Dr. Fred Alan Wolf has developed a philosophy which leaps past the conventions of both religion and physics to create a synthesis that includes both Eastern and Western thought.
Fred Alan Wolf's definitions of Spirit, Soul, and Self:
"Many, ranging from modern scientists to perhaps the Buddha, introduce great confusion into the search by not differentiating between spirit, soul, and self. Based on my research, the spirit appears to be virtual vibrations of vacuum energy, the soul turns out to be reflections of those virtual vibrations in time, and the self is an illusion arising from reflections of the soul in matter, appearing as the bodily senses as suggested by the Buddha. Hence the three are related but essentially different."from Spiritual Universe by Fred Wolf
Hi Eldon, I whish you and our friends in Memphis the best for the new year. Just in case I didn't send this to you earlier: Nationally televised shows: Here you will find transcripts of four shows that I participated on in the PBS series"Closer to Truth."
Nationally published books:
And see the following for information about my books:
Or see: The Barnes & Noble site is give below.
for Mind into Matter.Latest Articles:
And see
for my recently published article "Awakening your Soul" courtesy of Dharma Cafe
FORBES ASAP. Nov. 27th, 2000. Pg 93, "A Watched Pot Never Boils." Also on
line at:
On Line reviews and discussion of my work: The following contains info about my work, research, and writing:
Grace Cathedral 1
Grace Cathedral 2
Ann Online
Thinking Allowed
Transpersonal Web
My next TV appearance will be on PAX
Also see my interview with Deepak Chopra (asking the questions) (click on : Read the dialogue with Dr. Fred Alan Wolf).
Fred Alan Wolf Speaking Seminar Schedule 2000-2001 Thursday January 11, 2001 at 7:30 PM. "Mind into Matter." The Chopra Center, 7630 Fay Avenue, La Jolla, CA , (858) 551-7788. Tuesday, January 16, 2001 at 7:30 PM. Book Signing Black Oak Books, Berkeley, CA. Contact: (510) 486-0698. Sunday, January 21st, 2001. workshop at Unity Church Tustin, CA contact: school@unitytustin.org Ruthanne Ali (714) 730 3444, (714) 730 3486 adult ed. with ans. machine. http://www.unitytustin.org web site. Saturday, February 3, 2001. Day workshop on Mind into Matter: A New Alchemy of Science and Spirit (Workshop with PowerPoint Multimedia and Q&A). East West Books, Mountain View, CA. Contact mailto:events@eastwest.com (650) 988 9800 ext 314 Richard Gazdayka. Sunday, March 4, 2001. In Los Angeles at the Philosophical Research Soc 3910 Los Feliz Blvd. LA,, CA 90027-2399 The Spiritual Universe: One Physicist’s Vision of Spirit, Soul, Matter, and Self(One hour Presentation with PowerPoint Multimedia and Q&A)and Mind into Matter: Mind into Matter: A New Alchemy of Science and Spirit (Two hour Workshop with PowerPoint Multimedia and Q&A) Contact: 1 (213) 663 2167 for more information. Sunday and Monday, March 18-19, 2001. New Thought Community Church, Milwaukee, WI. Sunday morning service and three hour workshop in the afternoon on the Quantum Soul with Power Point multi media and questions and answers. Three hour workshop on Monday evening, March 26th on Mind into Matter: A New Alchemy of Science and Spirit (Workshop with PowerPoint Multimedia and Q&A). Contact: Tom Sannar, Minister, (414) 476-4423, mailto:wisdom@execpc.com. Best Wishes, Fred Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D. Have Brains / Will Travel San Francisco
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf has developed a philosophy which leaps past the conventions of both religion and physics to create a synthesis that includes both Eastern and Western thought.
Fred Alan Wolf's definitions of Spirit, Soul, and Self:
"Many, ranging from modern scientists to perhaps the Buddha, introduce great confusion into the search by not differentiating between spirit, soul, and self. Based on my research, the spirit appears to be virtual vibrations of vacuum energy, the soul turns out to be reflections of those virtual vibrations in time, and the self is an illusion arising from reflections of the soul in matter, appearing as the bodily senses as suggested by the Buddha. Hence the three are related but essentially different."from Spiritual Universe by Fred Wolf
"We have explored a quantum physical theory of the paradox of the relationship of awareness and associated physical events, including application of stimuli and the achievement of neuronal adequacy, that elicit it. This paradox was first pointed out by Libet in a series of experiments involving human subjects where a comparison of timings associated with direct cortical and sub-cortical stimulation along with peripheral stimulation was possible. I have shown that a reasonable argument exists showing that quantum physics pertains to the operation of the brain and nervous system. Particularly that the operation of synaptic vesicle emission and gating function within the neural wall and the spread in its wave packet are governed by the uncertainty principle. I have shown that the phenomenon of "wave function collapse" or the change in the probability of a process associated with the action of a measurement affects neural operation and leads to an uncertainty in timing of conscious events. . I conclude that the action of conscious awareness occurs as a result of this collapse mechanism." THE TIMING OF CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE: A CAUSALITY-VIOLATING, TWO-VALUED, TRANSACTIONAL INTERPRETATION OF SUBJECTIVE ANTEDATING AND SPATIAL-TEMPORAL PROJECTION[1]
The ideas in Fred's books may appear at first to have more to do with philosophy or theology than physics. The next reference is an example of how some of the new developments in physics and information theory relate to his ideas.
"In a paper that will appear in the July 1997 issue of the journal Physical Review A (PRA), Benjamin Schumacher of Kenyon College and Michael Westmoreland of Denison University have demonstrated that one can reach the maximum amount allowable in physics for storing readable information in photons and other quantum particles, even in real-world situations where lots of noise is present. In a paper scheduled to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, physicist A.S. Holevo of the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Russia has independently come to the same conclusion.""These findings may give researchers clues for how to encode and decipher complex messages in single atoms, and provide insights into how little energy is required to store a message. In addition, the new work advances the idea that information is physical in nature--that is, information is not a philosophical abstraction but a concrete entity that is manipulated through physical processes. "Quantum Information:
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