The XXVII Nights of Halloween

The XXVII Nights of Halloween
Mythology & Legends of Magic

The following list are the days & nights of All Hallow's Eve. From the 18th of October to the 13th of November. Thirteen nights leading up to Samhein, & thirteen therafter. In cycling revolutions, & in no particular order, each night is dedicated to a particular animal of darkened fane, or of a likewise mystical countenance. Enchanted animals & incects may ideally be deemed familiars. All of the following celebrations shall be revellous occasions unless otherwise stated.

Present the appropriate likeness of the creatures in a prominant position of the celebration place, as not to forget the purpose, & the honored guest of the night. On All Hallow's Eve, all persons attending shall bring one or more gifts each, to place at the foot of the Exhaulted One {the creature shall have their form recognized in a major position in the room. At its base shall the gifts be lain, to be opened on Halloween night after the Sorceries, & during the celebrations}. Gifts may be dedicated to individual members, or for the benefit of the Grotto as a whole. The order shall alternate from one Halloween to the next {the first shall become the last, & the last, the first}. Along with te names, shall be a brief story & explanation. In the spirit of Halloween, celebrants may don costumings appropriate for those evenings.

The following constitutes the collective archetypal structure of the boogie-man. These are those mysterious things that go bump in the night......

Enchanted Animals & Assorted Creatures of the Paranormal

Lucifer/Air - Unicorn/Pegasus
Black Cat
Jack o' Lantern
Zombie/re-animated corpse/Skelaton/Skull/Mummy Elf/Leprechaun/Genie


The most fearsome & beloved creature. Out of all the enchanted creatures, those who utilize the Magic are by far the most powerful. All of the mythological creatures that shall be mentioned in the following roster have a limitation, obligation, or debilitating weakness. The Satanist has none. The Satanist is real. We exploit our strengths, & eliminate weaknesses in due time.

This night is dedicated to yourself. Indulge deeply. Exhault yourself as the wonderful creature you are. This night is ideal to focus on personal goals, & for empowerment. Of transformation, realization, & evolution.



Demons, whether considered literal beings, or representations, have traditionally stood for all that is destructive & harmful to humanity. Some see them as ill-intentioned spechtres who delight in the upheaval of the lives of mortals. Described in stories as having horns, tails, & cloven hoofs, they are said, in Christian mythology, as bing the inhabitants of Sheol {Hell, Hades, Tartaros, Gehennah}, who gaily torture the "sinful" for eternity in a lake of flames. Once in awhile they are said to momentarily leave their fiery abodes, to roam the earth & inhabit people, a sort of vacation, to enjoy a little demonic funwith the most satanic of humour, which is the gradual deterioration of their host's body, mind, & soul. It is said by "exorcists", that sometimes, they engage in "spritual combat" with exorcists, who, contrary to entertaining plays of horror, would most often die in the ordeal. These people were most likely lunatics who enjoyed pulling the wool over people's eyes, getting a cheap thrill from the confronation {for elaboration, see Exorcism & Posession}.


Superstitiously, gargoyles are idols which can bestow good or bad luck. An ancient legend goes, that when moonlight shines upon the face of a gargoyle, it comes to life, causing great mischief, rather like a gremlin, or embodies a sentinel, protecting the castle, mansion, or church upon which it roosts, all depending upon its disposition. These are often seen atop cathedrals, & other gothic structuresvomiting forth rainwater. They are supposed to be warnings to the "unrepentant" of the ghastly spirits of Hell that awaits them.
In the counterpart Chinese legend, they were said to be created by the gods to drive away evil spirits.


Others see demons in a more mundane light, referring to them as sicknesses, emotional/psychological traumas, & plagues. The Black Plague is said to have been one of their most triumphant accomplishments, as the dark hordes rampantly possessed the bodies of the human majority. The demon called Leprosy ravaged, & still ravages many throughout the earth, in centuries when needed medicines {angels} were unavailable. Ironically, given the fearful propensities of the masses, new concepts & inventions were always feared, being attributed to The Devil {see Divine Madness}.

