Today's Soul Food — July 21 & 22

Golden Words


We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called, because that was his plan. 

Romans 8:28 (NCV)

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Tears and sorrow come, but each time God will be there to remind you that He cares.... God causes all things in our lives to work together for good. Flowers can grow on dung hills, and compost makes great gardens. God is offering Himself to you daily, and the exchange is fixed. It is your sins for His forgiveness, your tragedy and hurt for His balm of healing, and your sorrow for His joy. 

— Barbara Johnson


Daily Meditations by  Pat Nordman ©


July 21

We want par or below for our golf game, but we want to be above par for the contest of life. Jesus tells us He came that we might have life abundantly (John 10:10). Some think they must experience it all, even the below pars of life; they collect sensations as others collect stamps or smoked bottles, not realizing they join Eve in tasting the forbidden fruits. They want to taste the so-called whole of life and find it leaves a bitter taste in their mouths.

"Come separate...touch no unclean thing..." (2 Corinthians 6:17).

We want to live an above par and wholesome life for our Lord and others.

Pat Nordman ©

July 22

"`Why should he be put to death? What has [David] done?' Jonathan asked his father" (1 Samuel 20:32); "`Crucify Him!' `Why, what crime has He committed?'" (Matthew 27:22,23). Indeed, what evil has He done? He who knew no sin (2 Corinthians 5:21) was about to die for the sins of the rest of us.

We wonder at times why someone has a burden that seems so unfair. The disciples asked Jesus: "Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" "Neither," the Man of Sorrows replied. (John 9:2,3.) Pain and sorrow are facts of life; the question is, do we glorify or vilify Him in the fires of affliction?


Excerpts from today's Spurgeon's Devotions

Spurgeon's Morning for July 21

Spurgeon's Evening for July 21


"The daughter of Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee."

– Isaiah 37:22


"Why go I mourning?"

-  Psalm 42:9

Strong faith enables the servants of God to look with calm contempt upon their most haughty foes.

Knowest thou not that day follows night, that flood comes after ebb, that spring and summer succeed winter? Hope thou then! Hope thou ever! For God fails thee not.


Spurgeon's Morning for July 22

Spurgeon's Evening for July 22

"I am married unto you."

– Jeremiah 3:14



"Behold the man!"

-  John 19:5

Let the love of husband be never so pure and fervent, it is but a faint picture of the flame which burns in the heart of Jesus.

If there be one place where our Lord Jesus most fully becomes the joy and comfort of his people, it is where he plunged deepest into the depths of woe


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July 21   Proverbs 4:1 - 7:27
July 22 
Proverbs 8:1 - 11:31

365 days of Bible Readings Linked to Bible Gaitway TM 


Current Bible Question

What was Nebuchadnezzar's other name?

Previous question and Answer:

Which apostle suffered a "thorn" in his flesh?

The Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 12:7)  



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Today's  Devotion


.. ...and by his light I walked through darkness!    JOB ...and by his light I walked through darkness!    JOB 29:3 NIV 



by Pat Nordman


"We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies"

(2 Thessalonians 3:11)

Martin Luther had much to say about gossip and its terrible by-products. Luther pointed out that when we gossip we are doing Satan's chores for him. He related an incident of a couple so happily married that it was the talk of the town. The devil couldn't cause disharmony between them, but he finally hit upon the trick: he sent an old hag to the wife to tell her that her husband was having an affair with another woman and he planned to kill her. The hag told her that she would find a knife under her husband's pillow. She then hurriedly went to the husband with the same terrible tale. Unfortunately for the wife, the husband found her knife first, and that was the end of the town's happiest marriage. There are several vital lessons here: malicious tongues kill; Satan is behind the vicious tongue; trust your partner; and, above all, check your sources.

Gossip is verbal interest in the failings of others rather than their feelings. Our own faults should keep us busy enough praying to a forgiving and forgetting Father and offering prayers of thanksgiving that He so willingly overlooks our own many mal- practices of tongue.

"I take it as a matter not to be disputed, that if all knew what each said of the other, there would not be four friends in the world. This seems proved by the quarrels and disputes caused by the disclosures which are occasionally made." Pascal. Busybodies are parasites who go about stinging the innocent with veiled but spiteful venom. Let us beware of the one who is busy with everyone else's business. Paul gives excellent advice to Timothy: "Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge. . ." 1 Timothy 6:20. We have an overabundance of knowledge these days but precious little wisdom!

Send a note to © Pat Nordman, the writer of this devotion..


Gossip is verbal interest in the failings of others rather than their feelings.


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