I used to do the same too...…

…and then I met Him,


Merciful Jesus

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You may believe it or not (like once I used to), in 1931 Merciful Jesus appeared as you may see Him here to Sister Faustina Kowalska (declared Venerable on 7th March 1992 by Pope John Paul II), who painted Him in the two pictures you may find within this page and described her experience in the following way:


"In the evening I was in my cell. I saw the Lord dressed with a snow-white dress. He had one hand lifted up to bless; with the other one He touched on His chest the white tunic. From His chest, through the opening of the tunic, came two big rays of light: the former red and the latter white. After a moment Jesus told me: "Paint a picture of Me like you see Me now and write below: "Jesus, I confide in You!". I desire to see this image venerated in your chapel and then in the rest of the world. The rays of light represent the Blood and the Water which spourted out of the bottom of My Mercy on the Cross, when My Heard was opened by the lance. The white ray represents the Water which justifies the Souls; the red one the Blood, which is the life of the Souls".".



Jesus speaks to your Heart



"Maybe, aware of your sins, you fear to love Me and to get close to Me and you'd like to tell Me, like My apostle Peter when he realized My Saintliness: "Get away from me, as I'm a sinner!". I know your misery, the struggles and the sufferings of your soul, the deficiencies and the diseases of your body; I know your cowardice, your sins, your numberless defects; but, the same, I love you, I love you infinitely, I love you as you are. I did not come to look for the just, but for the wicked, because "the Son of the man has come to look for what was lost", because "there will be a greater joy in heaven for a sinner who repents, than for ninetynine just who need no conversion". Just for you, to search you, to free you, poor sinner unable of getting out of the muddy grave of your miseries and continuously harassed by satan, I shed all My Blood."



"To reward Me one thing is enough: give Me your heart, love Me as you are. If you wait to be an angel to give free course to Love, you will never love. Even if you are mean in the practice of duties and virtues, even if you often relapse into those faults which you'd like not to commit again, don't fear to love Me, love Me as you are.

Can't you see how everyday from the ground and even from the dung I succeed so easily in drawing out the perfume of roses, of lilies and of all other flowers and the beauty and the taste of any fruit? Remember that out of a prostitute, out of Mary Magdalene, I have taken a great Saint; remember how out of Matthew, the ******publican, I have taken an apostle; remember how out of Paul, the persecutor, I have taken the greatest of all apostles. I just needed their giving themselves to Me and their letting themselves being worked by Me.

Even out of you, poor sinner that you are, incapable of everything and even of resurrecting, I want to draw a masterpiece that will fulfill all the elect of Paradise with marvel and joy. Were your sins so big as the sands of the sea, I will erase them with my Blood. Were your sins so dark as cochineal, I will make you as white as the snow. I will just need your beginning to love Me sincerily.

Tell Me this sincerely: "Jesus, I love you!". Repeat it to Me one hundred, one thousand times a day: you will give Me a neverending joy; and for Me it will be like you never sinned. I am not like men: even when they forgive, they do not forget. When I forgive, I forget.

Just think, now, to love Me.

Give yourself to Me. Repeat this to with total faith: "Jesus, I confide in You!". I never forsake those who put themselves into My Hands. I will make wonderful things on you and for you."



"I want to transform you, but now I love you as you are; and, now, love Me as you are; put yourself in My Hands, begin to do those little things that you can, and which I'll meanwhile suggest you. I will not force you; I know that you're little; I know that you can make just little steps: those are enough to Me. Begin at once to let Love climb up from the underworld of your misery.

Today I'm standing at the door of your heart, like a beggar, I, the Creator, the Engine, the absolute Owner of the Universe. I knock and wait; hasten yourself to open the door to Me. Remember that to those ones who welcome Me I give the power to become sons of God, similar to God Himself, like Me. Do not bring together your misery, though it is far more serious than you may think possible. I will burn it in the fire of My Heart.

Do not doubt of My Forgiveness and of My Mercy; this would wound Me much more than your same sins. I want you to think about Me at every hour of the day and of the night; I want you to make even the most meaningless action for the sake of My Love. I rely on you to get joy

Do not worry yourself about not having any virtue: I will give you Mine. When you have to suffer, I will give you the strenght. Remember: love Me as you areI have given you My Mother: let everything pass through that so pure Heart of Hers!


Deepen your eyes in Mine: My Gaze is like on the Cross. Can you catch something else other than comprehension, love, mercy???



Merciful Jesus' promises

Jesus has decided to give us incredibly important presents, being He the King of Mercy even before than infinitely fair Judge, because "the mankind will not find peace until he will not address with faith to My Mercy". Here are His promises:


  1. "The Soul who will worship this image will not die. I promise to this Soul the victory over his enemies still here on the Earth, but especially at the point of the death of his body. I, the Lord, will protect him like My Glory. The rays of My Heart mean Blood and Water, and they shelter the Souls from My Father's rage. Blessed are those who live in their shadow, because the hand of Divine Justice will not reach them. I will protect, like a mother does with her own child, those Souls who will spread the cult of My Mercy during all their life; in the hour of their death, I will not be a Judge for them but the Saver.". The prayer of worship which Jesus has dictated is the following:
  2. Merciful Jesus, we confide in You! Have Mercy on us and on the whole world!


  3. "I give the mankind a vase with which he will be able to draw the graces at the source of My Mercy: this vase is the image with the following inscription: "Jesus, I confide in You!". This image must continuously remember to the poor mankind the neverending Mercy of God. Whoever displays and honours My Holy Effigy within his own house, he will be spared from the punishment. Like the ancient Jews who had signed their houses with a cross made out of the blood of the paschal lamb were saved from the Exterminating Angel, so it will be in those sad moments for those ones who had honoured Me by exposing My image."

  5. "The bigger and more painful is the misery of men, the more they have right to My Mercy, because I desire to save them all. Write that before coming as Judge I'll fling all open the door of My Mercy. Those who do not want to enter it will have to go through the one of My Justice. The source of My Mercy has been opened by the thrust of the lance on the Cross, for all the Souls. I have excluded none. The mankind will find neither tranquillity nor peace till he does not apply for My Mercy. Tell to the suffering mankind that he may refuge in My Merciful Heart, and I'll fulfill him with peace."

  7. "I desire that the first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of My Mercy. My daughter, tell all the world about My incommensurable Mercy! The Soul who during that day goes to confession and receives Holy Communion will obtain the full remission of guilts and punishments. I desire that this Feast is celebrated solemnly within all the Church."



How to invoke Jesus' Mercy

Jesus, in His neverending Mercy, has inspired directly to Sister Faustina the following very powerful prayer, the Rosary of Divine Mercy, which is told on the beads of the Holy Rosary. Jesus has promised: "I will bestow numberless graces to those ones who tell this Rosary. If told beside a dying person I will not be fair Judge, but Saver.".


At the beginning:

Our Father, Hail Mary, Credo.


On the 5 main beads:

Eternal Father, I offer You the Body, the Blood, the Soul and the Divinity of Your most beloved Son and our Lord Jesus Christ, in expiation of our sins and of those of the whole world.


On the minor beads:

For His painful Passion have Mercy on us and on the whole world.


At the end (3 times):

Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal have Mercy on us and on the whole world.



Another powerful prayer, which, when told with intensity, allows Jesus to touch the Heart of a Soul who lives far from Him, is the following:

O Blood and Water which spring from Jesus' Heart as source of Mercy for us, I confide in You!

Whoever tells this one beside a sinner has the certainty that Jesus will put the hand of His infinite Mercy on this one.



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