Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"
An ancient Mesoamerican artifact is seen along its own reflection in an ancient Mesoamerican mirror with a carved wooden frame.
While authorities on the subject of ancient Mesoamerican culture don't yet acknowledge these things, they are in no way restrained, ironically, from offering every praise short of it.
Regarding the mirrors in general, Valliant, in "The Aztecs of Mexico, writes (pg. 116):
"The making of the mirrors called much ingenuity into play... Blocks of obsidian were sometimes polished to produce an eerie and mysterious reflection. However, iron pyrites, burnished and shaped, were more common; and rarer examples had thin pyrite flakes laid in a mosaic and glued to a background of wood or shell. In another technique used on the coast the artisan detached a surface of pyrites in its matrix of slate, burnishing one side and carving the other to fashion a mirror with a carved back. One example, at least, is known of a mirror with marcasite with its surface ground as to produce a magnified reflection".
Such praise reveals at the very least mundane sophistication like that which is also freely given regarding the optics marvels of the ancient orient.
Similarly, Michael D. Coe, in "Mexico", writes: Certain Olmec sculptures and figurines show persons wearing pectorals of concave shape around the neck, and such have actually come to light in offerings, These oddly enough turned out to be concave mirrors of magnetite and ilmenite, the reflecting surfaces polished to optical specifications. What were they used for? Experiments have shown that they can not only start fires, but also throw images on flat surfaces like a camera lucida. They were pierced for suspension, and one can imagine the hocus-pocus which some mighty Olmec preist was able to perform with one of these.
Imagine, indeed. Whether or not the priest could have impressed anyone, however, when the underlying principles are captured by every artist and given away to every citizen with nearly every gesture of the cultures in question, every artwork or every holiday, is another story altogether.
Still, these fabulous optical properties, while certainly making solid testimony that these ancient people had a remarkably advanced grasp of sophisticated optics, may only be ideographic markers- outward superficial properties acting as labels for the even more incredible powers that these devices were made to possess.
Tezcatlipoca, an Aztec deity whose name literally means, "Smoking Mirror", may be a fictitious contrivance used to label literature that allegorically describes the making, use, and principles of these mirrors. While the phrase "smoking mirrors" has even found its way into modern politics, no one seems to have a substantial clue to its origin. In the case of Tezcatlipoca, the "smoke" may have been a smudge or incense used to activate the mirrors; Mexican mugwort or a closely related specie is very probable.
This may yet prove to be another viable alternative to Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Pacific crossing to explaining the extreme degree of cultural parallels between peoples normally spoken of as isolated from one another; with the aid of such devices, they may have in fact been in constant communication.
Here's another twist or two: ancient Egyptian mirrors often contain the same familiar birds as magick mirrors of Greece and elsewhere (left), but sometimes they don't (right), which remarkably either evokes the crescent as a magnetic symbols, or reduces the symbol of artificial intelligence to the universal feature of a face of a body of a human, rather suggestive of the artificial intelligence labeling of Crystal Skulls and Skull Oracles.
The symbols are simple, but the rules do tend to vary somewhat.
This design, "Sobek, god of a city called Crocodilopolis" (Lionel Casson, "Ancient Egypt", pg. 73), has strong elements of both magick mirrors and oracular skulls and points in the direction of the Egyptian and Vedic "mystical" Solar science .
It also shows another variation on the frog symbol that remains within the reptilian.
The peculiar details of the mouth may also encode details about the harmonic physics used in its creation or operation, like the designs on the Celtic magick mirrors, above.
The harmonic science of magick mirrors and time cameras (the counter magnetic amplifier, shown below, could easily classify as a harmonic device, perhaps a magnetic harmonic resonator) brings us to an interesting place in the burgeoning science of hyperdimensional physics because we have all the pieces of how the ancients would have utilized the harmonic energy grid of the earth, but we may not yet be able to account for the absence of hundreds of pages of equations governing every detail and alignment of the ancient landmarks that appear on the predicted nodal points of world grid maps.