Another demon, cancer, infiltrates bodies still also. Even the common cold was said to be the fault of a lesser-demon, or imp. Influensas afflicted only those who had not been in faithful accordance with the church's dogma, becasue the imp {cold} grew into a stronger malefik {flu}; the person must have committed, or was in the process of committing some secret 'sin'.
Even mental conditions were blamed as the evil work of devils, or The Devil. Epilepsy & Downe's Syndrome were long considered a demonic possession & ancestral curse; as a result, many innocent individuals were murdered by a bloodthirsty, & a psychologically, scientifically, & medically ignorant Christian society.


Demons have also represented recurring negetive emotions & memories that return to haunt the psyche. Natural emotions such as hatred, grief, & agony. One's own concious was considered a demon or an angel, as depicted in stories where a devil sits upon one shoulder, & an angel on the other.


In a semantic definition, demons & devils may be used as representing philosophies & lifestyles; iconoclasts representing the rebels of a prevailing society, religion, or secular philosophy. Attempting overthrow & putting a thorn in the side of the establishment. Repeatedly, the thorn may eventually grow into a lethal stake, finally succeeding in overcoming the reigning political or religious giant.


According to legend, evil demons are always inferior to the good old gods. Realistically, in order for anything to exist, there must first be darkness. Before anything is created, there is empty space & darkness ready to be filled with color & content, which will eventually return to itself, when undefiled wisdom is attained. Therefore, darkness {Nyx/Mother Night} is the parent of light {as in enlightenment, NOT blindlight!}, for without her dark loins, light would not be perceived. Light is a utilization, whereas darkness is a foundation. Both can be used in harmony with one-another, to balance the delicate equilibrium of Nature & evolution.

Purpose & Definition: Night of Blasphemies. To desacrate the symbols of the invaders' religions. A return to the Satanic. Also called "Black Mass night". The anti-sanctimony --- Devil's Advocate Night. Night of The High Court, when the foolosophies & idiotologies of the blindlight are exposed for the jests they are --- serving as entertainment for the group this night. {see The Tower of Myths}.

Suggested Activities: Films &/or plays that mock the blindlight, in all its manifestations. A good night to take in some scientific documentaries, on evolution, & the examination of the blindlight faiths, in all its manifestations. This night can be likened as an April Fool's Day. The impish quality of this night & day to show through practical jokes & joyous frivolity, at their expense. Excellent for the implementation of those cruel gags you've been waiting to use.

Other Suggestions: Burning their literature is a justified recourse, & a payback for their many bonfires since the Dark Ages. A pinata in the form of their god/s may be used {see The Nazarene Pinata as an example}. As their innards spill forth, ghoulishly gobble them up, or fill the pinata with their literature, then burn it.


Night of the Demon-Lover. According to legend, the female succubus demoness, & the male incubus demon, enter the dreams of those who would dent their sexual ventations. This is rampant in convents & monastaries. Priests & nuns fall frequent victims to these voluptuous & rapturous creatures, sapping them of their "pure mind & heart". Virgins, frustrated spouses, & occult backsliders are also prime targets. Wet dreams have been blamed upon them as well. Some wake to find their sheets torn, as with sharp claws. Upon regular visitations, they become increasingly more aggressive, driving their recipiants to a subconcious compulsive demonization, thus manifesting their symptoms of 'possession' in waking hours. Such as spontanious, unmonitored motions, which drive the victims to commit uncharacteristic deeds relating to sex, causing them to feel consuming guilt & even depression, sometimes remorse, which are the demon's greatest weapons of manipulative destruction, as through suicide & self-sado-masochism. During the dream-penetration, the 'mortal' will have their mind in another 'dimension' {which victims of sexual abuse frequently recount, as in the sensation of 'floating above themselves', which has since been identified as a neuro-chemical reaction to stress & trauma, as the brain lapses into a protective mode, sometimes causing memory-loss}. Upon orgasmic culmination, the 'demon' reveals its grotesque & horrible visage {which is a projection on the part of the dreamer --- the demonic form being akin to the 'evil' aesthetic of their particular culture & religion}.

Since then, these "visitations" have also included the alien & U.F.O. phenomina. Same principle, different aesthetic context.

