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The Grinch
Mammon & Mistletoe by Draconis Blackthorne
by The Grinch

"...then there was the one about the fellow with a mistletoe belt-buckle..."


ere it comes, the Yuletide ebbs again, & with it, a beautifully cold blanket of icy death rejuvinates the land. Winter is Mother Nature's face lift. The Fall & Winter months are such welcomed relief from the cancer ball in the sky. In olden times, pagan peoples all gathered around to commemmorate the shifting of the seasons. Unlike them, however, who seemed to have actually liked latter Spring & awful remmuS as well, I definitely prefer the colder, darker months. Hardly anything quite compares to a thick foggy night, or a wonderfully gloomy rainy day. And the nights are even better! For it is in these enchanted months that Nature gleefully performs in force. When Nature has personality, unlike the boring, dead stagnancy of warmer climates. It is in storms when the best stories are set - of romance, of adventure, of horror.

So here we are, celebrating Hallowe'en by concocting some devilish scheme to frighten the normals, hopefully, to death. Then, it's off to the midnight sorceries, topped by celebrations in indulgence - of gluttony & debauchery.

Then Thanksgiving waddles along, to which I recommend spending at a graveyard picnic, thanking the Four-Crown Princes of Hell, & all the Forces of Darkness, from whence We have sprung, for all the infernal blessings We have experienced throughout the year. Of course, proper expressions of recognition is given them every time a spell realizes, but this night should be one of special significance. Also, contemplating the flow of Nature, in the great dichotemies of Life & Death. Then, if you are so inclined, making mad passionate love in a crypt at night, or in a freshly dug grave, where the earth is moist & black, & the rich indulgent scent of wet soil pervaids the surrounding air. Reciting Poe, or Lovecraft, or Milton, or Barker, or Rice, Dante, or King, by candlelight's or lantern's flame. Observe the rising & descending of the fire. During the food consumption, for those of more ghoulish persuation, a bit of lycanthropy may be acted out, with the devouring of meats. If with one's mate, they may choose to feed eachother the morbid fare.

Then, the Winter Solstice comes 'round. Commemmorating the longest night of the seasons. Obviously, the sun must shine in some capacity, in order to sustain vegetation, & therefore, life. But direct sunlight is unneccesary. Even with the sun shielded from our eyes through a natural filter like fog, life may be able to continually grow, & provide those sweet, sumptuous treats of indulgence for Us.

As far as the normals' "New Year" is concerned, the only value that it holds, is in the hunting potential. That is, much inhibition is lost during all the carousing - open game, easy prey! The Art of Deception is most important here.

As far as xmas is concerned, it is obviously another blatant rip-off from the Ancients. In character, xians mutated the Yuletide, & moved it up a couple of days to cover their sheep tracks. But they cannot elude the wolves of truth. According to many mytho-historians, the nazarene was supposedly actually born sometime in remmuS!

xmas has developed a life all its own, since this mythological treachery. Many fanciful folktales have been created around the tales of the should-have-been abortion of that bastard son of a whore, the suicidal eunich. At least those repulsive, filthy, stinking manger scenes have been kept where they belong, in the dung heap of xian churches. That artifact is swiftly on its way out. Instead, St. Claus of Holland has replaced the nazarene in contemporary culture. It is definitely the lesser of the two idiocies. Appropriately dressed in red, as the opposing side, the corpulent glutton besieges society with his pipe-smoking & blaring bellows, originating from the kettle-drum gut of his. The immense hypocrisy lies in his antithetical condition. According to today's standards, he fails the physical examination. Why hasn't the surgeon general challenged this unhealthy figure? Probably because of something as shallow as not wanting to be considered a "scrooge". Perhaps another reason could be the fact that he himself resembles the bloated old elf. Which could also be why he was elected in the first place?

If St. Clause has become an endearment of one's own progeny, whose feelings, of course, you most highly value, instead of the common drivel, teach them instead, that he represents joy through indulgence. And perhaps playfully refer to his as "Satan Claws" in this new incarnation.

