Better to rule in Hell, than serve in heaven!
Draconis Blackthorne's Shadowmantium

The Tower of Myths
Draconis Blackthorne


hose engraved upon the Tower of Myths are judged according to the positive & negative effects of their mythology, & whether or not they are recognized as such. Are they fundamental or metaphorical? What has their influence been upon society & the mind? This is Judgement Day! Let their works be waged!

The top Hellish Trinity is seperated from the bottom ten, because these use mythology as a personal divine tool to manifest the Magic Will. Superstition remains in its proper place, & is used in its proper time, to conjure the God within. The others are as black holes, drawing the omniversal forces in, whereas the true Magus radiates both outwards at first, calling upon the forces, then receives their benedictions by then pulling inwards. "God" is within. A force to be brought up from the depths of the mind. Using psychodramas to generate results is the option of the Abysmal Trinity. Although pretending to an "outside" deity is frequently used to aid in the mental process of Sorcery. But the ultimate recognition is the reality that man is god. Outside the respective chambre & temples, the transcendant faith is recognized as the allegory it is. This is what seperates blindlighters from the truly enlightened. It is religion in its purest form. All begins within. This is also primarily why Satanists & real Pagan Magicians are exempt from any "karma" nonsense. Blindlighters see this as a spiritual inevitability, thus rendering them helpless against this negative figment of the imagination. Satanists & Primal Pagans recognize "karma" & "the three-fold law" as a parapsychological creation, & depending upon the guilt of the individual, or lack thereof, & the irresponsibilty, & the very belief that "it" exists, shall determine whether or not "what comes around goes around" will, or will not do so. For let it be said, that thoughts indeed come into being. Karma is very real in the lives of blindlighters, only because they give this guilt-trip acknowledgement, & thus, power. But Satanists & Primal Pagans know that the Mind is ultimately God, & will choose what ultimately operates & flows in one's own life. If one's conscience {con-science?} has no misgivings about a Magical manifestation, there is nothing to fear. For it is just cause. In fact, a manipulative working will add both Ego-Gratification, & the intended results as well. For this is the birthright of the Sorcerer, who attains Power & influence over the masses. And depending upon one's development & knowledge, sometimes even over other magicians.

Blindlight religions just cannot get away from hypocricy, because there is always something that is not being properly exercised. Inevitably, it surfaces in some aberrant manner. It mutates into some perverted form. It is the curse of the blindlighters, the rotten righteous, who wish to keep everyone in mental cages, who desire to propitiate blandness. To cripple the Almighty Mind & Will in order to remain subserviant to their deities. We are OUR OWN Gods! We create OUR OWN laws & universes! We create symbols & forms of deities that are a metaphorical reflection of Ourselves. And by placing those images in a supernatural context, can aid in increasing our spells. The most profound truth of the Wizard or Witch, is in the conjuration of Oneself as God or Goddess!


I cast thee back!


e start out at the bottom rung of the Tower, in the sludgepits where the waste falls. They started out with the right idea, with a rebellious Luciferian spirit, but fell into the same delusion. xianity, with its soft facsimile of men, has succeeded in grinding guilt deep into the human psyche. Heavy are the chains upon the extremities, the genitals, the mouth, & the mind of its adherants - the willing slaves who delude themselves in pretending they are "free". Free of what? Life in all its purely natural tendencies? They willingly forsake the joys of life for the empty promise of faerie-tale castles in the sky. They foster the inquisition of the mind, & promote flock mentality. They produce smiling clones of weakness, & culturally-accepted stupidity, grossly misnomered "innocence".

The self-appointed "lambs of god" are thrown to the predator's pit, where they are torn to pieces by all manner of fang & claw, only to grow back the venison, & to be eaten alive again.

These spawn of the bastard nazarene have proseletized their slow-suicide foolosophy & propaganda for far too long. Their crimes of brainwashing has ceased. Now, red-stained tongues scrape & slurp their craniums for the last morsels of their brain-pulp. The music of their agony resounds through all eternity.




he beautiful cathedrals of Gothic artistry wasted on the fetid, decaying flesh of the zombie congregation is a crime in itself. The xianized pagans in their purposeful ignorance & blindness must suffer for the crime of thievery & mediocrity, compared to the magnificent cultures they have destroyed. These are the main culprits who have birthed the disease of xianity upon the world. These brought the bloodbaths of the Crusades & the Inquisition to the populations.

