gargantuan shell of some long-dead creature. The richest of the citizens live under its dome, along with the mansion of the self-proclaimed ruler of town, Dyx Garroth ( Proxy / male human / Fated / CE). Outside, the city is composed of wooden shacks anchored on the black iron islands that thrust out of the sand. On the sides of the shell, there are dozens of wooden towers and scaffoldings.

The merchants and businesses are all inside, so the folks living outside must enter by the one and only door to trade. This gate is heavily guarded, and everyone passing through it get searched. The folks draw their water from an underground spring, but the water is greasy and stagnant.

Inhabitants of the burg number many planars, petitioners and primes, rather too many, in fact, all crammed into the shell. Garroth is one of them and the militia is composed almost uniquely of primes. They all seem to come from the same place, since they all have the same traits: pale skin and black hair. Inside, there's simply no space left, so to live here you have to garnish higher than a berk who's already there or kill him, but the last way is not permitted by the more lawful than usual (for the Abyss, anyroad) militia, who keep their beady eyes on everything.

The marvel of the city is the way it can sink into the sand. See, Garroth wants to protect the folks from Blackdraken minions, so he devised a magically-powered machine that, chant goes, can sink the shell under the sand, and get it back on the surface when danger has passed. Of course, it's only the shell that could do that, and the outertown can still be pillaged and slaughtered, and the towers may crash down in the process. It may look like a provocation, building an "independent" city just in Morgon's shadow, but the Drakenbh'orgs stay away from the city. See berk, that's because they've been ordered to do so. Dark is the whole town's a peel, for few know that Garroth is actually a proxy of Horlas Blackdraken, and receives his orders directly from him. The primes actually comes from a industrialised valley on Blackdraken's homeland, the prime world of Draegonesty. It's a secret to all but to them, all part of the power scheme.

Lately, some barmies began worshipping Horlas secretly in the innertown, and want to bring the unbelievers before Blackdraken's justice, and are preparing to bash into Garroth lines. They don't know he's the proxy. It's still dark if Blackdraken is unaware of their antics, or just waiting too see what's going to happen. "But what about the machine" you ask? You should begin to understand. Blackdraken is preparing to make a coup against an Abyssal lord or power on another layer, and it's to protect the city against a potential counter-attack that the machine has been built. Horlas Blackdraken looks after his own.

[The militia is composed of Draegonestinians watchmen, into patrols of 3 to 18 warriors of level 3 to 5. They're armed with long swords and chainmail. They are often (50%) accompanied by a Draegonestinian wizard, of level 5 to 10. These cutters are the same ones that built and watch over the machine.]


Edge of Sanity (by Alex Roberts & Jon Winter)


This burg is ruled by an barmy aasimar who likes to watch people kill each other with their bare hands. Each cycle he mutates into something more grotesque as his mind slips even deeper into depravity. The populace of this burg are petitioners who've been led astray from the paths of Mount Celestia by tanar'ri who've somehow managed to find their way onto the Holy Mountain. They're gathered here by a marilith called From the Jaws of Victory as a statement of defiance, that good, even with all its self-righteousness gratification, is weak compared with the lure of the evil.


Failing Sight (by Chris Nichols)


In the Realm of a Million Eyes, there is no safety, for the Great Mother destroys all. But, just at the at the cusp of the Great Mother's lands, some have come and established a settlement. Built in the miles long desiccated corpse of a humongous beholder, Failing Sight is an outpost for beholder cultists and their eye tyrant masters. The city is divided into three levels: the Bowels, the Eye, and the Mind.

The Bowels were formerly the nether regions of dead thing, but now house the human cultists. This place is a rotting slum, the streets thick with syrupy body fluids and refuse. Bits of this place rot away and drift into the Great Mother's reach where she devours them. When the slums reach the mouth of the dead beast, a set of inverted towers and chains of corroded metal hung from the gaping maw like streams of thick drool.

The Eye fills the great socket in which the former beholder-thing's once sat. Converted into a massive glassed-in cathedral, here huge worship services to the beholders and their gods are conducted. The Eye is a place of great depravity.

The Mind is the region housing the beholders and their abomination servants. Formerly, This level was the brain casing and a portion of the upper internal organ cavity. Here, the rulers of the city, tiefling triplets, Xxajuz, Zxjuax, and Azujxz, led lives of great evil for the glory of the beholders.

