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The Army Lodge (478) |
Famous Australian Freemasons
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Foundation Members of The Army Lodge
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Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was initiated in 1801 into St David's Lodge (36 SC) in Edinburgh
King Hussein of Jordan
SIR WINSTON L. CHURCHILL was initiated in "Studholme Lodge" No. 1591 in London and raised to Master Mason in "Rosemary Lodge" No. 2851 on March 15, 1902.
NORMAN VINCENT PEALE, probably the best known Protestant minister in America, received the 33rd degree on Sept. 23, 1959.
MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE, who served under George Washington, was a hero of the American Revolution who served without pay. He was a 33rd Degree Freemason. He laid the cornerstone, in a Masonic ceremony, of the Bunker Hill Monument in Boston in 1825.
SIR THOMAS J. LIPTON, born in Glasgow, Scotland where he opened a grocery store which expanded into a large chain of stores dealing in coffee and "Tea". An international sportsman who competed five times for the American Cup in Yachting. He was raised in "Lodge Scotia" No. 178 in Glasgow in 1870 and at the time of his death he was the oldest member of the lodge.
JOHN HANCOCK, the first signer of the "Declaration of
Independence", when asked why he wrote so boldly he replied "so that George III may read it without putting on his glasses". He was elected the first governor of the Commonwealth of Mass. and served 9 terms until his death in 1793. He was made a Mason while traveling in Quebec in "Merchant's Lodge" No. 1 in 1762. He was later affiliated with "St. Andrew's Lodge" in Boston and most likely held an active part in the "Boston Tea Party".
JAMES HOBAN, the architect who designed and supervised the
construction of "The White House" was a freemason. He was a devout Catholic. Under his leadership, a group of Irish Catholics and Scotch Presbyterians organized "Federal Lodge" No. 1 in Washington D.C. and he was the first Master.
PAUL REVERE was raised in "St. Andrews Lodge" in Boston in 1760. His real name was Paul Rivoire de Romagneu, the son of a French Count.
CHARLES A. LINDBERGH, on his history making flight across the Atlantic in the infamous "Spirit of St. Louis", wore a Square and Compass on his jacket and his plane bore a Masonic tag from his lodge. He received all his degrees in 1926 at Keystone Lodge #243 in St. Louis, MO.
Admiral ROBERT E. PEARY, who discovered the North Pole
was raised in "Kane Lodge No. 451" in NY in 1896.
HAROLD LINCOLN GRAY, the creator of Little Orphan Annie, is a member of Lombard Lodge (1098 - Illinois). Daddy Warbucks, one of the characters in the carton strip, appears to be a member of the Craft; Little Orphan Annie said this in one of the pictures, "With all his mines an' oil wells in the orient -- Daddy's been out there hunnerts o' times -- but he says one time he travelled to the East, but didn't make a dime, meant more to him than all th' other trips he'll ever make -- I don't get it -- do you?"
Bro the Most Reverend the Hon. Dr. Orlando Lindsay, Former Archbishop of The West Indies.
Bro His Excellency, The Most Honourable, Sir Howard Cooke, Governor General of Jamaica
If you are not satisfied with this list, here is a bigger one.
A Few Famous Freemasons, by Bro Gary Leazer 32 Atlanta Georgia ...
Masonic critics would have a difficult time living in the world today if
they tried to avoid anything with which Masons have had a part. For example,
Ralph Bellamy, who wrote the 'Pledge of Allegiance', was a Mason, as was
Francis Scott Key, who wrote the National Anthem of the USA. Frederick A.
Bartholdi, a Mason, designed the Statue of Liberty, while father and son
Gutzon and Lincoln Borglum, both Masons carved Mt. Rushmore. Aviator Charles
Lindbergh was a Mason.
Daniel Carter Beard, a Mason, founded the Boy Scouts of America. Melvin
Jones, a Mason, founded the Lions International. All four founders of the Future Farmers of America were Masons. Dave Thomas, a Mason, founded Wendy's. Harland Sanders, a Mason, started Kentucky Fried Chicken. Drs. William and Charles Mayo, both Masons, began Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Alexander Fleming, developer of penicillin. was a Mason, Dr. Edward Jenner, a Mason, developed the small pox vaccine. Roy Rogers and John Wayne, America's
favourite cowboy actors, were Masons. Gene Autry, also is a Mason. General
Lewis Wallace, who wrote 'Ben Hur', and William Wyler, who directed the
movie'Ben Hur', were both Masons. Maytag appliances are named after Frederick Maytag, a Mason. James C. Penny, founder of the department store chain, was a Mason. David Sarnoff, a Mason, was president of RCA and urged the formation of NBC, he also led in the development of colour television. A brand of vacuum cleaners is named after Frank Hoover, a Mason. Henry Ford, Walter Chrysler and Ramson Olds, all Masons, have cars named after them. The Gillette safety razor was named after King Gillette, a Mason. Sebastian S. Krespe, a Mason, founded S.S. Kresge (now K-Mart Corporation). He set up the Kresge Foundation with grants now totalling $640 million. Houston, Texas, where the 1993 Southern Baptist Convention met, is named after a Mason, Sam Houston. I doubt there are very many places we could visit, food we could eat, medicine we could take, places we could shop, or things we could do in which Masons have not been a significant part. Even basketball one of our most popular national pastimes, was invented by a Mason, James Naismith.
Site listing people who are thought to be but not Freemasons.