Demonic Numerology

On some occasions, Christian scholars came up with an erstwhile "method" behind the madness. It was conjectured that these 'demons' injected other demons into the wombs of women & the souls of men, who in turn, would possess their minds, speaking through them on occasion. Numerical equations were devised to record their populations. They all dealt with the number six. 666 demons thrust into their bellies, which formed a 'kingdom', including Arch-Demons, greater demons, lesser demons, guardian demons, & familiar demons into their souls. One soul equals a kingdom {666 demons}. In the infernal province of Hell, there were 666 X 6 devils, which made 443, 556. Upon each new soul turned to 'sin', 666 more demons were added --- the 'purer' the soul possessed {the closer to "God"}, before becoming demoniacally possessed, the stronger the demons were within them. Using this diabolical plan, Satan was thus able to increase his number upon the earth, until one day it would outnumber that of Heaven's, & then the black legions would finally prevail in conquoring mankind's world once more, since it was given to him in 'The Garden of Eden', which was said to once belong to The Devil.

The Devil's Concubines

In some accounts, The Devil himself would take a mortal mate. The testamonied women & girls, including nuns, throughout history, have reported that his semen is cold, & his passions unrivalled. Unlike the incubus, however, there is marvellous foreplay involved. They allegedly gave birth to his children, demons incarnate, who were said to quickly ascend into the higher ranks of rulership, through their unnatural intelligence & charisma. Stealthily, ingeniously, they maneuver their father's will into action.

Purpose & Definition: Night of sexual revelry with mate &/or lovers, including auto-erotica. Demonic costumes worn by those playing the role of demons {dominants}, & light colors worn by the 'victims', or 'angels' {submissives}. Priest & Nun roles may also be acted out.

{Commercial Halloween identification with "Dracula"}


The Vampire bat has been synonymous with The Darkside because of its voracious appetite for blood. Its dubious diet has given it an enemy position amongst common humans & cattle. It attained its malevolent vampiric name when Spanish Conquistadore Hernan Cortes, witnessed the blood-sucking mammal sapping a cow --- thus, combined with European legends of the vampire, the name stuck. Its netherworld dwelling has additionally attached a demonic relation also, since 'Hell' was thought to be underground by many primitive societies, the gates being the dark caves of its home, where their Lord Camazotz dwells.

As legends continued to develop into many varied forms, all that was perceived as evil became associated with the carnivorous winged rat.


Indeed, its cousins, the rat & mouse, have enjoyed much malenomen as well. Most creampuff-types jump at the site or mention of their names. Because of this, they were thought to be demons who specialized in feeding off the progressive fear & hysteria effeminates experience. Some were said to shock their victims to such an extent, that they were said to humanize in form, taking advantage of women's vulnerable, delerious state of mind {as drawn by some artists}. Old wife's tales tell that rats & mice were also said to chew the toes off of unattended newborn infants & little children {probably done as a preventative measure for young inexperienced mothers, & as a scare-tactic for children}.

The Striges & the Dashnavar

The fore-runner of the legenday vampire is known as the striges. It is a demonic bird-like creature, resembling a harpie, who steals little children from their cradles, drinks their blood, & eats their flesh. It is of pagan origin, a sort of ghoul, or hobgoblin, from which some of the habits of the vampire are derived. Sometimes thay appear as beautiful maidens or dashing gentlemen, seducing their prey, & as also likened to an incubus or succubus. Through pleasures & sweet delights will fatten one up, with the intention of devouring the flesh.
Then there is the Dashnavar, an Armenian mountain-spirit, which proportedly has the propensity to suk the blood from the footsoles of travellers, until they expired.


In several noble families throughout Eastern Europe, a unique disease developed called Porphyria, a particularly vicious form of anemia, which, even in its rarity, would afflict those of blue-blood birth. Because these families would would marry within the strict confines of the relation-circle, DNA irregularities would not be uncommon. So cryptically-secretive were they when an overtly-obvious deformation would sprout in a child, that many times they were locked away in hidden chambres, never to see the light of day, for fear that their family name would be tarnished. In some starnge isolated occurrances, one would have the despirate compulsion to rink blood. Because of an enzyme deficiency, of which, at the time, was abated with naught but blood, these afflicted were driven to prey on animals, & sometimes, the country-folk. Although the popularized fangs were not a dental factor as many stories of the day have glamorized, the blood was drawn by more conventional means, such as with a knife, or syringe. Thus, the comparison of the vampire bat with those persons, & vampire lore. The words "werebat", "sanguisuga", "nosferatu", & "vrykolax" in different languages, were later applied to them.