Floating about the city of Failing Sight, are seven towers, the Blind Watchers. Small guard-post build about the remaining desiccated eyes of the dead eye-tyrant. The eyes are attached to the main portion of the city with great chains forged of melded bones from slain baatezu. Each Watcher holds a chamber housing a weapon built from the natural attack organ of the eye. These weapon massively duplicate the effect of natural beholder eye weapons.


Feast Upon the Herd (by Chris Nichols & Jon Winter)


A city of vampires in Kanchelsis' realm. It is always night here, and rains of blood are common. There are many portals in the burg which lead to desecrated graveyards and slums across the Prime -- the vampiric inhabitants use these planespanning doorways to drag victims back to Feast Upon the Herd where they can be molested at leisure in the Abyss. Planewalkers are warned that vampires from Feast Upon the Herd are greyer skinned than most and have pitch black eyeballs. Avoid them at all costs!


Gluttonous Depravity, the Citadel of Feasting (by Alex and Gabriel Roberts)


Not all Nalfeshnee are judges on the Mountain of Woe. On the gateway Abyssal layer of Durao, in a far-flung corner, is the Citadel of Feasting. There, some thirty-five nalfeshnee do nothing but eat all day. Waited on by rutterkin, they eat anything they can get their hands on. They especially prize humanoid prisoners of war taken from the baatezu, but almost everything is eaten there now and again. The Citadel is surrounded for miles on every side by bones and refuse, left by the unceasing indulgence of the fiends within. It is said that there are great treasures to be found within the brown-stained walls of the Citadel, but as no mortal has ever returned alive from within, this is very likely just a sick joke. Every now and then, evil elements within the Sensate try to join the nalfeshnee. If they've succeeded, then they must've stayed, because no-one ever hears from them again.


New!Sonu-Aar'ri (by Martin Bourassa)


Sonu-Aar'ri is the city that holds the Council of Despair, a place of reunions where Abyssal Lords and the servants of the gods discuss and debate truces and agreements. It's also a great trading place, where a body can find many rare and illicit things. Watch out, though, because unlucky berks can find themselves sold: It is also a stop for many slave caravans. The council are set up by Axian the traitor (or Axian the loyal, depending on who's speaking). His plans are apparently much like those of Rule-of-Three, and he did business with the cutter on several occasion, but he works mostly on the side of the tanar'ri, thinking he must bring the Abyssal Lords to agree with one another before they can even think about agreeing with the Baatezu. Axian is a molydeus, and a powerful one at that, and may be considered an Abyssal Lord except for the fact that he rules on only one city.

In the centre of the burg is built a palace of spiked iron, where the councils are held in a dozen of rooms with walls that can resist a lightning bolt and block all sounds. The councils consist of Lords or their representatives, the proxies or priest of the gods of chaos and evil. At least one council is held every day, for the conflicts in the Abyss are numerous. Axian hopes that they'll reach agreements, but his dreams are unreal (it's still the Abyss). Most of the councils end in the participants fighting each other (the walls are there for that). Axian is too blinded to see that. Still, some pacts are made once in a while, and that always spells trouble for the rest of the planes.

This is the place where you can find the most high-ups of the Abyss without visiting them on there home layers. They go here often, though not for long, but a proxy of an unidentified power is here on a permanent base, for an unknown reason. Diabolical geniuses roam the city.

With all those high-ups, the place is also filled with assassins of all sorts. They aim at eliminating annoyingly powerful beings (they haven't been capable of killing Grazz't yet). Slayer genies, sacroloths and yet others stays in the shadows, waiting to strike. Its not known if they work for Axian or not.

What would you expect from Halls of Truce on the gate of the Abyss?


The Tower of Fangs (by Draegarius)


The Tower of Fangs is the abandoned tower of a powerful tanar'ri mage or lord who discovered his way on to godhood ages ago and has since fallen from power, traveled on in the planes or disappeared. It is rumored that the tower is littered with treasure and guarded by fearsome creatures which the last resident left to guard. So far few have ventured and even fewer have returned from this place. Those who return, either stay silent, disappear or commit themselves to the Bleaker's Gatehouse.

A full description of this site can be found in Draegarius' site: The Dustmen's Mortuary.


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