The word candidate as a term for office seekers comes from the Roman custom of political aspirants wearing a white toga signifying purity. They were referred to as "candidatus" which translates as "clothed in white."
An interesting practice of unhappy voters was to throw a handful of mud, or whatever else was handy and inspiring, at a candidatus to indicate their displeasure. This was the origin of mud throwing in political campaigns. Today the candidates take care of most of the mud slinging themselves and the media takes care of the rest thus effectively depriving the voters of any fun at all. The toga then became a toga maculous or a spotted and stained toga.
As very few politicians are arrayed in spotless white today we have coined the following terms to better describe the ones we do have:
Amentidate a mad, insane or senseless politician
Angustimentidate a narrow minded politician
Anoodate a mindless politician
Bifontidate a two faced politician
Bisuicilingodate a politician with a forked tongue
Dealbadate a whitewashed politician
Legulidate a pettifogging lawyer turned politician
Maculadate a stained or soiled politician
Pseudologodate a lying politician
Tergidate or
Tergiverdate an evasive politician-
Ambiguous ambi, around + agrere, to drive.-
Ambition a going about. Roman politicians could smile, nod and
shake hands on the way to and from the forum. Those who
chose a more circuitous route in order to buttonhole more
voters were said to be ambitious.-
Bureaucrat a politician with tenure-
Congress 1. to come together-
2. the legislative body of government
3. a synonym for the four letter Anglo Saxon "F" word.
The censors changed the phrase "four letter words" to
"three letter words" in the song Anything Goes performed
in the film of the same name.
Congressed Exactly what you get from Congress.
Idiot a politician. Originally a private individual as opposed to one with his snout in the public trough. The notion of diminished mental capacity was a result of the politicians
conception of the voters as stupid and as sheep to be
shorn. The word idiot became so tainted that it was
applied to persons with diminished mental capacity and
today is so tainted that its use is frowned on even for that
purpose. The pejorative sense of idiot has been well
established for two thousand years. Idiot appears in the
New Testament in both the sense of a private person and
an ignorant person. The only surviving untainted idiot
words are; idiolect, idiom, idiomatic, idiomorphic,
idiopathic, idioplasm, and idiosyncrasy. The only
reasonable use left for the once noble word idiot is to
apply it to the very class it once excluded and which is
responsible for its fall from grace, the politicians.
Politician an unskilled individual that prefers the security of the
public trough to the stress of T.V. preaching.
Senate 1. upper house of Congress-
2. an assembly of old men
3. senile
Defenestrationa summary and involuntary exit via a window or where a window was prior to the exit.
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