Let’s talk about ectoplasm... and why not? Not only is it an intriguing element of the occult feilds of classical spiritualism, parapsychology, and mediumship, but it may play a fundamental role in many traditions in many cultures, as well as yeilding valuable clues how miracle-making can be approached from any one of a number of disciplines, from the purely occult to the purely scientific.
Ectoplasm is probably easily associated with a great number of manifestations, from the solidification of spirits, to plant miracles, to probably the sorts of materializations that are boasted by holy men of the East, India, for example.
Ectoplasm of sufficient stability was even produced by a medium, subsequently and chemically analyzed by scientists, lending much weight to the implication of its reality.
There is a great congruency between a number of ancient and recent sources of indications of knowledge and understaning of atomic structure, that seem to point in this direction. Various magickal hand drawings, be they the Ojibwe shaman drawing that appears in the “Mythologies of All Races” series, the peculiar magick hands of charms and amulets with letters and numbers suspiciously like those representing chemical elements (such as can be found, for example, in Gonzalez-Whippler’s book on amulets and talismans), or this work of art appearing in Manly Palmer Hall’s “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”, where the fish may be used to represent the nitrogen which fish so notably contain, and where the four “x”’s may refer to a particular valence state of the element in question.
One of many symbolic magic hands that implies the role or presence of Nitrogen, possibly in a quantum state, in the generation or projection of ectoplasm. Amongst its genera is an Ojibwe medicine man's drawing complete with atomic nuclei, from all too close to the turn of this century. Hand icons in Native American art have been associated with coyote, who in "juggling his eyes", may really be teaching us about subatomic particle functions.
The painting shown may contain numerous clues to this process and its physics, in the language of occultists and alchemists.
A few such concepts are quantum matter, superfluids and quantum statistical shifts. Basically speaking, atoms have the quantum statistical value of fermions. That is, unlike photons, which are instead bosons, they are limited in number as well as limited to the number which may simultaneously occupy a particular quantum state. Popular physics works inform us that while the number of fermions in the universe is fixed, the number of bosons in not, hence bosons such as photons may be produced in such vast numbers as evidenced by the light which issues from light bulbs, whereas fermions such as electrons are not so easy to come by.
Superfluids have been demonstrated by such material as supercooled helium isotopes, which demonstrate unusual and notably reversed physical behavior, in that they flow more freely the more confined the space they are travelling. Such stark inversion of physical properties is highly characteristic of the concepts, philosophies, and phenomena of magick.
While temperature obviously plays a role in this effect, some accounts attribute this to a quantum statistical shift that occurs because of the element being an isotope; they say therefore that this property pertains to these atoms being bosons instead of fermions.
While changes in the number of atoms due to this process is as critical a point as where mediums are obtaining matter for materializations, since it is frequently reported not to be made by such a “magical” process as the number of fermions in question ceasing to be limited, but borrowed from the bodies of participants in seances.
What is likely, at least is that the ability for this “matter” to pass so freely in or out or through the form of the medium, is that it possesses this superfluid property. While supercold temperatures are not involved, the many accounts of ectoplasm being cold or clammy to the touch, as well as other thermal phenomena associated with the paranormal come readily to mind.
Finally, such a mechanism for the free and rapid transport of matter- it in fact bears great resemblance to the “fabled” matter stream of Star Trek transporters- is a likely candidate for explaining where or how plants obtain matter, or do it so rapidly, during the episodes of miraculous plant growth which are so readily noted amongst occult literature, be they Pawnee plant miracles or those of the ancient Greeks.
There are accounts of contact with ectoplasm somehow containing some impression of “the grave” or “underground” which it imparts to the contactee; while this may be largely imaginary, yet again, it is possible that this is holographic information encoded onto it which identifies it, through the conciouness of the medium, that the matter has been obtained from the earth, a preferrable alternative to its acquistion from bystanders or participants of occult ceremonies or functions.
What is more likely is that this is a counterpart to the Elusinian mysteries of the Greeks, replete with plant miracles. The water "flowing from" this enclosure, that can be more clearly seen in an uncropped photo in National Geographic (Dec 1990, pg 760), may be instead entering it, in a way to both hilight how dowsing may not only find water in the ground, but once found, may be able to call it from the ground after the fashion of Moses, and illustrate the arrival of matter from the ground in a similar fashion.
Hence, like many origin or creation legend, some of the most improbable stories ever told, this may have such a format only to suggest it is how persons may repeat the acts of creation, and may illustrate both the mechanics of, and certain "magickal" tools used to perform plant miracles, or the spontaneous growth of plants.