Santa Clause originated in Holland, who was of the cloth, who felt compassionate towards the peasant children, & hated to see them go giftless, because their inferior parents could not supply them. So he used his own money, & bought resources to make them toys. Eventually, he accumulated a staff of volunteers who helped double the workload. So he used his own money to create presents for the snotlings, while holding their conduct over their heads as a means of control {i.e., "...he KNOWS when you've been bad or good..."}, Personally, I think that's a pretty good idea, keeping unruly brats in line by depriving or rewarding with objects that are most fanciful to them at the time. As a matter of fact, according to many psychology techniques in behavioral science, this is recommended by shrinks, instead of the brutish act of striking any little one. Again, the hypocrisy lies in the fact that this goes against new testament teachings, while the same imbeciles that speak of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", convenienty bring up admittedly, strictly historical & passe' verses from the old testament, like "spare the rod, not the child". Hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites! The fact is, that many, if not most parents are misdirected sadists preying on their own, in the guise of "discipline", & "tough love". Insecurities, caused by ignorance, &/or childhood traumas, thus projected upon their spawn. Like the story of the fellow who gets hollered at by his boss, he goes home, where he unleashes his stress upon his family, prompted by the most miniscule, inane reasons, which, upon rational analysis, is really petty & pathetic. The wife, in turn, may then take it out on the kids, who in turn, take it out on eachother, others, & most unfortunately, the undeserving pet. Big fish eats the smaller one, who is then swallowed by a larger fish, who is then devoured by an even larger one still, etc. Most humans are so predictable. Not much more complicated than laboratory mice, perhaps even less so.

Another human foible is in the obsession for money. It has been said, that everybody has a price, which is inexorably true. If "money is the root of all evil", & "evil lurks in the hearts of men", then everyone is vulnerable, & will submit to the proper amount, whether it be cash, or objects.

xmas is the most commercialized , some would say, corrupted, holiday of the year. Because of its monetary value, religious connotation has taken second place. Religious imagery is used, however, by clever salesmen wanting to make the mighty buck. Where money is concerned, nothing is a solid fixture, not even "God". For there it is, tangible, the key to your own selfishness, & ahhh, it sure feels good to spend it!

The multitudes of products capitalizing on St. Nicholas, & to a slightly lesser degree, jeezwiz, is astonishing, even ridiculous. The obese little man comes in every product form imaginable. jeezwiz also, but in the underground x-ian subculture. I have seen jesus dolls & air-fresheners, even little saint action figures. All of which are wonderfully employable in a Black Mass, I will add.

What of the Pagan significance to St. Nick? Well, he's not called an "elf" for nothing. He is ultimately, the by-product of x-ian tyranny, & Pagan stubborness. Natives of The Netherlands, & the rest of Europe, & eventually, the world, simply translated the image to suit their own comfort. Just as there are many versions of other diverse deities, so the same goes for Nicholas. In older portraits, Claus is depicted with elves & faeries about him {there has to be SOMETHING to do up there at the pole!, with Mrs. Claus busy cooking all the time!}. Santa with his elves at the North Pole. And yes, it had to be somewhere completely inaccessable to the commoner. The myth had to be kept alive.

Nowadays, he continues to be preserved in worldwide cultures, based upon his marketability. That is the cold truth. However, this harsh reality can be softened up, by the pretending grownups who manipulate the cozy mythos to their own ends. They feel good when they allow their children to believe in the fabrications. It is evocative. For few are they who do not crack a smile when they see the fat, bearded clown slugging their way. But the laugh quickly fades when he holds out a basket, asking for your hard-earned money. For Claus, like children, hold the glamour of compassion; the little fat old man, surrounded by charming, cherubic faces, threatening to burst forth crying, if they do not receive recompense for their vampirizing. Those poster children are being used by these charities like many little Claudias, sucking you dry. Perhaps you will have the guts to pass them by, demonstrating not heartlessness, per say, but wisdom & strength. For they only scoff behind your back, anyway, gloating in their prowess, mocking your gullibility. In other words, mind your own business! They should be doing the same. For if they had, they might not be in the predicament they are. Instead, buy something for a loved one, where you really KNOW how & where your money is spent.

One night after xmas, as I took a constitutional into the brisk night air, what did I see laying by the roadside, but discarded trees laying lifeless - what a waste. That is one of the things that annoys Me most about the "holidays". Living, vibrant trees cut from their natural environment & sold to the drones, so they can have a corpse in their "living" rooms, celebrating their anti~life foolosophies. Have you noticed that there always seems to be something or someone DEAD present for these blind & hypocritical traditions? Ironically, their OWN scriptures forbid them against this activity!

"For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his axe. They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not move. Like a scarecrow in a melon patch, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good." Jeremiah 10:3-5.

For xmas, it's a dead tree. For Easter, it's "...a dead man hanging in a tree..." {to the tune of "the 12 days of xmas"}. Sickening, isn't it? There must always be death present in one form or another. Damned Death~cults.

If they want to decorate a tree so badly, then why don't they go out & decorate living trees? A lighted up corpse of a tree is somewhat "creepy", if you think about it. But of course, the herds & flocks do not think about it, as most of them are insensitive to the environment & brainwashed in blind religious habits.

They can decorate a tree high up on a hill, where they can gawk from their homes, &/or purchase a plastic tree. If they want a pine scent, then purchase scented candles, or an air-freshener {as tacky as that may be, but fitting}, just so long as these trees are left where they belong - i.e., IN THE WOODS, where they can do some good, providing oxygen, homes for animals, & enjoyable scenery.