The harmonic markings and symbols on many magick mirror devices may be telling us that these devices not only run on the same principles that are relevant to this planetary grid science, but implying they had a purpose as tools to abbreviate hard work of calculating such incredible aspects.
One other trend or common denominator in various literature on the subject resembles what may be equivalent applications of Howard Wachpress' Unpaired Magnetic Pole Levitation design, comprised of odd/even poles made when irregular carvings or geometries are magnetized (The actual example on the cover of Tyson's book is one example, although he does not seem to be aware that this principle may be at work; other examples might be found in Lewis Spence's "Encyclopedia of Occultism"; the subject is also treated in De Givry's book).
This design for a magnetic airship by a Brazilian priest, dated 1709, can be found in George Frederick Kunz, "Curious Lore of Precious Stones", pg. 53. It originates from Valentini, "Museum Museorum," pt. III, Franckfurt am Mayn, 1714, pg. 35. Kunz's caption tells us that coral-agates were to be set in the network above the pilot, which was "supposed to possess such magnetic powers as to keep the craft aloft". Magnetic levitation designs have beeen, and remain contemporary with magnetic magic mirrors
The cover of Tyson's remarkable book. Whether or not the author is consciously aware of it, the mirror which is shown and which the book contains instructions for making, is one of a class of a great many of at least the last five centuries, whose number of engravings or the number of characters in cardinal points recalls the odd-even magnetic polar pairing of Howard Wachpress' magnetic levitation design.
While the exact mechanism may be difficult to ascertain, mostly because the possibilities are particular numerous and some are inevitably complex, the connection in both form and function is immediately obvious.
There may be little difference in many applications between the unpaired magnetic pole levitation system and the counter magnetic amplifier of Active Reseach and Development's time camera, or between the methods that Ernetti uses.
Here, 12 (odd) astrological glyphs are set against 9 (even) sides of the mirror frame.
It is likewise a trend to use Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) with crystal balls and magic mirrors; Mugwort is also known as "Compass Plant" because it is one of those plants which aligns its leaves along a north/south magnetic axis as if it were magnetized. It may also affect human endocrine systems which interact with magnetism and or gravity.
At left is Howard Wachpress' invention depicted in it's patent diagram. At right below, the counter magnetic amplifier in the Time Cameras offered by Active Research and Development. Note that the latter, intriguingly, is said to rely on Hieronymous' "Eloptics", and energy he named that has both the properties of ELectricity and OPTIC energy, or light.
Descriptions of superconducted electricity accelerating to light-like velocities certainly comes to mind; the device might also rely on various principles of symmetry as well as its magnetic attributes.
The actual tuning system of one of ARD's more advanced models relies on skin electricity translating thought patterns for its tuning mode. Rather than being preposterous, this may be both a logical extension of the latest in physics and biology when the two fields are effectively joined, and such technology could become part of an amazing genera of devices.
Whatever the individual believes about the artifacts gathered from the "Roswell Crash", the footage shows technology that may be astonishingly similar. This principle of translation may be intrinsic to how a great deal of true magick that involves mental processes is accomplished.
Also helping to render plausibility is the fact that certain superconducting magnetic devices, known as SQUIDs, are said to amongst, if not the only, devices thus known capable of imaging energies that come from the hands of physic healers who perform "laying on of hands".
If such technologies can interact with such forces, they can perhaps also modulate or even simulate them. Such technology, besides having tremendous potential in medical diagnostics, also has potentials in even more futuristic medicine and biology.
Time cameras may be employed to retrieve biological pattern data for varied applications from identifying and reconstituting lost and even unknown species, to providing data about structure prior to disease states for reconstruction of biological systems.
Such far-flung notions are precisely what some of the markings on the ancient Mesoamerican mirrors directly imply.
Not at all surprisingly, T.G. Hieronymous' scientific achievements not only include his eloptics technology and patents, but his amazing Cosmiculture" wherein he succeeded in growing plants without sunlight, but rather with some mysterious force carried by electrical conductors from a solar plate.
