Here's where Agatha reads everyone's mail.

susan - 11/09/00 13:26:58
Favorite Grimes Book.: all of them!
Favorite grimes Character.: Richard Jury, Aunt Agatha
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: RJ series still my favourite
How did you get to my page?: searched Martha Grimes in Dogpile

I've been a fan for a long time - read all the R.J. books and think Ms. Grimes does a wonderful job bringing her characters to life. It's so great to find other fans out there as excited about the series as I am. (I'm very new at this surfing business, and this is one of the first sites I searched for!) Very jealous of Vivian R. - stop teasing! Bye for now.

Frances Buscemi - 10/16/00 02:31:15
Favorite Grimes Book.: all jury books
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose and Aunt Agatha
Have you read the non Jury books?: nope
How did you get to my page?: keyword: Martha Grimes


Elena Egan - 10/06/00 18:41:53
Favorite grimes Character.: RichardJury
Have you read the non Jury books?: No
How did you get to my page?: Yahoo

Fantastic job. I didn't imagine that anyone could take something like a mystery series and make such a marvelous thing of it.

Julie I. Milner - 09/18/00 18:05:00
Favorite Grimes Book.: The Old Silent
Favorite grimes Character.: ALL of them
Have you read the non Jury books?: No
How did you get to my page?: searched Yahoo

I just discovered Martha Grimes' books a couple of months ago and to say I love them is a vast understatement. The characters are hilarious. Can't wait for the next novel.

- 09/04/00 10:43:14
Favorite Grimes Book.: Loved All
Favorite grimes Character.: Jury and Plant
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: not as well
How did you get to my page?: mys. mag. mary higgins clark

Ran book stores and loved Martha Grimes from start. I told all customers about my favorite author. Love the settings,pubs and the country.

vicky - 08/21/00 12:35:29
My Email:vickyvicpet
Favorite Grimes Book.: the old silent
Favorite grimes Character.: melrose
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: yes
How did you get to my page?: conpendium


kay - 07/12/00 16:58:59
Favorite Grimes Book.: Hotel Paradise
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose Plant
Have you read the non Jury books?: Yes
Did you like them?: Very much
How did you get to my page?: Martha Grimes Auther

Some authors writing under different names do what Martha Grimes does under one name. The non-Richard Jury books are good mysteries with a different attitude. I prefer the Jury books that take place in England. I have collected all but the last one publ shed.

Gill Ledgard - 05/22/00 20:01:00
Favorite Grimes Book.: The Old Silent
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose Plant
Have you read the non Jury books?: No
How did you get to my page?: Searched for Martha Grimes via Yahoo

Very good, an interesting depiction of the now familiar characters

Liz - 04/07/00 07:19:22
Favorite Grimes Book.: The Stargazey
Favorite grimes Character.: Zel in The Case Has Altered and Linda in The Stargazey
Have you read the non Jury books?: No
How did you get to my page?: From the site Cyril, The Cat Presents Richard Jury

What's not to like? Your cartoons are great!! Hope to see more of them in the future. Have always had a fondness for all things British and also have always enjoyed good writing. It's a treat to read the Richard Jury and Melrose Plant stories. I ration out one chapter at a time so as to prolong my enjoyment of each book.

Bobbie Browning - 03/17/00 22:44:18
Favorite Grimes Book.: whichever one I've read most recently. right now it is The Lamora Wink
Favorite grimes Character.: Jenny
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: yes, and I live the Richard Jury series even better
How did you get to my page?: compuserve seach engine

Wonderful books! I'd read about 5 of them and decided to start over to make sure I'd read them in order. I love the unexpected humor, the eccentric characters, the way each book shares a little more of most of the characters. And the books usually have common traits,ie all named after unique British pubs, that are fun to watch for as I read.

