Order of The Black Dragon

Concentrate on a situation, ask the Tarot Cards a question, then reveal the answer by crossing the Cursor over the respective positions to fortell your future. These are suggestions which reveal the general circumstances surrounding the question, which you can then modify to your will.

The Shadowmantic Tarot Reading
A Diabolical Visualization

Within the context of The Satanic Ritual, after the Invocations have been said & The Infernal Names called, arrange the Tarot Cards in the manner in which you wish a situation to manifest itself. For example, for a Curse, draw out the particular cards which deal with torment & misfortune, as corresponding to the personality & circumstances of the victim you wish to effect {also place the card suit as corresponding to their appearence}. Recommended arrangement would be the reading ending with The Tower Card for total destruction; with other cards such as The Hanged Man to preserve your victim in stasis, depression; The 7 of Swords for a violent end, etc. Experiment as you will, deriving the meanings of the cards into their respective situational positions. Make appropriate arrangements for Lust Rituals, such as the reading concluding with The Devil or The Lovers. The Moon for desired Wisdom, The Death Card for Change, etcetera. For healing, travel, wealth, whatever you desire, arrange as needed.

If you do not possess Tarot Cards, you may purchase a selection from Abyss Distribution. Type in "Tarot Decks" in the Search box. Recommended Decks: Rider-Waite {basic}, Thoth {Crowley}, Vampire, Baphomet {Giger}, Dragon, Gothic, Halloween. Avoid weakan / faerie decks, as they are awash with blindlight principles.

Note: Magister Rex Diabolos Church will be unleashing the forthcoming TAROT OF SATAN in the near future. For more information: Asylum of Satan.

~ O R A C L E S ~

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