The aims of the Association are:-
To promote the study of all aspects of Freemasonry,
To present to members, papers based on Freemasonry,
To encourage debate and discuss the subject matter of papers presented,
To cause to be printed and distributed to members, copies of papers presented,
To stimulate interest and research in the history and symbolism of Freemasonry.
We hold regular meetings on the fifth Tuesday of any month having such a fifth Tuesday.
Meetings are held in the Refrectory of the Graham Botha Temple in Bouquet Street, Cape Town.
Visitors are welcome as long as they are
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary at

and Vice-President, Africa Chapter
of the
International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters.

This e-m@son WebRing site is
operated by: Ken Peck
For details of our next meeting, please click here.
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