Vampire Hunters

Peasants had a full-proof way of disposing of these blood-suckers. When enough witnesses attesting to a sighting were collected, the local magistrate would be informed, who would order the body of the suspected vampire to be exhumed. They would mob over to the graveyard, in search of a certain departed individual, who was said to have been roaming the town after dark, terrorizing their families by their visitations. More often than not, when the corpse was unearthed, to everyone's astonishment, it was as fresh as the day it was interred --- the skin was healthily pinkish, the luimbs were flexible, & no rotting stech emitted. It was observed that even the shoes were muddy, which was proof that they made their walk. When pricked by a dagger, warm fresh blood flowed from out of the wound. The Magistrate would then order it to be decapitated, heart removed, & all burned to ashes.

Vlad "The Impaler" Tepes

In the Carpathian mountains of Transylvania, Romania, spreads the undead legend of one Prince Vlad Tepes, called "Dracula" {son of the devil}, & "voevod" {monsterous tyrant}. Within his province in his castle at Poenari, many now legendary atrocities took place. Branded "the impaler" by enemies, because of his inventive technique of defense & prevention, which was the impalelent of invaders, it was effective & intimidating to rival kingdoms. He would spike the bodies of living prisoners of war, criminals, & taraitors, through sharp stakes which protruded upon the outskirts of his kingdom, called most appropriately, "the field of the impaled". Hence, the relation of the stake tool of vampire hunters.

It is said he had an unsufferable temper. It would not take much to offend & enrage this cruelly noble leader. So critical with his some of his subjects & criminals was he, that they would often end up in the dungeons, suffering excrutiating torments at the hands of his well-trained dungeon-keepers.
He was also quite a prodigious lover of women.
Even unfortunate visitors were sometimes relegated to the shrieking halls of blood {see Interview With The Impaler}.

As gypsies & other folk have done, myths & legends crawled forth from creative imaginations to form the entertaining terror-tales of nightmare fane enjoyed today.

Celebrations with a vampiric theme. Performance of The Ceremony of the Vampires.

{Commercial Halloween identification with "The Wolfman"}

Symbolizes the emergence of the humanimal with its animalistic roots. The predator-beast. The Id. The Werewolf may be compared with Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde. The scientific, analytical, scientific side of the human personality is temporarily over-ridden to give full flow to the bestial, mundane core of the individual. This night shall be celebrated on the night of the full moon.


The "Hellhound" originates from Greco-Roman mythology, known as "Cerberus", who guards the entrance to the underworld Hades. It is typified as enormous, extremely ferocious, & possessing three heads.

The Baskerville Demon Hound

Then there is the English legend of the Baskerville Demon Hound who howls & stalks in the misty moores. Its calls travel along the cool breezes of the evening air, sending shivers through many a wayfarer {meal}, who unknowlingly ventured out into its dominion after dark.

The Jackal

Another hellhound is the jackal. Associated in Christian mythology with Satan. It rips the remainder of flesh from the decomposing carcasses of previously slaughtered animals.

The Harpie & The Gryphon

Other half-human creatures besides the werewolf, have included the harpie, the eagle-woman. Waist up, she is a well-endowed lady. Waist down, an eagle with sharp talons, & wings upon her naked back. She was said to guard an extravegant treasure. In order to gain a key to the chest, one had to solve a nearly impossible riddle. If one failed, she would devour them.
Her cousin, the gryphon, is a strange apparition as well. It is a hybrid. Part eagle, part lion --- two of the most glorious, & powerful predatory animals in existence.

The Minotaur & the Centaur

The Minotaur is the guardian of the Labyrinth. A man from the waist down, & a bull waist up. His weapons of choice are the club & the spear. Anyone who confronts him, & attempts to capture his bounty of riches, is said to fall victim to his poisonous arrows.

His cousin, the centaur, a great bowman, is human from the waist up, & steed from the waist down.


Cursed by Hera, wife of Zeus, Mudusa, a gorgon, is a mutant of detestable appearance. She is said to have a headful of snakes, & the ability to turn intruders in her temple into stone, by the power of her evil eyes. Many warriors array her subterranian kingdom as trophies.

Performance of The Werewolf Ceremony.


'Tis a wailing apparition who haunts the countryside. Listening to its spellbinding song can drive one completely mad. It floats outside windowsills, staring vacantly. A misty white light in the graveyard, a passing chill, a whisper, a transperant form in a morror, characterizes the etherial banshee. 'Tis sometimes vengeful, & other times sorrowful "lost soul". It is said, that the only way to put them to rest, is by claiming their revenge upon those who did them the fatal misjustice. Wherever it ventures, its cries betoken imminent disaster. It is also said that suicides may result in such a lingering excarnation.