Shirley - 02/26/00 00:50:10
Favorite Grimes Book.: All
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose and Trueblood and Aunt Agatha
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: Sorry
How did you get to my page?: iVillage mystery/suspense book club recommendation

I love the running story lines in addition to the mystery in progress. My favorite is the scheming between Plant and Trueblood to keep Vivian from marrying the Count. Can't wait the next book!

darlene graham - 02/22/00 04:14:36
Favorite Grimes Book.: the case has altered
Favorite grimes Character.: melrose plant
Have you read the non Jury books?: no
How did you get to my page?: search

I picture Melrose and Jury totally different. I see Melrose as Richard Grant (actor) and Jury as Colin Firth (actor). If you give messages to Ms. Grimes, let her know that I think these guys would make a great mystery series on A & E!!!

Miyuki Sakurai - 02/16/00 02:03:06
Favorite Grimes Book.: The Old Contemptibles
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose Plant
Have you read the non Jury books?: Yes
Did you like them?: Yes
How did you get to my page?: thgough Yahoo

I'm truly happy that I found this HP. I'm so fond of characters such as Melrose Plant or Richard jury and I enjoy so much the witty conversation Martha Grimes produces.

brenda - 02/07/00 04:14:40
Favorite Grimes Book.: the last I read..all
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: yes
How did you get to my page?: Yahoo

I wish I could go to Ardry End...

Jan Boegel - 02/03/00 15:06:50
Favorite Grimes Book.: Simply can't choose--they're all just great, due not only to her superior plots, but even more so to her characterizations.
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose, with Jury running a close second.
Have you read the non Jury books?: Yes, Hotel Paradise
Did you like them?: Not as well as the Jury series
How did you get to my page?: The dustcover printed it

I have the complete selection of Ms. Grimes' books in paperback, luckily, so that I can reread them as often as I wish. However, was delighted to find one at the library the other day that I hadn't read: "Stargazey." Tried to read and savor it slowly s that it would last! Only P.D. James approaches her in talent, in my estimation.

darlie1 - 01/22/00 01:07:06
Favorite Grimes Book.: help the poor struggler
Favorite grimes Character.: jury
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: no
How did you get to my page?: yahoo search

cute idea

Lorraine R. - 01/16/00 08:48:18
Favorite Grimes Book.: all of them
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: yes
How did you get to my page?: Yahoo search under "Martha Grimes"


ab - 01/09/00 19:14:09
Favorite Grimes Book.: The Man with a Load of Mischief
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose Plant
Have you read the non Jury books?: Yes
Did you like them?: Not as well as the RJ series
How did you get to my page?: the RJ Compedium

Great cartoons, fun site. I agree with a previous post. You need to add Wiggins!

Christi - 01/04/00 14:17:57
Favorite Grimes Book.: All the RJ books
Favorite grimes Character.: Richard, no, uh, Melrose, uh, no, Richard.....
Have you read the non Jury books?: One--Biting the Moon
Did you like them?: Not particularly.
How did you get to my page?: Personal friend of the artist...:)

As always, I love your drawings...and you are getting better! Sorry you lost the old comments. I was pleased to see someone found you via my page. I was tickled by the question: What's Ardry End? Keep up the good work....and thanks for the kind remarks in my guestbook.

Lucy Thompson - 01/04/00 12:47:06
Favorite Grimes Book.: Lamorna Wink
Favorite grimes Character.: Cyril
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: ABSOLUTELY!
How did you get to my page?: pmurray


Carol Pen - 12/28/99 17:44:09
My Email:bel
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose Plang
Have you read the non Jury books?: Yes
Did you like them?: Yes
How did you get to my page?: Always inquire Martha Grimes

Love your books!!! Have managed to get my hands on most of them.. Some I have had to settle for paperback, as hard cover are all but impossible to find, and if you do find, cost waaaayyy more than I can afford.

Valerie - 11/24/99 21:17:06
Favorite Grimes Book.: Stargazey
Favorite grimes Character.: Bea Slocum
Have you read the non Jury books?: Yes
Did you like them?: Yes
How did you get to my page?: looking for Martha

I was an avid Martha Grimes fan up until the one in New Mexico. I thought that one dragged and so went off in search of a new series. However, I was searching desperately for something to read in my local bookstore and saw "Stargazey". Decided to give Mar ha another try and am SO glad I did!! Now I'm braving the pre-Thanksgiving rush to pick up The Lamorna Wink....

