The John Romer Resource Page
Photo of John by Elizabeth Romer
Photo by Elizabeth Romer
This page is a resource for the publications and documentaries of John Romer, famed Egyptologist and documentary maker.

Brief Biography

John Louis Romer, the son of accountant Louis Henry Romer and secretary Norah Simpson Romer, was born on September 30, 1941 in Surrey. He attended Ottershaw School, the Wimbledon School of Art (1958-1963), and the Royal College of Art (A.R.C.A., 1966) in London. Following this, he traveled and studied in the Near East and married his wife Yvonne Elizabeth de Coetlogan Aylwin (Beth), an artist and writer. After a brief stint teaching the history of art and architecture at art colleges in England and Wales (1968-1972), he worked as an epigraphic artist with the British Institute in Iran at Persepolis and Pasargadae in 1972. He worked as an artist in epigraphic studies — with the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo, 1972-1973, and with the Oriental Institute Epigraphic Survey, 1973-1977 — in the temples and tombs of Thebes. In 1977-1979, he became the Field Director of The Brooklyn Museum’s Theban Expedition, originating and organizing an excavation of the tomb of Ramesses XI in the Valley of the Kings. (Read more about this tomb here.) In 1992, at the request of the Egyptian Organisation of Antiquities, he convened a multinational committee to advise and recommend projects and procedures for the conservation of the Valley of the Kings. He is a member of the International Association of Egyptologists and the Egypt Exploration Society. He has been the President of the Theban Foundation (Address: 2134 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704) since 1979. He has written several acclaimed books and produced some excellent documentaries. His primary interests are in the preservation of antiquities, and in making the past meaningful to present-day people. When he is not busy writing books, making documentaries, or pushing for conservation in the Valley of the Kings, he and his wife live in Aiola, Tuscany, Italy.



John from 'Romer's Egypt'   John at Giza, from 'The Rape of Tutankhamun'   John with the Porphyry Tetrarchs, San Marco, Venice; from 'Byzantium: The Lost Empire'   John from 'Great Excavations'   John at the Acropolis in Athens

NewAncient Lives will be released on DVD this fall. See for details. See the FAQ Page for information on how to purchase his video series.

Journal Articles

JEA: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
MDIK: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologisches Instituts Abteilung Kairo
NARCE: Newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt

Other Internet Resources

House of Netjer Book Reviews
An excellent review of the book Ancient Lives.
The Valley of Death by Owen Coetzer
This is an old Internet resource, but it was removed from the Independent’s server. With Mr. Coetzer’s help, I have put the article back up again. A very important article on the archaeological practices in the Valley of the Kings!
Excerpt from “Testament”
From Kessler Associates, this is a copy of a chapter from Testament.
A brief, much more up-to-date-than-it-was filmography from the Internet Movie Database.
Byzantium: The Eye of All the World
A review, plus external information, of Byzantium: The Lost Empire, by Dexter Satterwhite.
John Romer on Wikipedia
Wikipedia's official article on Romer. Most of the information is available here.

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This page was last updated on December 3, 2008.