+In the Name of the Father and of the Son; and of the Holy Ghost. Amen

This is a solemn moment, for behold this is holy ground and we are in the house of God. Keep silence for a while and know that He is God. candle Our Lady of Walsingham Anglican Image. candle The candles lit here shine in remembrane of loved ones; sent by Mary, the prayers of the faithful are brought by the wings of Angels before the very Throne of God.
Our Lady of Walsingham, intercede for us

Candle Prayer 001
For all who visit here;
all who leave their prayers

Standing Candle Prayer 007
For Mary Fleece

Standing Candle Prayer 009
For Abigail

Standing Candle Prayer 027
For Sarah L Heath

Two Week Prayer Candle Prayer 057
For Hayley, Andrew, and Zoe

Two Week Candle Prayer 058
For Cheryl Marcolini

Two Week Candle Prayer 059
For Bernadette Lim

Two Week Candle Prayer 049
For All Lapsed Catholics

Two Week Candle Prayer 050
For Shepard

Standing Candle Prayer 051
For Jeannie and Andrew

Two Week Candle Prayer 052
For Maryann

Two Week Candle Prayer 053
For Dorothy

Two Week Candle Prayer 054
For Joseph Andre

Two Week Candle Prayer 055
For Kay Hassan

Two Week Candle Prayer 056
For Troll

Two Week Candle Prayer 057
For Grandfather Lee

Standing Candle Prayer 058
For Claire Herrmann

N.B. Prayers will ordinarily remain for 2 weeks. Special intentions can remain for longer periods. Petittions and Intercesions can be renewed, but I do ask that you email me to let me know.

counterPeople have prayed at the feet of Our Lady of Walsingham:

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Created June 19, 1997
Last updated 12/27/01
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