![]() | SCIENCE LINKS PAGE 3 | ![]() |
![]() ![]() (Click on area of interest) LIFE SCIENCE (Animal) |
GRADE LEVEL: All Grades; Secular Comments: Finally a dinosaur site from the Creationist point-of-view! You will find audio clips at this site which answer questions about dinosaurs from a Biblical perspective. There are also ideas for teachers to use in the teaching of dinosaurs. You will also find a list of FAQ about dinosaurs complete with the answers you will need.
For kids, if you click on the link "FUN AND GAMES" you can, "take a trip down (their) fascinating Dinosaur Discovery Trail to find each game. Not only is the Trail packed with fun facts about dinosaurs, answers to your questions, unique pictures, great audio clips, and more... ALL (their) GREAT DINOSAUR GAMES ARE HIDDEN ALONG THE TRAIL. Just follow it and you'll discover the games as you read and learn... "
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: Look into Keiko's two million gallon pool in Newport, Oregon via Live Cam! Hear Keiko's "song". With "Quicktime" see videos of Keiko and learn facts about these great whales.
GRADE LEVEL: Elementary-Middle School; Secular Comments: This site contains an entire unit on Whales. Send your child on some Whale Research...a list of questions is given for them to find the answers for as they follow the links provided. There are lesson plans at this site for various curriculum areas...even whale math word problems are here! Want to build a whale? Learn how here. With all the pictures, articles and diagrams available, you are sure to learn lots about whales!
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: Graphic-intensive gorgeous site on all kinds of creatures with wings...including these birds: falcons, hummingbirds, raptors. Also learn about these bugs: dragonflies, damselflies, butterflies and moths, fireflies. She not only shows pictures but has pages of teaching on these subjects. I learned alot about the history of falconry, for example. *She also has wildflowers, bears, gems and jewelry (These are her "flights of fancy!") *She also covers "magical creatures" which includes angels, fairies and dragons. She states incorrectly that angels are imaginary...so view this site with your child. Still...a great site if you are studying any of these subjects.
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: Although the previous link has more information about butterflies than this one does, this is a guide that "highlights the most popular butterflies [in the U.S] and details which types of plants will serve to attract them to your garden." Also at this site is a helpful CHART that tells you which butterfly might be in your region of the U.S. narrowing down the search a little! In addition, you can follow links here that will take you to places where you can "order butterfly gardening supplies, books, and other related products."
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: This is the "most complete information on butterfly gardening, farming, ecology and education." You can even order live butterflies from this site, find out what projects other schools have been doing, (under EDUCATION--left-hand side link), read articles and stories about butterflies and more importantly, visit their "PHOTO GALLERY"--get pictures of all kinds of butterflies for science reports (categorized by their scientific names). I even selected a photo I liked, right-clicked and chose "set as wallpaper" for a lovely desktop scene.
Under "LINKS" (on the left-hand margin), you will find a link to "Entomology Education WebSites"--there are links to follow on how to rear different kinds of insects, how to create a butterfly mobile, and how to teach about butterflies (lesson plans).
***IMPORTANT NOTE:*** At the bottom of this site's page, please go and visit the DRAGONFLY WEBSITE, THE HUMMINGBIRD WEBSITE, and the ORNITHOLOGY WEB SITE (birds). Each of these websites is similar in design to the butterfly website...photos and all!
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: Many galleries of Birds! Different birds featured--it changes periodically so you'll just need to check. Lots of links to follow. You can even sign up to receive e-mail when the site changes!
Click here, to play their "Bird Song Matcher Game"--you will need the Real Audio Plug-in. Since the game gives the answers, you can learn how to identify the birds by their songs!
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: "The place to go when you want to know about zoos!" Examples of what the site contains: Links to official zoo pages for the USA and the world and animal picture galleries you could print out for a report.
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: These are links from an article done by Web Courier by Hotmail. Follow links to animal sites everywhere on the web.
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: Learn Gross/Cool Body Facts or take a trip to Bug or Worm World. There are activities, recipes and fun at this award-winning site.
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: Everything about koala bears.
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: Everything about raccoons.
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: Ever wonder how the Swedish or Dutch describe how a "bee" goes? This site tells you that and about other animal sounds made by people the world over! Interesting!