The Primal Pagans decorated trees for the Winter Solstice, but they never chopped them down for religious reasons! Being life-loving people, our predecessors would consider THAT a sin! Save for practical purposes, for firewood or building homes, removing a tree for mere display in someone's home is senseless. Such a waste of a natural resource.

Let us be thankful for the holiday season. For it is in such times when suicides escalate, & Lex Talionis reigns at department stores. When Mammon is praised, & parades are given in honour of the Yuletide season & The Winter Solstice. It is a time when the world shows a bit more imagination, & total environments take prominence. The commercialized depictions of xmas are a lot more tolerable in their neo-pagan forms, than in the desert depiction of the dung-filled manger. It is a happy time, when children don their Halloween costumes, & magic fills the evening skies. It is a time of gluttony, with the devourment of holiday feasts. It is a time of pride, with the gawk of ornamentation & the giving of gifts. It is a time of lust, with the desire for material objects, & lovemaking by the warm, glowing fireplace. It is a time of envy & jealousy, as others look upon others' new playthings. It is a time for intoxication & carousing, & a time to sabotage Santa's throne. A time to go elf & fairy hunting, & manger scene desecrating. It is a time for greed, as people shuffle about to purchase that "family gift", which is really the fancy of the buyer himself.

The knowledge & advice in this article is My gift to you, for I know it shall reap you the greatest benefits this Yuletide season. Have a fantastic Winter Solstice. Ave Satanas!

{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XXXII Anno Satanas. All Rights Reserved.
The Dark Side of Xmas
Draconis Blackthorne

Beware The Krampus!

"He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake. He knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness' sake!"

So society is familiar with the gift-giving Santa Claus who rewards "good" children with toys, and "bad" misbehaving children with coal, or... nothing? But this was not always so. Before the jolly depictions of Santa Claus with rosey cheeks and smiles, before the typical elves roaming about, there was actually an accompanying demon known as the "Krampus", sometimes displayed with Santa in the sleigh holding a switchel, or a collection of reeds with which to smite and thrash naughty boys and girls.

On December 6th, known as Krampusnacht, the demons would be let forth to discover and report the activities of children, and whether or not they were saying their prayers, or committing mischief. This fearsome and furry bogeyman appears with long curving horns and extended tongue, intended to scare children into line. An obvious religious manipulation.

As traditions transformed, the Krampus was modified into a relatively innocuous elf, merely helping St. Nickolas on his annual unloading of presents down chimneys, which was originally the responsibility of one "Knecht Ruprecht", often depicted as a hooded phantom with a sooty countenance - another variation of The Krampus {Winter Devil/Satan} archetype.

Many European villages still hold parades wherein fearsome horned Krampii and/or hooded reaper-like forms appear to terrify, finally followed by Sinter Klaas resembling a bishop to reward the devout with greedy dispensation.

Black Peter

In the Moor tradition, "Zwarte Piet", AKA "Black Peter", became another accompanying character, resembling images from a foppish negro to a "black devil" who carried a whip or scourge, a freed slave who was kind or mean according to the character of the child he encountered on xmas night, where he would either reward with candy, or kidnap the child for Spain, which became a political influence of the time, wherein christians were at war with Muslims, and so this connection became an anti-muslim religious statement propagated by the Catholic church; again, manipulating myth and legendry among the peasantry to keep them afraid and devout.

In some areas of Northern Europe, Black Peter is still depicted by an actor in black face, which could be either male or female. In some accounts of the appearence of The Devil at Witch's Sabbaths, he was depicted to be a black man, which seems to be a direct correlation with Zwarte Piet.

Sinister Claus

Despite some attempts by church revisionists to depict "Saint Nicholas" as a benign character originating from a kindly man with a propensity to dispense gifts to poor children, just like most everything else in their traditions, this legend was lifted from tales of the thunder god Thor who rode the skies on his chariot. Thor was often depicted with a long beard carrying the mjollnor hammer, whereas in later depictions of "Sinterklaas", he is depicted with a pine tree in hand upon a sleigh, somewhat likened a white-bearded Paul Bunyon - the ubiquitous depictions of deities transforming to suit the subsequent culture and suit the purposes of the prevailing religion by demonizing the previous culture's icons, while preserving some desirable elements in order to ease the herd into change, continues to prove evident.

Old {Saint?} Nick...

In this transitional period, the Santa aesthetic resembled an old rotund elf, complete with faeries buzzing around, elves at his feet, and smoking a corn-cob pipe. In this mythical depiction, he was probably developed to soothe the miseries of the impoverished by providing a hopeful magical being, and the fearsome element was slowly removed to adapt to more benign characterizations.