These are only a small bit higher than the Protestants, solely based upon the stupendous architecture & art that has been produced. Thus violating the deadly sin of Pride. People forced to live as peasants, while being taxed for the lavishment of the Church/Kingdom of the pope. They brainwashed the pure foreign natives, while stealing their treasures, melting down the gold pagan symbols & statues which venerated the sacred gods, unto forming vulgar crucifixes to please the vicars. Catholics took them by greed, while indictinating & justifying their despicable deeds with the "spirit of giving", yet nothing was mentioned of their own spirit of taking!

May the rotten amongst their numbers truly suffer the torments of their created Hell, yet without hope of redemption, or Purgatory. Let the devout of their numbers fall into place as being the servants of their masters, The Satanists.

All other blindlight branches of this paganized xianity, such as the natives' amalgam, minority beliefs & stuporstitions that lean more towards Paganism, they too believe the mythologies as literal. Let them suffer the same fate, as they are subject under the fables of "good" & "evil".


The Black Earth: St. Sophia Cathedral


Watch out!

ore of a blindlight sludgepit of mixed idiocy. The very name is a misnomer to the contemporary faeries of the day. Their attitudes are practically the same to that of xians, in their guilt-polluted hypocrisy & cowardice. As Catholicism is xianized paganism, most modern "white witchcraft" {another misnomer} groups, are paganized xianity. This modernized idiotology is the bastard mongrel-mutt of Catholic/xian influence. Just holy-watered down paganism.

The ancients would only recognize a small portion of the modern-day weaka "teachings". Needless to say, the present-day weakan bunnies would most likely not survive in an original Pagan village, under the most natural conditions therefrom. Nowadays, they all "think" that they think that they could handle the enormous responsibilities of the original primal witches.

There was no distinction between "white" & "black" Magic. The elders did what was necessary to survive. They dealt with the realities of life. They didn't have the comfortable option to choose between "good" & "evil". All the TRUE Pagans were PRIMAL, warriors, especially the nomad tribes, who sometimes had to do, what now may be considered "awful", "unspeakable". & "evil" by the very same bunch of emasculated men, & enmasculated women idiots who claim their tradition. Being so-called "wiccan" {a term about as olde as the turn of the century, originally created by Gardner's superiors as a joke}, or Celtic, or Druid, had a hell of a lot more to do with living life, & sometimes bestowing death, than merely purifying rocks, or lighting incense, or acting out some panzie spell out of a Llewellyn book!

These pseudo-pagans will suffer the fate of being transported back to ye olde days, where it's going to take more than their feeble little spells to live on.\

Those ignorant morons of this neo-pagan ilk who claim to have some kind of affinity for the "witches of Salem" {HA!} should themselves be burned at the stake! Their crimes? Stupidity & mental faddism. Great offenses in the forthcoming Satanic World! The undisputed facts dictate that the overwhelming majority, if not totality, of the alleged "witches", were nothing of the kind! They were freaks, retards, & stupid ugly old crones! Many times, the accused was only an unfortunate neighbor who managed to get on the bad side of some jealous, inferior farmer, who was jealous of their neighbor's healthy, burgeoning crops, & thought it to be the "work of the devil". So the petty peasant accused him of using witchcraft to achieve this.

Some other instances, it was a beautiful maiden who refused the magistrate's sexual advances. The Magistrate, being an insecure little man {as most xian "men" are anyway}, threw a tantrum & had them executed, many times raping them during "interrogation"; & covering up his dispicable act by silencing his victim, & maintaining his "godly" reputation. It never had anything to do with witchcraft!

The neo-pagans these days are really ludicrous. In a time when "being different" has become a trend, pseudo-wicca {weaka} offers acceptability for those who must pretend to be unacceptable.




slam is a step above the previous religions because it is admittedly warlike, & condones vengeance. The Koran says what the old & new testaments fear to say. To this day, not only does Islam teach revenge, but seek & destroy. Islam is the leading religion in the "holy wars" now, always seeking to instigate conflict with the Jews, & anyone else who gets in the way of its "holy mission", or "will of god". Mohammed, equilavent to jesus, seems to be the nazarene's more aggressive mythological brother, who performed miracles to oooh & ahhh the people, & by Allah's command, liberated & glorified the Middle-Eastern races, much like Hitler in Germany

Like The Torah, the Old Testament, there are tons of fables & metaphores to be deciphered. The problem is, the simple-minded take it literally. Besides having many parables, the Koran speaks of conquoring nations for "god", & the preservation of "holy sights". Islamic followers now fight to reclaim portions of Israeli land, that they claim is rightfully theirs. Holy ground is a very valuable commodity. Many die every day trying to reclaim it. They all want to preserve the land of their forefathers, which were in each side's possession at one time or another throughout history.

