Quebec Separation


Unity of Canada is extremely important for its economy, power, and stability. People in B.C feel it's unfair because the government is spending their tax money on negociating with Quebec and holding referendum, which can leads to the separation of Quebec.The referendum and many Francophone's will to separate has caused:

Also due to the fact that many people in Quebec wants to separate, as you can see from the election map from below, the party the people support is different from Ontario and many other provinces. Most part of Quebec is represented by members of the Bloc Quebecois in the House of Commons, showing that even though not yet half of the people want to separate, the province has almost not representatives that do not support Quebec separation – members of Bloc Quebecois occupy the most seats in the province, whose party’s aim is to separate Quebec from the rest of the country despite the fact that some believe that Quebec parties lose more in separation than to stay with the rest of Canada(elections, voters...). Not only does Quebec's separation cause many financial problems, it also means the destruciton of country and decreasing of the standard of living for Canadians. It is very selfish of the Quebec to separate from a country that has given it many benefits in the past many years, and leaving Canada to many troubles it has caused by gaining its sovereignty. Maybe,it's time for them to consider whether they have the legal rights to separate or not. Canada is worth saving, and it can be saved.

Election Maps




Yes/No Voters



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