He became known as Old Nick, until that nomenclature was eventually attributed to The Prince of Darkness, as associated with The Krampus, that Mr. Pitch, with "saint" added to establish a distinction between the "good/evil" duality, and their respective roles.

In The United States {United Satanic America}, the legend was capitalized upon by the entrepreneuring Coca-Cola company who commissioned an artist named Haddon Sunblom to develop a more friendly depiction to bring sales to the product, and came up with what is seen to this day, remaining primarily in childhood fane, as that was Coke's major demographic. The Krampus was excised, and Santa assumed both roles.

Originally, it seems that Santa Claus and his devilish companion were seen as another depiction of the Yahweh/Satan myth complimenting eachother in kind, until its evolution into a secularized icon for indulgence and opulence, as well as a welcomed alternative to the baby jesus myth. {Also see "El Caganer"}.

The Seven Deadly Sins

Since then, Santa Claus has veritably come to represent the 'seven deadly sins', in all of their indulgent balances:

* Gluttony {Beelzebub}: Sumptuous feasts are a major focus all through the Autumn and Winter months, from the trick or treat candy of Halloween, the Feast of The Beast on Fangsgiving, to xmas dinner.

* Pride {Lucifer}: It is wise to maintain a reasonable exercise repertoire in this gluttonous time, where one may take full advantage of the propitious nutrients, while still partaking in the 'feastivities', maintaining an attractive appearence as well as a robust healthy state of being. Conducting oneself with deportment.

* Lust {Asmodeus}: Thus, with these considerations, shall you preserve your desirability to indulge in the erotic pleasures of the flesh with whomsoever you wish for mutual gratification. The hunt continues at parties and gatherings, with mating signals projected and received.

* Sloth {Belphegor}: The blissful relaxation concluding the events, in opulent contemplation, ecstatic repose, enjoying the environment to the fullest.

* Greed {Mammon}: Materialistic acquisition, exchanging valuable items either of monetary and/or sentimental worth. Experiencing the joyful sensation of receiving a desired object, and/or the thrill of others appreciating your efforts and thoughtfulness.

* Wrath {Satan}: Always reserved for those who truly deserve it. The psychic vampire, the rotten, the antagonist, pests, the obnoxious, the stupid, the misdirected masochists who would deem to disturb one's peace of mind, one should not suffer, and attention should not be afforded these petty sum. If any become a genuine threat, by essentially 'going out of their way' to aggravate a situation, they should be dealt with legally, Magically, physically if necessary, with any and all appropriate action taken for self-defense, to ensure one's continued enjoyment of life.

* Envy {Leviathan}: Merely observing what someone else possesses, and desiring a similar object for onself or someone else one cares for. Sometimes inspiring a similar idea which one can personalize to taste.

Satan Claus?

Satan ClawsConsidering a Third-Side perspective, and aknowledging both potentials in one whole, a proposed 'Satan Claus' would embody the totality of being, and dispense tricks or treats according to merit. Satan Claus would be an honest representation of the carnal propensities of the humanimal beast in this yuletide season, providing the delights of the flesh and the pleasures of the world, enjoyed without guilt. A combination of The Krampus and Sinterklaas holding both a switchel/whip/rod in the right hand, and a bagful/cornucopia of materialistic enjoyment in the left hand.

Merry Krampus!

As Satanists, we celebrate the Winter Solstice, recognizing Nature's seasonal shift to the coldest months, Still, because of cultural, secular, and sometimes evocative family considerations, Xmas may still be a factor we have to deal with, yet to retain perspective, terminology is an important tool to focus on the core of our being. Some Satanists still find value in the secular traditions associated with this holiday, sans the judeo-christian connection.Therefore, the term "Merry Krampus!" would be more preferrable to the ubiquitous "merry xmas", where it may replace every mention of such in one's vocabulary, again, to retain perspective and focus on the source. And it need not necessarily refer the one day on December 25th, but the entire season, inclusive of the Winter Solstice, with aesthetic adherence of same.

The Krampus Tree

For instance, the Krampus Tree. Not a corpse tree in the living room, but an artificial one crowned by a Krampus head within a pentagram, or the entire form thereon, likened what others use an "angel" for, but this "dark angel" instead, with the presents at its base, if desired, perhaps accompanied with ornaments as directly pertinent to The Self and family, hand-made items, devoid of the typically tacky remnants of herd xmas, or "herdmas", but a darkly elegant presentation instead.

Supplications to 'Satan Claus'

Written wishes {perhaps inclusive of images} burned in the Yule flame at midnight on Krampus Eve, either upon candle flame or in the fireplace, which may be fulfilled at any time of year, or otherwise gifts opened on Krampus. Remember to Hail Mammon as well as Krampus.

{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XLII Anno Satanas. All Rights Reserved.

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