"Ghosts" may also be impressions upon an environment. When someone in life followed certain redundant routines, their electro-magnetic emminations cause a cycling effect in the area frequented.
Still in other instances, poltergeist activity has been conjectured to be the result of pubescent adrenal outpourings upon the environment, resulting in spontaneous kinetic manifestations, such as objects flung across a room, rappings, & objects disappearing from one location, & reappearing in another. However, from personal experience, such kinetic abilities may be harnassed, focused, & utilized, when a situation merits so.

Memories, homages, tributes, & commemmorations for the Warlocks & Witches before you. Anton Szandor LaVey, Grigori Efimovich Rasputin, Aleister Crowley, & ancestors. Solemnity, & a day of contemplation. Read, view films, listen to music relating to them. Incense & candles will be burned in their honor by their portrait.

Zombie/Living Dead/Re-Animated Corpse/Skelaton/Skull/Mummy
{Commercial Halloween identification with "Frankenstein"}

Humanimalkind's obsession with death, & the control thereof, is evident through these representations of mortality. The very thought of regenerating life into the dead! Resurrection from lethal situations is a constant fascination. {see My review of "Frankenstein" in Spechtreum I}.


The zombie of voodoo legend is said to return from the grave merely hours after last rites. With sacred powders of revival {goofer dust}, witchdoctors sprinkle them upon lifeless cadavres, using them as slaves for their diabolical purposes.

The zombie is also quite aptly comparable the Christian-type, the blindlighter, who "gropes for things celestial, while creeping to their graves".


Skelatons have always pervaided the world of twilight. They are the frightful symbols of death, that send a message of warning to the living. Live life to the fullest now! For "Life is the great indulgence, & death is the great abstinence". Spine-tingling tales of fleshless corpses dancing amongst the tombshave been told in differing variations for centuries. Death, the flame-eyed Grim Reaper, is often depicted in a black cloak, wielding a fearsome, gleaming, blood-sprayed sickle in its skeletal hand. It is Azarael, the Death Angel, who collects souls, but preceeding him, is Mikael, who holds the sword which seperates the 'soul' from the flesh.


Skulls betoken conquorance for tribal communities around the world. The craniums of their enemies serve as reminders to all those who should unwisely attempt to intercede in their affairs. Decapitated heads have been held aloft proudly in many mighty regiments, as they pillage the land. Skulls are widely used in magical ceremonies pertaining to the dead, & necromancy. It can be seen on everything from pirate flags & poisonous substances, to to ancient funerary heiroglyphics. In many cultures, including Satanic {as a memento-mori & decorative piece}, it is considered a beautiful object, & it has even been worshipped, such as in the Aztec cuture. A skull made from pure transperant crystal was uncovered in an excavation. Apparently, the priests kept the people in line by cleverly manipulating the object to present a wrath-of-the-gods-type of intimidation. The "Gods", as it were, were the priests themselves, cleverly operating the 'divine' cranium through amplified echoing voices, & prismic light effects, passing off their desires as the 'holy will' of the deities.


Within the Egyptian pyramids, the well-preserved, mummified bodies of kings have been hidden in sacred-secret chambers, untouched by modern human hands until fairly recently. When they were disturbed, the forboding curse placed upon its door by ancient Egyptian sorcerers {"Death shall come on swift wings to those who disturb the sacred tomb"} came into full effect. The ones who shamelessly upset the dark gods, & their earthly sovereign representatives, were exterminated. They all met with a premature demise, in rather bizarre circumstances.

Ceremonies & Celebrations with an Egyptian or Aztec theme. May also include cultural foods of that nature.

{All manner of incects}

Spiders have long-since been associated with nefarious overtones. A legend goes thusly: If one finds a spiderweb spun upon their door, it betokens a resident thereof shall soon die.

Ancient brew concoctions have, at one time or another, included the black widow as a key ingredient for evil purposes, & arachnophobia is a common fear among many --- just the very sight of this eight-legged, quad-eyed demon invokes nervous shrieks, accidents, & even nightmares, in some cases.

