Fundamentalist Christian Ministry Web Ring

What is a Web Ring? A web ring is a ring of web pages and sites that are linked together. It makes browsing for specific information much simpler. Do you ever get tired of using a search engine and getting tons of junk that has absolutely nothing to do with what you are looking for? Well, with a web ring you don’t need to worry. Web rings are set up by topic and content, so if you want to look up all the information you can on Raising Cats, you can start with a site in the Raising Cats Ring and go until you run out of sites. This will not be an exhaustive list but it is a good start.

What is the Fundamentalist Christian Ministry Web Ring? It is a web ring made up of sites that contain information from Fundamentalists about their ministries. Some of the sites are missionaries while other may be lay persons who love the Lord.

In order to qualify for admission to this ring:

  1. Your page should contain some information or links related to Christian ministry.
  2. You should subscribe to the doctrinal statement of the World Congress of Fundamentalists.
  3. You should also agree with us in that our final authority lies in the Greek and Hebrew originals of the Bible.
  4. You should believe in ecclesiastical separation and separation from the world. We do not want to be identified with any fellowship that is part of the pseudo-fundamentalist or new evangelical movement. We do not endorse modernism, liberalism, the National Council or the World Council of Churches.
  5. You should agree with us that the charismatic movement is unscriptural.
  6. Your site should not be for commercial purposes.
Additions to the ring are at the discretion of the ringmaster. If you are unsure whether or not your site qualifies, please email the ringmaster with the url and a request to check the site.

 To join the Fundamentalist Christian Ministry Webring please proceed to our Webring Hub

 After you site has been approved.  You will need to insert the navigation code onto your website.  That information will be emailed to you after your site has been approved.

© 2001