Except for some evolutionary content, this site is excellent. Contains sections about Caring for Insect Pets, Mites, Arthropods, Spiders, Woodlice, Insect Anatomy, and What is a Bug? Also has an "ASK AN EXPERT" section.
Find out about topics such as: Animal Training at Sea World, Aquariums as a Hobby, Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation, Three Kinds of Whales--including Killer Whales, Birds of Prey, Bony Fishes, Bottlenose Dolphins, Clydesdale Horses, Corals and Coral Reefs, Endangered Species, Flamingoes, Harbor Seals, Key West Animals, Manatees, Penguins, Polar Bears, Sea Turtles, Sharks and Their Relatives, Tropical Forests, Walruses, and Zoological Park Careers.
Be sure to visit THE SEA WORLD SONG BOOK...this name is a bit misleading. You will find activities for elementary children at this site as well as lyrics to silly songs that teach about the animals. Follow all the links...you will find some reproducible activities around here also.
Click here and go to the main page at Sea World. Follow the EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES link and see some unit studies! This main page also will give you the opportunity to view Sharks or Penguins via the CAM if you have NetShow Player.
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: Learn the myths and facts about sharks on this page. How many shark attacks have there really been in the different waters around the U.S.? Find out here.
GRADE LEVEL: All Ages; Secular Comments: For some reason do you need to know the capacity of tank for an aquarium? You supply the dimensions of your tank and it will calculate how much it will hold and how heavy the tank will be.
GRADE LEVEL: Middle School-High School; Secular Comments: You can dissect a frog virtually at this site and learn about all its "innards"! There is also a "Frog Builder Game" to test your knowledge of Frog Anatomy. Complete with a tutorial on how to use the online kit, this site also has links to related pages about frogs and their dissection. The kit is available in a number of languages...personally, I wish I would have had this in high school instead of having to do the dissection the usual way!
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular COMMENTS: What are microbes? How are they important to us? Where are they found? Examine microbes as to their importance to animals, food, dirt and water. Go on a safari for microbes. An interesting site.
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular COMMENTS: Two things to visit at this site that will help in your science program. First, THE IMAGE GALLERY. Don't have a microscope? Not to worry...here in this gallery you can view all sorts of things under an electron microscope...human hair, pollen, an ant, blood cells, bone marrow...169 images are on file here. Secondly...want to view a mystery item and have a guess? Click on the "WHAT IS IT" QUIZ? You will not only get to guess what the item is, but you will get to see all the incorrect guesses (they won't list your name unless you get it right). When 20 people have guessed a mystery image correctly they announce what that image is!
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular COMMENTS: In a similar vein to the above link, find more images here. Click on IMAGE GALLERY and when you click one of the two levers your will get to see if you can guess whether the image is Animal, Vegetable or Mineral. They will then tell you if you are right or not and will tell you what the image is. Great fun with microscopic images...kids as well as adults are usually fascinated by the microscopic world. Clicking on the other lever will bring up a huge image gallery to wade through.
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular COMMENTS: Whew!
What a comprehensive site on animals this is! If what you are looking for is an animal, it's here! Pictures, information, you name it. Plan to spend loads of time here following links. I found a great picture of a parakeet here and it is on my desktop now.
GRADE LEVEL: All ages; Secular COMMENTS: At this site you will be able to visit the BUG SOUND LIBRARY and listen to a cicada (more sounds to come shortly), view various insects at the INSECT GALLERY, address a question to an entomologist at the ENTOMOMOLOGY FORUM, search for a bug using its common or scientific name, or learn about a specific order of insects through their INSECT TUTORIAL. Would you like to buy kid's books, field guides, videos, software, games and puzzles, toys, live insect kits or other gifts all related to bugs? Then visit their GIFT SHOP! The page is constantly being updated, so visit often.
The Great Dinosaur Mystery
Official Keiko (Free Willy)the Whale Page
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Insects
Sea World/Busch Gardens Animal Resources
Virtual Frog Dissection Kit Version 2.0
Digital Learning Center's Microbe Zoo
Welcome to NetVet Vetinary Resources and the Electronic Zoo
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