Thelma Grace - 11/20/99 03:20:29
Favorite Grimes Book.: The Lamorna Wink
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose Plant
Have you read the non Jury books?: NO
Did you like them?: I love only the Jury mysteries
How did you get to my page?: Search for Martha Grimes

I have read every Richard Jury mystery more times than I can count. Melrose Plant is my favorite character....especially after the insight into his life in The Lamorna Wink. I enjoyed your web site very much.

Shanna Flory - 10/25/99 00:18:00
Favorite Grimes Book.: The Old Contemptables
Favorite grimes Character.: Plant
Have you read the non Jury books?: Yes
Did you like them?: Nowhere near as much
How did you get to my page?:

Your cartoons are great, please keep it up. I wish someone would make movies out of her novels. Your pictures of Plant are just as I imagined him, down to the brilliant green eyes

Carol Penhaker - 10/07/99 13:45:53
Favorite Grimes Book.: All Richard Jury mysteries
Favorite grimes Character.: Love them all
Have you read the non Jury books?: Not yet
How did you get to my page?: searching ebay martha grimes

A friend at work gave me my first Richard Jury mystery about 8 or 9 months ago. I have been hooked ever since. I have purchased several books now myself and plan to get all in the series. Unfortunatly the first one is VERY expensive. I happened to luc upon a page that had all listed in order of printing. Very helpful, as I plan to read all of them again, but in order. Some seem to be hard to come by, especially since I want hard cover not paperback. If anyone has any suggestions as to where I might ave luck finding more books, please, drop me an e-mail. Thanks to Ms Grimes for many wonder hours of reading!!!

Kathy King - 10/03/99 23:35:51
Favorite Grimes Book.: the one i'm currently reading
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose, Jury & Crippses
Have you read the non Jury books?: The End of the Pier
Did you like them?: so-so. Stick with Richard
How did you get to my page?: through the martha Grimes Website

Cute website. Martha Grimes is my favorite author with Elizabeth George running a close second.Ms. Grimes' writing is so good, you find yourself caring about her characters long after the book is done. Reading her new novels is like visiting well-loved fr ends.

Peggy LaRue - 09/20/99 12:36:34
Favorite Grimes Book.: difficult to decide
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose Plant
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: yes
How did you get to my page?: link thru R.J.Compedium

Enjoyed viewing your website. Please include Sargent Wiggins in the list of characters.

Winnie - 09/10/99 20:57:38
Favorite Grimes Book.: all
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose Plant...what a question!
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: yes
How did you get to my page?: searching M. Grimes

Hi! I`m a great fan of the Inspector-Jury-books, and I wish, I could be an inhabitant of Long Pidd! I love all these characters...and I allways are waiting impatiently for new books!

ardry engleheart - 08/24/99 01:40:37
How did you get to my page?: i was looking fir my name on the web and this came up

what's ardry end?

Arika - 07/22/99 17:44:49
My Email:gisnas(at) (- can't find the 'at' symbol on my keyboard -I'm kind of new at this surfing business...Favorite Grimes Book.: All...
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose Plant
Have you read the non Jury books?: Yes; Hotel Paradise
Did you like them?: Yes.
How did you get to my page?: Found it by searching for Martha


kimberly griffith - 07/17/99 15:24:32
Favorite Grimes Book.: the old silent
Favorite grimes Character.: cyril
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: yes
How did you get to my page?: searched for Martha Grimes


Linda - 07/14/99 06:15:20
Favorite Grimes Book.: the 5 Bells
Favorite grimes Character.: Melrose
Have you read the non Jury books?: yes
Did you like them?: yes
How did you get to my page?: I live here.

Hello to all. As you can see if you've been here before, I have a new address book. Sorry I lost all of your wonderful comments. Please sign in again.

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