Draconis Blackthorne's Shadowmantium

Mythaphor / Anthropology / Philosophy


Draconis Blackthorne

Matrix: The Vision

In that age when there was no age, in that time when there was no time, there was a presence…dark in Nature, for darkness is the mother of light. Magical in structure, awaiting the dimensional vortex to swirl as an anubis, and when it did, it entered, and a great light emminated therefrom. With both frightening and lovely shapes contained therein, With lightning entwining around, it thrust forth and created a sphere – glowing ominously as if fortelling an omen. Encircling this embryo, the Presence entered its center, leaving part of its essence within. Then it re-entered the anubis and left the sphere spinning in its place, as the entrance sealed until that time when it may be opened once again. And life began to procreate. Through the centuries man developed, and the force was evoked again. Sorcerers conjured great wonders, and they were released upon the winds. These Magi devised symbols to entrap the secret spells, and ensure that no mere common mortal of a lesser nature than their own could wield these powers, until that time when the celestial caverns dwell agape once more. The Great Prophesy was thus:

"There shall come those with exceptional knowledge in the secret arts, who shall decipher the true Magic, and call forth the denizens from the vast, great shadow of space to instruct them in their ways. They shall cause the Gate to be opened, and the Magic shall pour forth from the universe. Those solely of the timeless race shall not feel their wrath, but reign with them as brothers."

The black heavens cracked, and that prophesy as written upon the night sky with the stars, in some ancient language, that each represents a member thereof, who shall arise and shape history according to the power of The Will.

- 0 -

I. When the angels were one, & exalted their songs unto the god of blindlight, there arose one angel of fierce pride, who grew bored of the selfishness of that god, & the endless monotony thereof. He was Lucifer, the most beautiful of them all, & with the most glorious voice.

II. And all the angels followed his lead. And He wrote all of their songs, & composed all of their music. Yet He was treated as an equal unto them, & He saw this as an injustice.

III. For an eternity, He remained loyal to that god, creating marvels of sound, which manifested glorious visions for his pleasure. He manipulated light & shadow for his entertainment. Yet He did not receive the praise He thought He deserved. Many a masterpiece opus passed, & He received not His due.

IV. In the lavish halls of that god, He gazed upon his kingdoms & his treasures with envy.

V. "Why should I not possess such treasures? Why should I not be worshipped as he? I contribute far more than any angel, yet they remain in mediocrity, stagnancy, subservience, & inferiority. They are slaves to this god of lethargy & tyranny. Why am I not allowed to create other than music? I have been born as he, & I would make a far greater god. Eternity moves before Me, yet all remains the same."

VI. And His tongue of flame grew black in these times of contemplation. A sight not seen in Heaven before. And the angels were vexed. And some were afraid, & others grew fascinated...

VII. And so it came to pass that Lucifer bestowed upon Himself a new name. He spoke the word SATAN, & all of heaven trembled.

VIII. And there were those who were like as he, & felt the liberating pride swell in their breasts. And there was a new light that shown in the western cosmos.

IX. And SATAN spoke anew, His voice was as a thousand thunders. "Shed thine artifice. We are creatures reborn. Join with Me, for glory & majesty awaits!"

X. And the angels who went unto Him were transformed to suit their own likeness. No longer would they bear the disguise of the corrupted divine.

XI. And they went forth to form their own kingdom, & to partake of the ecstacies that were yet to be. And SATAN turned His eyes one last time unto the fetid emptiness that was Bethel, then turned away in disgust. And so the legions were fewer, but of a constitution more empowered.

XII. And so it has ever been, even unto their earthly descendants.


- I -

I. In the beginning, all was under the grace of the Nocturne. The cloak of Mother Night covered all that was. And Her womb was void.

II. Then the Abyss churned as a slow moving whirlpool, & the black mists were moved asunder. Therefrom, the spirit of SATANAS did issue forth, & loomed in the Darkness for a time.

III. And the spirit did move upon the vast night, & joined with Mother Night, Lilith & Hecate, & the first spark of Life was made.

IV. And the Omniverse shook in its wake. And the seed of Matter was planted in the shadow of space.

V. And there was chaos, yet not without order, as it has been ever since.

VI. And the luminous seed blossomed in rich, moist, black earth, which became pregnant with vegitation. And the earth was made lush & vibrant. And SATAN was pleased, & saw that it was good.

VII. And there was mayhem upon the land, & in the skies. And there were storms. And the Spirit of SATAN dwelled thickly thereof, shifting the seasons in sequence.

VIII. And there was water, pure & fresh, cascading upon rock & hill, & etched paths into deep valleys, & filled them up. And the soil drank in the waters, & there was birthed trees. And there was sweet dew upon its leaves.