But there are other possibilities; the occurance of aromatic molecules in relatively inexhaustable quantities may be in reality commonplace, and if not an indication of the fooling of the senses by the presence of “unusual” energy feilds, may easily imply quantum matter. The output of aromatic woods, perfumes which seem to impart aroma when they would be thought to have long since evaporated, or the lingering aroma of materials that have been endlessly washed are examples.
Another possibility may be where there is circulation in human limbs even when conditions might otherwise mandate dangerous or destructive oxygen deprivation, laying or sitting on limbs so that the flow of blood and oxygen is notably contricted.
While there are a number of possibilities for explaining how such conditions are tolerated and their mechanism, as well as the exact way in which it tends to produce numbness or strange sensations when a limb has “fallen asleep”, and indeed, different knowledgable individuals may explain it in different ways if indeed explanation is attempted at all, some degree of a quantum state of matter may be one possibility.
Note that the nitrogen that keeps recurring in occult sources regarding situations where ectoplasm is relevant, and the oxygen in question for circulation, are one element apart. It’s possible that the process involves either some type of “borrowing” or is stimulating to biotransmutations such as the formidable theories of Nobel nominee Louis Kervran.
Hence, if ectoplasmic nitrogen is either temporarily substituting for oxygen, or becoming oxygen on a limited basis, the deprivation of oxygen may be an induction mechanism for the initialization of biological quantum matter .
One reason to favor such a theory, is that it may lend explication to a vast number of otherwise peculiar and easily shunned or ignored aspects of spiritual traditions of many cultures, which seem even amongst obviously civilized elements, to incongruously involve austere bondage as a spritual practice.
Such elements are hardly flattering to the people in question, and easily help participate in creating both prejudice and disregard for the people and traditions concerned. We will be fortunate to have correctly glimpsed an alternative to such a perception.
There are a great many examples of this technique found in anthropological literature, although if this rationale is present, it is given in difficult to fathom euphemistic or figurative terms at best.
Just when we thought we had it figured out... when this image appears in Andrew Tomas' "We Are Not The First", the caption reads, "The Augustine monk Wenzel Seiler and Emperor Leopold I alchemically transmuted the lower porion of this silver medal into gold in 1677. It can still be seen in the Kunsthistoriches Museum in Vienna."
If this is the fact, we may need some way of accounting for transmutations where in spite of the different number of atoms that make up a given volume and a presumably fixed number of atoms, the volume remains nonetheless unchanged.
While the putrefactive stage of alchemy is an open invitation to speculate that biotransmutative micro-organisms are responsible for alchemic transmutations, such occurances as this imply the role of micro-organisms might be more on the order of either microbes which possess ectoplasmic capabilities, or magnetotactic microbes which can manage effects like the "master magnet" now used in metals seperation, and that they, or their magnetic remains used as alchemic powders, may be able to exchange base metal with precious metal from the ground, in a manner reminiscent of the migration of matter thought to accompany materializations at seances!
But, as scientists said when they had first moved a single atom from place to place with absolute precision, "Atoms have been moving from place to place since the dawn of time, there's nothing new about it. We just have a bit more precision now..."
Illustration from "Buch der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit", 15th century. This alchemic illustration is interpreted both as allegory for alchemic process, and often, as a study in the psychology of unification of internal opposites.
However, both of these interpretations may gloss over what is represented here- namely, that this work contains both aspects that are suited to conveying the idea of the exchange of elements, rather than the transmutation, and even more notably, the perfectly suited symbolism for ectoplasm, entering the body from the earth beneath the feet.
The extentions of the symbols of the duality seen represented here, into the correspondent Oriental concepts of yin and yang, may appropriately carry with them the inevitable identification with the forces of magnetism that are integral to the science of fung-shui, that is, geomancy.
Note that the most obvious animal attribute that has been incorporated into the bizarre anthromorphic forms which rise to the most often significated part of the body where ectoplasm elusively appears to originate, the thighs, is the talons of a bird, the most often used symbol of magnetism employed by the ancients.
Such a symbol can be seen in the artworks of Egypt again and again, as well as the iconographic labels on ancient magnetic magic mirrors .
Still, some examples seem patently obvious. While the front of Artemis of Ephesus is hopefully famous, and contains a theme of bondage which on a primary level appears intended to teach the importance of stillness in dangerous situations such as animal encounters, the lesser known reverse of the image indeed contains yet another structure that can be recognized as a representation of an atom.
The association between the atom and ectoplasm in such representations also raises the question whether some examples of ancient occult microscopy, seeing of atomic and sub-atomic particles, was accomplished safely through the use of a perceptual organ or instrument or process in which ectoplasm was of considerable importance.
Accordingly, the properties of quantum matter may yet be demonstrated to have some special significance to exploring the structure of matter.
The particular elements associated with a number of possibly related symbols may be relevant; sodium and potassium are two elements which may be freely associated with types of clairvoyant microscopy or telescopy.