These are pretty much cursed as it is. Killing their counterparts because of semantic & semitic differences. Islam is unbalanced in its war endeavours. As a result, the nations are in ruins.




hese are just a bunch of peacenick, masochistic, suicidal martyrs. Ironically, this bunch is more like xians than xians are. If suffering's the name, Hindu's the game. There is no indulgence here for the peasants, just a pathetic life of poverty, starvation, & disease. The nobility, on the other hand, who live in palaces, & practice the Kama Sutra devoutly, life is very good.

The peasants could eat those cows, & problem solved! But no, they're holy! Ronald McDonald wrings his hands in tense anticipation.

Hinduism is trademarked by Gandhi's "passive resistance" foolosophy, when the Indian people showed their disapproval of British occupation, by getting their muddy posteriors kicked in by English boots. This finally seemed to have worked, but only because the English became disgusted at the miserable masses willing to be beaten up day after day after day. I say, there should have been equal amounts of Sadists as there were masochists.

Personally, I do not consider this a "victory", but rather, a travesty. The chivalry of war, as opposed to this "passive resistance" garbage, is that soldiers conquor with HONOR. And if needs be, die in battle, like real men would do, if necessary. Then, the bruises & scars of battle one may have suffered, can serve as a reminder to the might, skill, wit, & bravery exhibited by the noble warrior, instead of being beaten like lowly dogs in disgrace. Leave it to a blindlight masochist-messiah to come up with such a repulsive suggestion!

Hinduism & Hare Krishna both satiate the miserable masses by promising a better future life through reincarnation. They are inculcated with the thought, that because they are so miserable, or "holy" in this life, they are racking up points for the next time, where they could be a sultan or a prince. This keeps the masses satiated, in line, so there is not the anarchtic behavior demonstrated in other cultures' religions, when impoverished existance is rampant. Even though they are in such conditions, the populace continues to multiply, bringing more dregs into hell on earth. Mandatory sterilization should be enforced in these countries. This draconian measure will save multitudes from this suffering. Many of these who have no hope of survival should be humanely euthenized. In such places where resources are so incredibly low, & the religious system is overtly humanitarian, to harmful extents, there is a dire need for catastrophe to occur. Either by induced killer viruses, such as ibola or AIDS, or bombing the whole subhuman sewer, or letting Nature take its course, if deadly weather occurs. Either way, they would be better off. For no amount of prayer, chanting, or the humming of mantras has alleviated this torment.

Does reincarnation exist? That is matter of opinion, & not the issue. What truly matters, is whether or not the religionists {the white wolves} use this idea to alleviate the human spirit unto mediocrity. In all the whiteplague foolosophies, mediocrity is encouraged by justifying the minimum existance of its followers. Threreby, they do not progress, nor excel, because to do so would be far too presumptuous for their created, tyrranical, insecure god. Insecure, because if it allowed its disciples to think for themselves, they might graduate to higher forms of thought, thus superceding the old ideal of externalized divinity, thereby, causing it to die. See the meanings behind the meanings.

For all of the supposed "good" that Hinduism has done for the Indian people, India continues to be one of the leading countries in misery. Hinduism became the xianity of the Middle East. It gets the official mark of dissapproval, with the Tantric practices as an exception.




h, what do we have here? Serenity? Grace? Being at one with nature is the hallmark of Buddhism. It actually is quite a beautiful lifestyle. Nature certainly gets the respect it deserves. To live like this constantly would be nice...if you're a gardener! To be in perfect tune with nature, but at what cost? The Ego!

It all sounds quite beautiful, with its humms & chants, & the placid face of the Buddha. But be prepared to give up any earthly or selfish persuits, one & all to the temple. To be a monk - forget it. It's all over. You own nothing. What this religion seems to forget, in its perfect oneness with Nature, is human nature!