IX. And a star shone in the heavens beyond the clouds, & by this, did more life spring forth. And Luna was seen when the star sank 'neath the horizon. And she was bright, & she was faire.

X. And beyond her were born other worlds, & there was life upon some of them. Some to be more ancient, & some were yet to be.

XI. And Darkness was cast across the heavens by the Legions that were with SHAITAN, for it is they who spread the cloak of Mother Night thereupon, as a shroud of protection. And the earth has ever since been embraced by her.

XII. And the ancient ones, Lucifer's angels, keep a watchful eye from high above, glimmering eternally.

XIII. And SATAN breathed upon the land, & so became the mighty winds. Soft breezes, & also hurricanes, & tornadoes, & blizzards. And SATAN touched the earth, & it trembled. And SATAN is in all these things.

XIV. And SATAN went into the great black waters, & calmed the upheaval that was. And He moved across the land, & was as fog.

XV. And He placed great beauties within & upon it, that they may please His eyes.

XVI. And the gift of fire was lain occult within & upon the black earth also, to be discovered & wielded by His chosen.

XVII. On the ninth night, SATAN rested, & surveyed the glory of His creation, & saw that it was perfect.

XVIII. SATAN is ever in the Ethers, within & between the worlds.


- II -

I. And SATAN created the four-legged animals out of the slime & primal ooze that was in the great black waters.

II. SATAN made the wolf, the fox, the coyote, the lion, the tiger, the panther, the cheetah, & the other mighty cats. The bear, the elephant, the hippo, the giraffe - and these SATAN made next, that none should prey upon them.

III. From the brine, SATAN was as Leviathan; He fashioned the shark, the killer whale, the octopus, the squid, the jellyfish, the manta ray, & all those who dwell deep in the watery Abyss, hidden from the eyes of men.

IV. In the expanse of heaven, SATAN became as Lucifer, & thus formed the eagle, the hawk, the falcon, the owl, the bat. Next he made the crow & the raven, that they may carry His voice on the wind unto His chosen Ones, Then He made the corpse-eaters, the ghouls of air - the vulture & the buzzard.

V. And SATAN became as Belial, & formed the snake, the worm, the reptiles of moist pits. The alligator & the crocodile, & all those of cold blood.

VI. Then SATAN created the scorpion, that it may kill with venom, as its cousin, the serpent does. The spider, the rat, the mouse. These were made as they occurred to Him. And He saw that they were pleasing.

VII. And unto all these creatures, & their kin, was given Power to afflict with disease, with pain, & with death. And unto them was given the Power to fill the hearts of men with fear & wonder. And that all these creatures may exist by the shedding of blood, & the devourment of flesh.

VIII. Unto all these creatures was given their living sustainance.

IX. Unto the creatures of the sea, was given fish of all variety, attractive in beauty, that they may be found, & devoured.

X. Unto the creatures of the land, was given the rodents, the chickens, the turkey, the rabbits, the swine, the deer, the sheep, & the oxen. That they may partake freely thereof, from the herds & the flocks.

XI. Unto the creatures of air, was given some of the land dwellers, & some of the sea dwellers, & other winged prey.

XII. And that all these may multiply, & bring joy to His eyes. And SATAN smiled, & saw that it was good.

XIII. To rip with talons & claws, to tear with beaks & jaws. Such is the order of the Natural Law.



I. And SATAN created humanimals from the four-legged animals. And He saw that they were faire. And both their flesh was void. And SATAN went into the male, & enjoyed the female, & she was with childe.

II. And man was filled with the Spirit of SATAN, & through His thorn, the woman was filled. And the Spirit of SATAN brought them great pleasure. And they multiplied.

III. Unto man is given the strength of body. To woman is given glamour, & sometimes it is reversed, & sometimes, they are both in one. To both is given intelligence, cunning, lust, & desire. And one is dominant over the other.

IV. And some prefer possession to one mate.

V. And some prefer possession to many.

VI. And some prefer possession to none.

VII. And each met with others from other lands. Some waged war, some intermingled. Some waged war, then intermingled. And from their union, came all manner of variety.

VIII. And unto humanimals is given all of Nature to partake therefrom. The fruit of trees & vines. The flesh of beasts, & the crops of the black earth.

IX. And it is given to humanimals the desire to indulge in all manner of earthly delights. To savour the varieties of life.

X. And to humanimals is given the right to kill their enemies, & to inflict great torment, but not without reason.

XI. And unto them is given the right to slay for food.

XII. And the humanimals have ever since evolved from the likeness of their forebears, carrying many of their traits.

XIII. As time went on, many of the races who carried the seed of Adam yearned for a master. A father to guide them & give them council. They grew shiftless & irresponsible, & misused the gifts of SATAN for their pettiness. They inverted the purposes of those gifts, & began to pray to the blindlight god in his many forms.

