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Yoga Science Evolution
The purpose for this project is to provide information on research into the Yoga phenomenon and human evolution, the views of science as well as various personal views into the matter. Therefore, a variety of perspectives ranging from the points of view of philosophy, psychology, health sciences, religious studies, physics, etc., will be brought into attention. The readers are invited to contribute by sending information about new sites, articles, findings, etc., suitable for the topics of this project.
Articles and Contributions |
High on Waves A poem by Swami
Niranjanananda Saraswati - India.
Kundalini by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
(of Deoghar)- India. A traditional view of Kundalini concept
Life's Three Stages
Michael Washburn interviewed by Paul Bernstein
Panchagni Sadhana by Swami Satyananda
Saraswati (of Deoghar)- India. The vedic ancient practice of Panchagni
in Yoga and Physics by Dinu Roman
The Need for Transcendence in the Postmodern World by Vaclav Havel.
A new model of coexistence based on man's transcending himself.
The New Age of Evolution Quotes from various
& The Search for Higher Consciousness by John White. A revolutionary
article, the concept of Homo Noeticus, etc.
Yoga and AIDS/HIV Informative pages, including many links and articles.
Centres and Organizations |
Academy of Environmental Medicine
Bihar Yoga Bharati (University)
The forerunner in Yoga research and human evolution. The first Yoga University
in the world.
Institute for Consciousness Research
International Association of Spiritual Psychiatry
International Yoga Fellowship Movement The international Yoga spirit
started by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
Satyananda Yoga Centre from London, England.
Shri Panchadashanama Paramahamsa Alakh Bara Human evolution, the gathering
of Paramahamsas at Rikhia (Deoghar - India).
Spiritual Wisdom and Mental Health
The Yoga Research and Education Center, established by Georg Feuerstein in 1996.
Kendra Yoga Research Foundation, from India Alternative Health Resources, by Aron Bradley, A rich site in Alternative Health Resources like Acupuncture,
Beauty and Personal Care, Bio-Magnetic Healing, Chiropractic,
Health Food/ Vegetarian/ Organic, Herbalists, Holistic, Homeopaths,
Hydrotherapy, Kombucha, Midwifery, Naturopathic Physicians, Nutritional
Services, Pain and Stress Management, Self Improvement, Women's Health,
Yoga, etc.
Research Foundation A non-profit international organization, established
in 1969 by Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda in Miami.
Research Society 341 Fitzwater Street Philadelpha, PA 19147 215-592-9642
Hindu Tantrik by Mike Magee A rich site in traditional concepts of
Yoga, Tantra, Veda, etc.
Integral Yoga - Shri Aurobindo
Satchidananda Yoga Organisation
Visions of the Future - Project
Yoga Links
by Swami Sannyasananda Saraswati. A magazine edited in Australia. Articles
on Yoga health, research, practices, philosophy, etc.
Yoga Magik by Dr Jonn Mumford - Australia. Tantra, Yantra, Mantra,
Yoga, Meditation, Relaxation, Sex Magic, Chakras, Name Analysis, Karma,
Cycles and Karmic Rhythms, Yoga Magik International Correspondence Course
Yoga Tantra Meditation by Swami Janakananda Saraswati from Sweden.
Yoga Tantra Veda by Octavian Sarbatoare - Australia. Articles on Yoga
practices, human evolution, paths to enlightment, etc.
Web address for Yoga Science Evolution
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Octavian Sarbatoare