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Note: The Drake Equation has been proposed with different variables by dissenting astronomers. The one I use below is in my estimation, the most popular version.
In Chapter 9 of their book The Anthropic
Cosmological Principle, physicists John Barrow and Frank Tipler propose an
argument they claim shows that Extra-Terrestrial Intelligent life does not exist
anywhere in our Galaxy.
In sections 9.1 and 9.2 they spend some time setting
up their refutation. Not much in these
sections does anything to advance this negative thesis. Actually these sections seem to be trying to
illustrate how human life could travel the cosmos and colonize alien worlds.
Finally in section, 9.3 they get to the heart of
their argument.
The equation that Barrow & Tipler use to prove
there can't be more than one intelligent species in this Galaxy is:
is the probability of star systems with planets
is the number of habitable planets in a star system that has planets
is the probability that life evolves on a habitable planet
is the probability that intelligent self-aware life evolves on a
habitable planet
is the probability that intelligent life will attempt interstellar
communication within 5 billion years of evolving on a habitable planet.
number of star in our galaxy
number of planets in our galaxy
It's called the Drake equation. As you can see this
is a numerical estimate equation based on probabilities and when we estimate the component probabilities times the Ng (number stars in our galaxy), it will give the number of planets where there might be alien species. To support Barrow and Tipler's thesis, if ne the number of planets in our galaxy is small (as of yet unknown), and Ng the number stars in our galaxy is large (and they are), then the probabilities surrounding these numbers must be small. At least that is what is inferred. Please note this is inference, not implication, in the logical deductive method. It will be important later, as I make conclusions about this weak, very weak anti-alien life argument. One estimate they give is 1/100,000,000,000. One in a hundred billion? If this is a fair estimate, I would most certainly agree that the likelihood of other intelligent life in this Galaxy is very small, and thus we ARE number one!
So, the Drake equation is an effective prediction of alien life, if its component probabilities are accurate. But, we can't make accurate estimates of these probabilities being Earthbound. We don't know where a planet with species like ours or any other exist. Or where such a planet (or planets) might come into being. Thus, these probabilities are guesses. The predictable numbers we can estimate are the number of stars and planets, but all the rest are guesses.
The other thing to notice is the equation sets a
limit on how long it would take intelligent species to go looking for others
like it. This is important because we know that the universe has a definite
age. By deduction, so do the galaxies. This means intelligent life other than
us must evolve, and go searching for others like it within a strict period of
time. This is crucial. In fact, the whole argument hinges on this point. They
show if we take fc's normal distribution as being peaked at 6
billion years and a standard deviation of 1 billion years, this implies just
one intelligent species. Of course if the normal distribution is larger, the likelihood is greater, but we won't split hairs on this point.
In addition, there is an assumption, which this
probability must refute: the Principle of Mediocrity. That is, we are nothing special in the Galaxy, that in all the
star systems throughout this Galaxy a similar set of circumstances could have
lead to the formation of life like ours. There are an estimated 500 billion (this estimate varies widely, I am using the largest one) stars in this Galaxy. If p turns out to be small, then we can negate the Principle of
Mediocrity and say, we ARE something special and life did not evolve in
numerous star systems in this Galaxy.
The problem with the Drake equation is the fact that
fp and ne are experimental and estimates differ. The total number could be much larger
depending on these values. They admit
Now, lets put this probabilistic argument
aside. It contains variables, which are
not reliably determined and thus possibly inaccurate. It would work well, if we restrict it to our Solar System. The
real problem with what Barrow and Tipler are arguing is they are rightly
showing that if extraterrestrial species exist, then they have not shown
themselves to us. But, this doesn’t
prove they don’t exist. We just have to
think of dolphins on this planet, (whom biologists believe to have intelligence
near equivalent to our own) to know that intelligent life can exist, but be
incapable of traveling or otherwise communicating with species outside their
worlds. That is one GIANT flaw to
their argument. They are assuming that
extraterrestrial life (ETI) will have both the means and an environment that
will be conducive to the desire to communicate with alien species. We cannot assume that self-aware,
intelligent life will take a physical form that allows it to produce devices
that can signal or reach us. In fact,
there could be any number of real impediments to ETI’s not contacting or reaching
us. And I don’t mean their killing
themselves off. Believing that they
have the answer to those whom say, no evidence of ETI is not proof that ETIs
do not exist, they counter that this is exactly what it is! If aliens exist, why don’t we see them? They should’ve come to our solar system by
now? Again, believing they have found
the right point of attack, they go on to show how intelligent species would
have an incentive to explore and colonize the Galaxy. The incentive could be a dying world, or shrinking
resources. They forget that the
physical formation of life in a distant star system could be a major reason
why it has not contacted us. An ETI
could exist, but it could still not have the means to contact us, due to its
physical structure. In this case, the
ETI would exist, but not have been detected by us, or we by
them. This is an important point. Barrow and Tipler don’t seem to be excluding
life in general from the Galaxy. Since
they have precisely framed their own argument with probabilistic notions,
it is easy to say: Can’t there be non-intelligent life in the Galaxy? Do you think that there are any planets with
single-celled or microbial life on them?