Another incect, the locust, has been associated with evil also. They are said to be the secondary armies of Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. They attack crops in order to starve villagers who anger the Dark God. They fly in swarmed legions, overshadowing the sky, noising their wrath with the deep hummings of impending doom.
The Scorpion holds a viable fear for many as well.

The Black Cat

Ii is said to be a vessel of misfortune to those it crosses. Although from what I have experienced, it has actually brought Me good fortune. According to tradition, it is typified as the 'Witch's familiar', confidant, & sorcery-director-amplifier. It serves as messenger & informant --- & even as a set of "alter-eyes". This fine feline familiar acts as a magical transmitter, further raising the desire of its human companion into an increased, higher potency. It has been known to act as a scout, guardian, notifier, reminder, & an overseer of ceremonies. Characterized as the color black, because of its representation of the occult.


The Witchbird. Diabolic messenger of the dark. Sais to be one of the forms demons assume when travelling out in the physical realm. It has been labelled as a "bird of ill-omen", but I Myself Am quite fond of ravens & crows.

A legend goes that if you state what you will to a witchbird, it will fly out & transmit your message to your intended. In fact, it is through this legend that the saying "a little bird told me" came from.


Snakes carry the wonderfully demonic reputation of being 'evil incarnate'. In the Judeo-Christian bible, it has been tagged as the form the devil takes. Becasue o its split tongue, it has been called 'the father of lies', as identified with Satan. It has been the source of many a restless night --- & day. Its hissing & slithering attributes have been the focus of many a horror-tale, as most people never really seem to outgrow their innate fear of them......& for good reason --- a cold-blooded predator with venomous fangs is the perfect villain!

This sithering nemesis has also been considered as a great positive symbol in many non-christian cultures. Egyptian artistry frequently shows the serpant as representative of wisdom, craftiness, beauty, & grace. The Serpent-God 'Set' is a glorious & wrathful deity wielding satanic authority amongst the pantheon of divinities.

And then there is the Midgard serpant of Norse mythology, brother to Fenris, & son of Loki, who are deemed to wage war against the gods of Valhallah at Ragnarok --- a veritable doomsday!

So remember, never judge a book by its cover!


Deathwing. The morbid scavenger bird of the wasteland. Eater of carrion. Picker of eyes. Its deep & intense glare denotes a face of death. Bird of ill-omen, & bringer of pestilence.

Once again, I think these birds are adorable. I've never found them to be ugly or worrysome. They have a beauty all their own. Remember the Addams' "Muerto"?


The omnibird. Connotes wisdom. Represents the omniscient Egyptian God Thoth. Harvester of Knowledge. Indicative of noctural curiosity & occult revelations. Night vision. Characterized with a far-around turning head. Learning from all sources. Dark, forgotten, &/or lost mysteries found, & reaped.


"The enchanted kiss by a princess faire shall redeem the frog from its murky lair." Personally, I really don't think it much cares. Many tales of such stereotypical depictions of such wonders have been passed down for generations, told countless times in faerietale books, about the significance of the pond-dweller. Its cousin, the toad, has also been a classic ingredient in the witch's brew.


Eater of corpses. Monster of the graveyards. Devourer of dead flesh. They are said to have long, razor-sharp teeth & claws, pale bluish skin, eyes of burning coal, pointed ears, & an elongated boney physique. They are the opposite of vampires, in that a ghoul is said to b living person who feeds off the flesh fo the dead, whereas the vampire is a dead creature who feeds upon the blood of the living. The legend of the ghoul began at different times worldwide, when stuporstitious villagers spotted dark forms in the cemetary comitting henious acts with the dead, such as exhumation, grave-robbing, sado-necrophilia, & cannibalism. In their hysteria & utter horror, they greatly exaggerated the features of the individuals enacting the deeds.

This is the night of the flesh-feast / meat-feast. Meats of any & all sorts are eaten this night. I enjoy the addage, "I didn't evolve this far up the food chain to eat vegetables!"

Suggestion: A large, coffin-shaped container may be employed to hold the selected slivers, cuts, & sliceries, served by a masked ghoul. A food design in a person's effigy may also be used.

Option: Eat the feast straight off of a beautiful vixen's naked body.