"Stay on the middle path" is one of the fundamentals of this dogma, but again, this seemingly enchanting religion goes overboard. The middle path in ALL things?! Buddhism, is not real big on materialism, which is why the Satanist, humanist, hedonist, or primal Pagan is not too big on Buddhism. Therein, one cannot really create one's own omniverse, since it's not too keen on eccentricity.

It's one thing to be "on the middle path" with intellectual decisions & opinions, since the solution to almost every issue involves a bit from either side. But basically, what Buddhism is teaching, is to not be decadent, or lavish, or "too indulgent". Humility in all situations is stressed. Again, compressing the EGO.

Can't have that mansion, nope. Or castle. Or dreamhouse. Or Rolls Royce, etc. It's too much.

Another masochistic fundamental of Buddhism, is that all life is suffering. In order to absolve oneself of the "torments of existence", one must seperate the Self from itself, & only then, can one transgress into Nirvana, & be like The Buddha.

Yet another anti-Self practice is in the process of emptying the mind, "in order to see the patterns of life". This is inherantly antithetical to the Satanist, as the Satanist spends his life filling his mind, NOT vacating or stagnating it! Remember, Knowledge is Power!

More liberal Buddhists have a better idea. Like all other religions, it too has had to bend to current times a bit. Suburban Buddhists leave in the part about Nature, so they buy a few potted plants, & call it a garden. They leave out the part about moderation, & wear an expensive Yin-Yang necklace while driving the Jag to the next suburban get-together.

"I'm okay, you're okay" should be the Buddhist's motto. For it seems that anything that happens in life is taken with a complacient attitude. Indeed, Buddhism is complacientism. "Be as the tides, as they come into shore, & as they fall back to the sea." In other words, "roll with the punches". Might as well say "turn the other cheek!" This is a dangerous idea. To merely accept everything, negative or positive, as it comes, without manipulating situations to one's benefit, is to be a great coward. Essentially, a non-being. With such terrible suppression of the EGO, they might as well not be alive, for who would care anyway? They should be just as content being rotting fertilizer beneath the soil.

Egalitarianism is rampant in this complacientism. The NATURAL drive to COMPETE & CONQUOR is repressed. Therefore, the denial of the facts of the superiority & inferiority dichotemy goes unrecognized.


The Black Earth: Hsi Lai Temple review



n some ways, Jedeism is just a line's difference away from Satanism. Both believe in righteous retribution.

SATANISM: "If a man smite you one one cheek, SMASH him on the other! Smite him hip & thigh, for self-preservation is the highest law! He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog! Give blow for blow, scorn for scorn, doom for doom, with compound interest liberally added thereunto...!" SATAN 3:7-9

judeism: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth........"

The Jews mind their own business, don't proseletyze, avenge wrongs {at least their scriptures instruct so}, are money-wise, are generally responsible for the most part, educated, polite, & quite responsible when needs be, & highly ethical. Jedeism is responsible for producing some of the best people in the world.

Obviously, Jedeism's flaw rests in the notion of a literal "god" presiding over them like a father-figure, outside the Self, discerning fates. Like the other blindlight faiths, the less-intelligent take the metaphores of the mythology literally.

As a whole, Judeism has positively contributed to the earth, more than negatively. It is the most balanced blindlight religion that exists today. The blindfold is thin, but still there. It falls short of the ultimate truth, which is the fact that man is god. With respect to the more productive & superior persons of the human race from Jedeic backgrounds, Judeism has now too become expendible. Satanism is the cure. The highest plateu of human development.


The Black Earth: Museum of Tolerance review


elief in an externalized deity, complete with "divine mandates", unbendable "commandments", & threats of hell & damnation, has always brought unhealthy restrictions to the human spirit. Frustration, oppression, mass genocide {"holy wars"}, hypocrisy, deceit, guilt complexes, schizophrenia, abstinence; these are the rotten fruits of the blinding whitelight feign. They are to be avoided like the white plagues they are.

Down throughout history, such blindlight doctrines have acted like shoddy dams. Clots upon the flowing stream of life. Life keeps on going, although obstructing progress, true purity, & true innocence.


In Satan's Name,
Draconis Blackthorne.
Antichrist 666.

Inquiries about Satanism may be referred to THE SATANIC BIBLE by Anton Szandor LaVey.

{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne XXXII Anno Satanas. All Rights Reserved.

The Ten Excrements

Next Blasphemy: II. The Ten Excrements.....

Entrails? If Evil they name us...evil we are! Why not take advantage of it and LIVE! {evil reversed}

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