And there is nothing in this argument to preclude the possibility. It is quite easy to imagine a scenario where
simple forms of organic life could exist on a planet, and be held in that state
for billions of years, never reaching our level of development. Still this would amount to alien life
existing in our Galaxy.
Another fallacious argument about astronomical observations was put forth in the 19th century. It bears striking similarity in method to the Barrow-Tipler conjecture. It used the Scientific Method to make this conclusion. Click below to see how.
Barrow and Tipler are not making a sound inductive argument for the non-existence of ETI in our Galaxy. They are making a speculative argument for this non-existence. They make an obvious error in believing that not having evidence of ETI in our Solar System implies no ETI in the Galaxy. Using the probabilistic theory of Drake and Sagan, they believe a valid conclusion is made as to why no ETI exists in the Galaxy. This is the mistake. I quote:
It is important to note that the above argument uses the observed evidential fact that the ETI are not present in our solar system; the situation is not the one implied by the epigram to this section, ‘absence of evidence is not evidence of absence’. Rather, the evidence is that ETI are absent from our Solar System, and from this observed fact (and other astrophysical observations and theories) it is inferred as a logical consequence that ETI are absent from the Galaxy.
What the above quote is saying in different terms is we don’t see any aliens in our Solar System, so we propose a theory why that is the case. We form a probabilistic model that should predict not just whether there are life forms in our Solar System, but the whole Galaxy. That model tells us it is not very likely. We conclude not only are there no aliens in our Solar System but that none exist in the whole Galaxy. The error in this conclusion is: the model is speculative and contingent upon large samples. They try to gloss over this problem with some additional constraints, but I believe them to be insufficient. So, their conclusion can’t apply to the entire Galaxy. That is a mistake.
It can apply with ease to our Solar System. We know Ng and ne in our Solar System. So, yes they are right, there is one intelligent species in our Solar System, e.g. us. This is not such an obvious conclusion. There are many whom have posited alien visitation to Earth. Others claim that life forms have existed here in the past and created the ancient ruins of Egypt or those in South America. The Drake equation tells us this isn’t so, and was not so in the past. And here is where Barrow and Tipler err. Their conclusion should be reduced to one about the Solar System not the Galaxy.
Both these physicists believe so strongly in their conclusion, because the feel they’ve used the Scientific Method to arrive at it. Both they and their critics agree, we don’t have much evidence of ETI, here on Earth. However, unlike those that simply go on looking for it, Barrow and Tipler use a model to account for this lack of alien life. If the model agrees with reality and tells us no alien life, then we conclude no alien life. The problem is if the model is wrong or too broadly applied (as it is in this case), you still arrive at a false conclusion.
However, the argument Barrow and Tipler make for the scarcity of ETI in the Galaxy is not completely without merit. I believe that they are close to correct. Though, their method is weak, they still are on the right track. To be more exact, I speculate that there may be at most 1 perhaps 2 other species like us in the entire Galaxy. It does not take a very sophisticated string of inductions to see this. Here is a conservative estimation based on the Drake equation.
Lets take Ng as=the number of stars in our Galaxy
Assume Ng=500 billion stars.