Robert Pavlita's amazing "Psychotronic" motor or generator (left), featured in Ostrander and Schroeder's classic, "Handbook of Psychic Discoveries" (Photo 28), created with a five part structure which may pit against two energetic poles, may turn out to be largely motivated by the same effect of unpaired poles as Howard Wachpress' levitator.
Its structure perhaps not coincidentally recalls the features of hyperdimensional signatures on planetary magnetic poles in the solar system (see below).
At right, the well-known levitating stone raised by 11 people chanting "Qamar Ali Dervish", noted in Andrew Tomas' "We Are Not the First" and by many others, including KeelyNet files, may inevitably be primarily accomplished the same way, through the Wachpressian technology that may simply be another spin on the familiar theme of unipolar or homopolar dynamos, since the singular pole, real or contrived, most likely also serves as an "odd pole out".
The Vimaanika-Shastra, an ancient Sanskrit text which describes in detail the making and operation of flying machine or "flying saucers", details the construction and use of a number of mirrors with unusual properties. While any of the many formulas in this vast collection whose ingredients can be successfully translated and identified could be thusly explained, or by following the instructions and analyzing the results, any eventual similarity between the workings of these mirrors and other ancient magick mirrors could help serve as a bridge toward linking the peculiar and complex science of this ancient Vedic text to the appropriate modern, if unusual, concepts and terminology.
From the Vimaanika-Shastra, found in 1908 in the Royal Baroda Library, translated by G. R. Joyser, and found in its entirety in "Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India and Atlantis" by David Hatcher Childress:
"Darpanaadhikaranam: Mirrors and Lenses
Mahrishi Bharadwaaja: "Darpanaashcha" Sootra 1
Bodhaananda Vritti:
This chapter deals with the mirrors and lenses which are required to be installed in the vimaana. There are seven different ones. Their names are given by Lalla in "Mukura-kalpa" as Vishwakriyaa darpanana, or television mirror, Shaktyaakarshana darpana or power-capturing-mirror, Vyroopya darpana or appearance changing mirror, Kuntinee darpana, Pinjulaa darpana, Guhaagarbha darpana, and Rowdree darpana or terrifying darpana.
Vishwakriyaa darpana is to be fixed on a revolving stand near the pilot so that he cold observe whatever is happening outside on all sides. Its manufacture is thus described in Kriyaasaara:
Two parts of stava, 2 parts of shundilaka, one part of eagle bone, 5 parts of mercury, 2 parts of the foot-nails of the sinchoranee, 6 parts of mica, 5 parts of red lead, 8 parts of pearl dust, 18 parts of the eyeballs of sowmyaka fish, one part burning coal, 8 parts of snake’s slough, 3 parts of eye pigment, 6 parts of maatrunna, 10 parts of granite sand, 8 parts of salt, 4 of lead, 2 parts of sea foam, 3 parts white throated eagle’s skin, 7 parts of bamboo salt, 5 parts of vyraajya or white keg tree bark, these ingreedients should be purified, and weighed, and filled in a beaked crucible and placed in the furnace called chandodara and subjected to a 800 degree heat, and when duly liquified, should be poured into the funnel of the kara-darpana yantra or hand-mirror mold. The result will be an excellent mirror in which will be reproduced minature details of the world outside."
Those familiar with ancient formulas, however peculiar their ingredients, know far better than to dismiss them.
Information in "The Curious Lore of Precious Stones" by George Frederick Kunz gives more instances of applying minerals containing iron being applied to such magickal contrivances. (interestingly, this book makes detailed mention of a design for a flying craft by a Brazilian priest in the 1700's that may be also very much in essence like Wachpress's design mentioned above!).
(Magic Screens of Ancient Asia are also mentioned in some of the above texts, a possibly closely related principle, where screens were made that show images inside the human body, probably equal to or greater than out own modern medical imaging.)