Greenish mutant of the bog. Half-breed imp. Thief. Devours, incects, rabbits, & small frogs. Bully who harases smaller creatures for desired objects.
The word "goblin has been used to refer to other sinister creatures as well. Vampired have often been called "hob-goblins", meaning semi, or partial goblins. Basically, ant unrecognizable, strange, untorrid noise in the dark, any queer shape or shadow in the night. The boogieman himself may be called a goblin. The little ones are much afraid when told tales of these diabolical night-dwellers, who specialized in robbing the cradle, & small beds. Though I have a feeling that Infernal Progeny would consider them as adorable friends & playthings. The infamous charcter, Rumplestilskin, can undoubtably be classified as an impish goblin.



Race of imp. Mischevous disposition. Derives pleasure from destroying valued possessions. Enjoys wreaking havoc. Will attack lone travellers. Lives in dead, twisted trees {those glowing eyes depicted in horror tales}. They are sometimes known to wander into castles & homes, as they are curious beasties, causing much disruption. They were said to have been responsible for great inter-kingdom animosities & wars, because, by their deviltry, would cause nobles to argue, kings to bicker, queens to rant, & generals to rave. Because they would venture into human dwellings, little children often complained of them inhabiting the undersides of beds, & hiding in closets.


Jack O' Lantern

Upon almost every porch & window during this greatest of holidays, shall be the inevitable Jack O' Lantern {or 'Jack of The Lantern'}. Its legend originated from Northern & Western Europe with the ancient celts priesthood known as the Driuds. They wore long flowing robes, & grew knee-length beards. They were the fonders of what is now known as Samhein {also the God of Death}. In the shadows of the thick enchanted forests did they pactice their sorceries. By pyromantic prophesy did they divine the future. They burned blemishless bulls to see that yet to come within the mystic flames. During war periods, would capture prisoners, who were sacrificed to Cernunnos, Beast Lord of the Forests & fire.

Every All Hallow's Eve, a morbid tradition took place. The local villagers were ordered to present the fairest maiden thereof, or another type of treasure. If they complied, they were rewarded with a carved pumpkin lit by a fatwaxen candle burning from the inside, like its namesake, a veritable lantern, representing good tidings & health. If they refused, a hexagram was branded in blood, a curse of death upon the family, that someone in that household would die before dawnbreaking - each & every time, a member of that group did indeed die before first light.

Jack O' Lanterns shall be made & displayed. Barbeques prepared, pumpkin pie eaten, & wine drunk. Theatrical play may be enacted to recreate the historical events.


Tales of dragons from enchanted lands began in Asia, as the dragons of the Four Winds, & later spread to England & Europe. Sea Monsters have been spotted by sailors & explorers all over the world throughot history. Perhaps the sight of a killer whale, shark, manta ray, eel, barracuda, pirrhana, alligator, or crocodile. who all sport sharply-toothed jaws, their exotic qualities, gave them such a fright, that they over-magnified the true shapes of the waterbeasts. Seeing an octopus or squid, for example, especially in some of the humungously-grown proportions they reached in tropical climes, for the first time, perhaps briefly, is guarenteed to be traumatic! Plus, their unexpected visits were quite spontaneous, to say the east. The sudden sight & sting of a jellyfish wil also lead one into a fit of panic, being ignorant of the experience. As people will invariably do, they play a game of "telephone", & by the time the original message gets to the end of the line, it has changed in its initial content, almost completely.


A hypothesis: Could it be that the original concept of the fire-beast came when an ancient native, or Witch-Doctor found the fossils of a dinosaur? With primitive tools, the first dragon was drawn upon the walls, & stories told by campfire's light of flying, fire-breathing reptilian creatures who stood fifty feet plus high {in most traditional cases}. The bones of Terradachtils & Tyrontosaurus Rex's were within proximity, thus leading them to belive they were perhaps one creature.

The Lochness Monster / Ogopogo

Nessie in Scotland is one mystery which is in controversy to this day. Ogopogo in Canada also remains a source of curiosity & fascination. There is asolutely no doubt that dinosaurs did once walk the earth. Could it be that there are still actual ones living to this day? With so many caims & eye-witness acounts, & even film-footage {excuding those which have been disproven as hoaxes}, it cannot be denied. Scientists of high-esteem have stated, that under certain environmental conditions, such as those in the testamonied places, those creatures of antiquity can & do survive {they may have continued to breed & thrive}. Keeping an open mind is the trademark of progress. None prospers if the mind is kept tight & rigid. Tunnel visio only succeeds in keeping one in peripheral darkness. However, being omni-minded, ANYTHING & EVERYTHING is possible! One may indeed succeed in being leagues ahead of the rest. Obviously, a reasonable level of doubt shall be employed, in order to differentiate the false from the actual.