If fp is only 1%, then we have Star systems
with planets, Nss=5.0*109*.01=5,000,000,000. If the probability of these systems having Earthlike
planets is .01, then we have, Nearthlike= 5.0*109*.01=50,000,000. If again the probability of these Earthlike planets having
life on them is .01, we have, Nel= 5.0*107 *.01=500,000. Taking the probability of intelligent and
communicative life being on this set of planets at .01, we have, Nlc=
5.0*105 *.01=5,000. We now have 5000 planets in this Galaxy that might have
some form of life, that is close to ours, and can possibly communicate with us. While this may seem like few to the uninitiated, this is way, way too
many! Believe it or not, it’s way, way too many! Remember the Earth is a plenum with life. There are 6 billion
people, trillions of insects, many millions of mammalian animals and microbial
life that exceeds named numbers. If
we consider life historically, then the numbers are even larger. We create detectable emissions that reach
far out into space. If we’ve got 5000
sources of this kind of radiation, then we’d be detecting all kinds of life
through radio telescopes and other signal collecting devices. Lets add one more
probability to this estimation; the probability of the 5,000 planets with
intelligent and communicative life having used nuclear weapons. After all, if there are several planets with
this destructive force, a probability of their use is a real possibility. This time, based on our Earthly experience (meaning
we used nuclear weapons) I will up the probability to 5%. The number of planets of that engage in nuclear destruction
is Nnd=5.0*102*.05=250. If Nnd is 250 worlds, then the original
estimate is even more unlikely. The
radioactive fallout of that many nuclear conflagrations, would almost certainly
be detected by the low Earth orbit Hubble telescope even across several
thousand of light years of space. So,
even if we conservatively estimate ETI, we are bound to speculate that the
number must be exceedingly small. Addendum 1/15/06
I have noticed since writing this review, that the Barrow-Tipler argument is in fact a prime example of a well-known logical fallacy called Denying the Antecedent. This fallacy is symbolically written as
If A then B.
Therefore ~A.
Applying this to our case we have:
If there is alien life in the Galaxy, then we will detect it
Alien life has not been detected in our Galaxy
Therefore there is no alien life in the Galaxy.
This is a simplified form of the fallacy, in most cases it has a major and minor premise, nevertheless it exhibits the fallacy. Why is this argument fallacious? If the consequent of a categorical argument is not fufilled it does not invalidate the premise! For instance: If it doesn't rain today, I will jog for 3 hours. I did not jog for 3 hours It rained today (applying the algebra of a negative times a negative makes a positive for the major premise). Now, clearly my not jogging for 3 hours couldn't cause it TO RAIN. The error of this reasoning is eye-rolling clear, right? The consequent of the antecedent doesn't EVER invalidate it, if the consequent isn't fulfilled. Here, we find these scientists mixing two very different forms of logic: hypothetical and categorical. In hypothetical logic we propose an explanation, then find evidence to support it. It is inductive in nature and contingent, i.e. it can change and be reworked depending on the evidence supporting it. Categorical logic, on the other hand is deductive and deals with valid forms of deducing conclusions. It is immutable and akin to (in fact the progenitor of) mathematical logic. Arguments are said to be reduced from proposition to conclusion. Its principle model is syllogism from which other models are derived. Barrow and Tipler are mixing these two different forms of inquiry. They want to take an inductive argrument and make it categorical; it doesn't work. This is why, I can't agree there are NO alien species in our galaxy. Only a categorical argument can come to an absolute conclusion. However, a hypothetical argument can come to a general conclusion. Which is why I assent that if there are alien species in the galaxy, the number is small. This inductive conclusion is sound and in my opinion likely.
In 2001, I wrote a rather lengthy article about a topic that is closely related to the controversy above. This one involves the attempt by computer scientists' to create an Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is again a search for intelligence, but this time instead of looking cosmologically for an ETI, the quest is to make an AI virtually. I examine how the famous, late English mathematician, Allan Turing misconceived a way to test for an AI. Along the way, we discuss all the subjects that are contained in the Turing Test.
Artificial Intelligence
Have you ever listened to a call-in radio program and wondered: How many people actually get to talk on this program? I have, and it lead to some pondering about the set theory implications these programs.
Radio programs, Individuals and Set Theory
In the last 20 years, charlatan scientists have been parading an alternative explanation of the genesis of the universe, that not only excludes the current physics model, but suggests that an intelligent designer could have made the cosmos. The basis for these snake oil salemen to make this outrageous claim is again an appeal to mathematical probability. I couldn't help but give an illustration of how absurd their proposition is, using an example from my own life. There are many, but I focus on one: Hugh Ross, a Canadian physicist, and very representative of the whole lot.
Scientists with a religious agenda spread misinformation with probabilistic arguments.
Ken Wais 10/27/03Other Articles of Interest