What doesn't tie in to this topic? This photo, also appearing on Richard Hoagland's "Enterprise Mission" site on his pages on Hyperdimesional Physics , of one of Saturn's magnetic poles shows the hexagonal polar region that has been found on planets throughout the solar system, including Uranus and Mars, and most recently, the sun itself. Note that there's not only a hexagon (6 sides) but a 5-armed "star" shape, our familiar unpaired numerical matching, occurring on the magnetic poles of celestial bodies.
(It certainly thereby makes some implications about the nature and purposes of pentagrams as well; they could scarcely be Satan's playthings and yet God's own signature as creator!)
Just as Hoagland implies how hyperdimensional physics was encoded by ancient peoples on earth and possibly elsewhere, the method of sending information through hyperspace may already be at work in magick mirrors, possibly due to angular momentum effects of the magnetic fields rotating due to unpaired pole effects.
The theory behind magick mirrors may not just be a communications utility, it may shed light on celestial mechanics, and the same technology may provide sane amounts of free energy for human use. And that may only be the beginning...
As to the traditions of Ancient Wisdom... amongst the other enlightenment that can be found amongst them, as meaning layers over meaning, upheld and facilitated by the science of Correspondences, we might find significant details of these devices and rites labeled with allusions that fall under the motif of reflection: Echo and Narcissus, Perseus and Medusa... just as we may find them under the theme of closeness to the waterside, since it is part of Pausanius' account of Catoptromancy: Romulus and Remus, Temperance in the Tarot, The Star in the Tarot, Echo and Narcissus once again, etc., etc....
Someday, even if the phone company has shut you off, you may be able to summon help in an emergency, "As the crow flies", and never be obstructed from communion with those whom you love... but the technology also promises to be of inestimable value in medicine and healing as well.
More information on magick mirrors can be found at the bottom of the page on Palingenics and Catopromancy at this site. More information on ancient oracles can be found on the page about Crystal Skulls and Skull Oracles at this site.
Related links:
Amargiland page on Radionic Photography:
(Includes Many Time Cameras!)
Psicofonias Ernetti and EVP, with photo of Ernetti (translation service is available with the Alta Vista engine
Scientia Catoptrica
Reference Works on Mirrors
Damjan Bojadziev's Bookmarks
Magic Mirrors
The Magic Mirrors of China and Japan
Crystal Skulls and Skull Oracles (this site):
The technology involved in Crystal Skulls and other similar oracular devices seems to be incredibly close to that of magick mirrors
Selected References from Donald Tyson, "How To Make And Use A Magic Mirror", from Chapter One, "History and Legend"
Caroll, Lewis. Alice Through the Looking Glass (chapter one)
Olympiodorus. Commentary on the Phaedo of Plato, tr. Thomas Taylor
Bouton, J.W. The Elusinian and Bacchis mysteries.
Farzaier, James G. The Golden Bough (abridged edition) Macmillan, 1951 pg. 223
Arnold, Edward. Etruscans in the Ancient Wolrd. London, 1960. p. 9
Elworthy, Frederick. The Evil Eye (chapter two) Collier Books, 1971, pg. 83
Pausanias. Guide to Greece B. VII, Chapter 21, Section 5.*
Thomas and Pavitt. The Book of Talismans, Amulets, and Zodiacal Gems. Wilshire, 1970, pg. 128
de Givry, Grillot. Illustrated Anthology of Sorcery, Magic and Alchemy. Causeway Books, 1973. pg 108, 307*
The Leyden Papyrus. Dover, 1974, p. 35
Agrippa, Henry Cornelius. Three Books of Occult Philosophy, B. I, Chapter 45; B. II, Chapter 1.
Summers, Montague. Witchcraft and Black Magic. Causeway Books, New York, 1974, pg 78.
Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury tales. The Parson’s Tale, line 603.
Spence, Lewis. An Encyclopedia of Occultism. University books, 1968, pg. 127*
Spenser, Edmund. The Faeirie Queene, B. III, Canto II, Stanzas XVIII and XIX.
Budge, E.A.W. Amulets and Talismans, pp 489-490.
*=most highly recommended.
Joseph Needham's classic voluminous works on Chinese Science also have considerable material on magic mirrors.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." -Albert Einstien
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