Bigfoot / Sasquach / Abominable Snowman

Along with Nessie & Ogo, two other mysteries have pervaided the intriguing world of pseudo-fiction & the para & preternatural - they are the sasquatches, the Sunoquahs, Siati, Omah, Skukum, & the Yeti. Indiginous to mountainous, wooded regions of wilderness. Commonly known as "Bigfoot", & the "Bushmonster", because of its inhumanly-large footprints, in both width & length, & the "Abomnable Snowman", because of its wintery appearance atop snowcapped peaks.

These fantastic wonders have caused a might of controversy worldwide. In United Satanic America, they have been spotted primarily in the Pacific Noerthwest. Abroad, in Canada, Northern Europe, Tibet, & Mongolia. Stories of these hairy hermits have been recounted for countless generations of man. Thier eerie cries are still heard, echoing against the cold cliffs & crevasses of Asia & Europe, in the Himalayas & the Alps. And from the swamplands across the everglades, it trudges on in the steaming bogs. Proof of their existance can be found in the spontanious photographs taken by hunters & fishermen, who were scared half to death upon their close encounter.

The Night of The Dragon is specially dedicated to all those unfound mysteries out there, it is a vigil of sorts, signifying that we shall preserve a black candle burning all night for those magical secrets. For it is they who continue to keep the human race in wonderment, they are the ones who preserve the fantastic, the amazing, the Eternal Dreamchilde's visions alive!

Other names o dragons & beasts of the sea have include these draconi: Fafner {of Tolkien lore}, Leviathan {Olde Testament & The Satanic Bible}, Kraken {Greek mythology; kept by Poseidon}, Hydra {greek; multi-headed creature}, Typhon {first greek dragon whose lair was said to be within a volcano}, Cthulhu {Lovecraftian mythos}, Ritrah, Kokoru {Japanese dragon}, & Tiamat {Babylonian Dragon-God of Destruction}.

Troll / Ogre / Cyclopse

An unclean, foul-smelling scoundrel who dwells below bridges and kidnaps little children in their sleep. It feasts on slime and fungus, and prefers bogwater to clear. Warted cycsts and warts-a-plenty, and a tail like a thivk log, it is nomadic in nature. It harbors the reputation of eating children, noit unlike the Striges. The Witch in Hansel and Gretyl may be referred to as a troll.

A troll tribe is a nomadic tribe, ever mobile abd creating destruction wherever they go. They are siometimes under the service of a superior being, though they pleadge no firm loyalty to anyone. May attack humans if wither hired or provokes, or it fancies treasue. Their unquenchable thirst for gold and large meals consisting of blood and flesh, is their eternal quest. Their bottomless appetites often lead them to massacre herds of deer and sheep - with arrows ans battle axes, they claim their kill. With short swords they dismember their food. Nothing is wasted. They gulp their food and belch heartily, washing it down with either wine, blood or swamp water contained in their prey's skulls. They become drunken with crimson fluid, and covort loudly to the sounds of thumping bones, palm-clapping, foot-stomping, and deerskin drumming.

Ogres are over-sized trolls, boisterous giants, attaining tremendous strength, and are simplistic brutes, who leave a trail of random destruction, visa-vie uprooted trees, crushed bushes, and an array of food scraps. It is said that Sorcerers of olde used them as hench-beasts to overcome foes, and as veritable berzerkers, and to perform manual labor.

The Cyclopse is a troll-like giant who wanders the forests in search of a home. They usually settle, by the mercy of the gods, in a riun where some unearthly valuable is kept, as guardians. Frequently, a warrior will come searching for treasure, which may be a powerful weapon, magical talisman, or great riches. They must do batte for its gifts.

From English and European Faerie-tale lore. Wild, loud celebrations. Release the niamsl nature to increase mundane sensibilities. A virtual Sodom and Gommorrah night of pleasures that will involce competition of some sort, such as brutal entertainment by way of sport.

Copyright by Draconis Blackthorne & The Draconian Church XXIII-XXIV A.S. / 1990/91 c.e. All Rights Reserved.

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