While the consitutuency of ectoplasm may be limited only to the elements in the body, if the matter is produced, or to the elements present in the immediate enviroment if it is acquired from the practitioner’s surroundings, there may be a certain tendency for ectoplasm without certain deliberate specification to show a preference for certain materials.
Hence, the observation that sodium is one of three elements detected in a random sample of ectoplasm by chemical analysis may have considerable relevance, as may the concept that if it is originating within the nervous system, it may tend to be made of the same elements which are significant in the nervous system.
This concept may be extremely important to understanding any surviving documentation of these matters.
The application of normal physiology, and any anomalies therein, may be important to understanding the mechanisms of ectoplasm as well. What is typical for human sexuality, for example, seems to help corroborate our concepts here about levels of oxygen consumption, as may any observance that quantities of reproductive fluids may exceed what can be accounted for by normal means.
Likewise, much parapsychology tends to attribute phantom knocking with the projection of ectoplasmic rods by adolescent teens. While there isn’t necessarily a clear cut relationship between such effects and sexuality, this hasn’t been overlooked in the search for patterns in the particular area. Such effects also frequently occur in the realm of sleep, where repressed fantasies may also be played out. Such events are often first noted as troubling because they tend to wake the very people who may be causing them as well as experiencing them.
Not remote from this is the classical association of what may be ectoplasmic generation with certain ecstatic and spasmolytic states outside of sexual connotations. The deeper states of conciouness that are frequently associated with ectoplasmic generation are scarcely far behind such considerations.
Because sleep and death aren’t necessarily clearly distinguishable from many perspectives, we may have mistaken many ancient documentations of ectoplasmic science as morbid religious musings. Sometimes people may have been hard pressed to find better indicators of the context, since the chemistry of morbid icons, like skulls and bones, has managed to have relevence to the matter also.
Scene from the Codex Borgia. Does the mysterious hand at right represent a wand aiding in the projection of ectoplasm, is the dotted texture characteristic of ancient representation of the ephemeral stuff in question, and is it only associated with a death-like figure because it tends unless otherwise specified to resemble the substance of bone, and is preferrably made of matter taken from the ground where the dead are buried?
Note the atom-like circular objects at the bottom, several of which seem to have worms with them. Is this a symbol for matter coming through the ground, fractional quantum matter, and quantum tunneling all at the same time, a typical ancient hypersymbol?
The center object may help identify for us the possibility that a graviton is a composite of four neutrinos, and may be involved in binding the easily-vanishing matter contained in ectoplasm.
Astrology also helps us to have interesting persepectives as we consider the physiology of ectoplasm generation or projection. Many accounts from classical spirtualism or the occult assert that there is often contraction or compression of various parts of the body of mediums during projection of ectoplasm. Besides the stomach contracting, the contraction of the thighs is remarkably common.
What is interesting about the latter occurance, is that matter- or something at least seems to be leaving the one area, classically ruled by Sagittarius, and leaving the other area, the hands, which are classically ruled by Gemini; Sagittarius and Gemini happen to be opposite signs.
This certainly seems to imply that, at least in the mind of the person who is projecting the ectoplasm and how that mind organizes its reality, the energies pertainent to Astrology are highly relevant here, or the relevant processes are related. Astrology indeed is already associated with unusual behavior of matter, such as Michel Gaquelin’s studies, or many alchemic processes.
Such an observation, in the hands of capable witches or pagans, might imply a whole genera of astrologically-labelled materials that can therefore be able to assist the various processes of generation and projection of ectoplasm, as well as the converse perhaps generating more light on the workings of Astrological medicine, although what is seen in the final analysis may be little different than what has long been known, respected, and successfully utilized in the Orient.
One of a remarkable number of ancient artworks with the "big hands" theme. They can be nonetheless hard to locate in books, with the exception of the occasional section or chapter that show small collections of them. The physical distortion, as well as its location, and often its contextual qualifiers, are all suggestive of the concern of human beings processing or channeling ectoplasm from the hands. The image shown is particularly graphic about the additional mass seeming to appear at the expense of the rest of the body, although it may of course be optical illusion such as sometimes accompanies demonstrations of "Chi" masters, or the rippling of views in the distance from heat on the road or certain vapors like smoke or gasoline.
The difference, if any, between "Chi", mana, and ectoplasm, if any, still deserves and requires much careful and open-minded attention.
Suffice to say, there may still be patterns of organization, and subtle connections between phenomena and effects, that have yet to be recognized by many of us, and all of these must eventually be considered in the long run, for the mastery of the science in question has the potenial to single-handledly solve many of, and probably all, of the world’s fundamental problems, in even the most magickal of fashions.
Anyons and Fractional Quantum Statistics:
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