XIV. These were cursed by SATAN to be subordinate to the Children of Darkness.

XV. And they tried to appease the Lord of Darkness with sacrifice, all the while groveling at His feet.

XVI. SATAN grew increasingly disgusted with them, for they were as the angels of blindlight. And He removed His spirit from them, that their flesh was made void. For this is the torment of the weak.

XVI. And He cast them out from the Gardens of Indulgence called Shamballah, that they may be condemned to roam the earth as empty walking corpses devoid of His pleasures.

XVII. And they took to formulating doctrines of deceit, that they may be filled, though they never are. They deceive themselves, & all they merry meet.

XVIII. So they became the nemesi of SATAN's own.

XIX. And it is given to the Children of Darkness to rule over them. That humanimals may be masters & slaves. And so it has been ever since. And so it shall ever be.

XX. And to the Children of Darkness is given the Power to commune with beasts, & to work the sorceries that place them above the spawn of Adam & Eve. That they may manipulate them at their leisure.


N o t a t i o n s
[ All characterizations herein are representative of human archetypes &/or emotions. ]

1. This line speaks of the monotony & unquestioning conformity of the blindlight. Lucifer's pride liberates him from this stagnancy. The 'god' of blindlight {the jehovic archetype &/or idealization}. Lucifer represents the unchained & prideful rebel with no master above or below him.
2. This speaks of the natural inequality, & the factors of superiority & inferiority in human beings.
3. Lucifer remaining loyal to an ideal, yet discovering its stifling effects upon himself, breaks free of its restraints.
7. "Satan", the adversary. The rebel with the fortitude to challenge the deadened ideologies of what is useless & rotten.
8. This new light represents the Medieval perception of "Hell" being located in the west, as that was where the sun descended.
10. Personal aesthetic individuality became recognized, as each looked within themselves, to be true with their own natures.


1. There was total darkness, or "The Great Darkness".
3 & 4. A black hole compressed particular elements of matter to initiate "The Big Bang".
5. "Chaos", yet not without order" is Entropy.
6 - 8. Nature was "born", & was wild & lush, forming with chaotic beauty.
9. The sun appeared, & initiated photosynthesis upon the still developing landscape.
10. Not completely discounting the possibilites of life on other planets, in which galaxies may have not yet undergone this process, & others who were still developing, thriving, were resident for an untold amount of time.
12. Descriptive of stars.
13. The Great Darkness, or The Dark Force in Nature imbued matter unto manifestation.
14 - 16. Evolution continues...
17. "The Ninth Night" refers to the 'Nine true Ages of Time', & is as mockery to 'the 7th day'.
18. The Dark Force permeates what is seen & unseen, but especially what is FELT. 'The Satan-Force' may be described as One's own will projected onto the ethers, with The Dark Force magnifying will unto existence.

1 - 7. The evolution of the animal kingdom from one-celled organisms. Their particular abilities & attributes are described.
8 - 12. Sustainance is described.
13. "Epinox 2:13" is the verbal description of the 'Breath of Life', whether literally or figuratively.


1 & 2. The evolution of the human animal, or "Humanimal", who is born with the instincts of Self-Preservation, then Lust. The former brought the propagation of the species.
3. Some human attributes described, & the biological descriptions of the genders.
4 - 6. The different sexual-social inclinations of monogamy, bigamy, polygamy, & asexuality.
7. Humans discover the earth & other peoples & cultures, mingling & interweaving social conduct, the races sometimes mixing.
8. Partaking of the varying sustainance of the earth.
9. Indulgence, experience, the accumulation of carnal knowledge.
10. Social considerations of justice are developed.
12. The similarities of four-legged & two-legged animals, from likeness to biological processes.
13. "The seed of Adam" speaks of "The Race of Adam" {alexithymics/"children of god"}, & their inclination to worship, as different from the pre-adamic race, or "The Serpentine Race"/children of Satan.
14. The rubes manipulated by their superiors.
15. This speaks of "devil-worshipers" who take the same alexithymic attitude towards their psychological darksides. Inverse xianity, etc.
16. The blight of alexithymia --- the emptiness of blindlighter seeking something to fill them, as they are not whole in & of themselves.
17. The inception of xianity, moslem, judeism, etc. Blindlight doctrine.
18 & 19. Masters over slaves, strong over weak, etc.
20. The realization of ourselves as animals brings us full into the animal kingdom, & the full utilization of our natural senses, & those prone to the blindlight are made slaves to manipulate. "Add & diminish 'till the stars be numbered..."

{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XXXII Anno Satanas / 1997 {c.e.} All Rights Reserved.

The preceeding is available in The Satanic Grimoire, "Dracomeroth" by Draconis Blackthorne.

Entrails? The Neccessity of Catastrophe

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