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But Master Sporker, what is a spork exactly?

Ah! I am glad you asked!
Simply put, a spork is a certain kind of combination of a fork and a spoon commonly having 3-4 prongs.

Here are some examples of true sporks...

4 prong spork
Your standard 4-pronged plastic spork.
3 prong spork
Your standard 3-pronged plastic spork.
The mighty Pikaspork!
nice spork
A beautiful metal spork!
fancy spork
A very elegant metal spork!
titanium spork
A sturdy metal spork for the serious Sporkitsu student.
Tupperwear sporks
Twin yellow Tupperwear sporks.

Now let's look at some things that aren't sporks...

Almost, but it lacks the curvature of the "spoon" part.
fake spork
Is this a spork? Look closely. It's a Wendy's spoon disguised as a spork. Beware!
grapefruit spoon
This is a distant cousin of the spork, the grapefruit spoon.
bacon fork
This is NOT a spork. It is a bacon fork, an enemy of Sporkitsu.
This must be an ancestor of the modern spork. "The Missing Link" mayhaps?
noodle server
It's lovely, but this is a noodle server thingie, not a spork.
No! This abomination is not the way spoons and forks are meant to be merged!
What the heck is this thing!
NO NO NO! I will NEVER acknowledge this as being a spork! Never! Never! My students, I command thee to destroy it on sight!

spork spam
Ewwwwwwwww! This is a Canadian Spam-like product. It dishonors the mighty spork by using its name! DIE!

Got it now?

Do you have an unusual spork that you'd like to show off? Do you have a utensil and you're not sure if it's a spork or not? Or perhaps you've seen a spork wannabe? Send us a scan! We will post it here.

May the spork be with you!
--Master Sporker

Sporkitsu and Master Sporker © 1997 by Roseangelo and Venus