Establishing Islam in Daily Life

Islam provides for mankind a complete way of life from the cradle to the grave. It provides guidance in all spheres of life such as social, economic, political, moral, and spiritual. The best way of living in this world is the way based on the guidance provided by Allah (SWT) through his prophet Muhammad (S). The task before us is to establish and enforce the religion as a whole which the prophet communicated to mankind.

When the prophet's wife Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was once asked to describe the mode of life and conduct of the prophet she replied: "His morals are the Qur'an." Brothers and Sisters, What else is better than implanting these morals in our lives?

If we don't establish Islam in Daily life, we will go astray. According to the Qur'an men go astray in 3 ways. The first is to ignore the guidance of Allah (SWT) and become slaves of desire. The second is to give precedence to family, culture, society, customs, and the ways of our forefathers over the commandments of Allah (SWT). The third is to ignore the way enunciated by Allah and his messenger and follow the ways of either so-called important people or of other civilizations and cultures.

We must establish Islam in Daily life because Islam is the perfect way of life.

Allah (SWT) revealed the holy Qur'an. The only divine book which has not been or will ever be changed. He decided that the religion of Islam is the best way of life to live with and to abide by. Surah Al-Imran Aayah 19 reveals: INNAD DEENA IN DULLA HILL ISLAM. "Indeed Islam is the perfect way of life in the sight of Allah."

To realize the full potential of life, to fill it with optimum joy and to lead a truly successful life is your right, provided of course that you understand the correct mode of living and the rules and etiquette's of a successful life, moreover not only should you be acquainted with these rules and etiquette's but you should also be constantly striving to adorn and civilize your life by translating these rules into practice. Civility and good manners, dignity and courtesy, neatness and purity, discipline and sympathy, hospitality and sacrifice, sincerity and sense of responsibility, fear of god and piety, reliance on God and bold initiative, these are the magnificent features of a truly Islamic life, which we should establish in our daily lives.

Surah Al-Maidah Aayah 3 reveals: ALYOUMA AKMALTU LA KUM DEENA KUM WA ATMAMTU ALAYKUM NI'MATI WA RADITU LA KUMUL ISLAMA DEENA. "This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favor to you, and have chosen for you, Islam as your religion."

Islam is not a theoretical ideology in which a Muslim may have academic interest only. Islam is a code of practical life. A Muslim is expected to bring about a pleasant reformation in the practical aspects of human life. He has been created for a full life of struggle. He is a soldier, a warrior against all forces of evil and disintegration. He has been described by his holy Prophet in the following words: "Whosoever among you finds evil, he should courageously change it into good with his hands, if he is unable to use physical force he may use power of persuasion and speak out against evil, if he cannot condemn and disapprove the evil with his speech, he should at least make up his mind to wipe out the evil at some appropriate time. This last stage is a stage of weakness for establishing Islam in daily life." The holy Qur'an has therefore given a clear injunction of practical struggle in the field of life. Surah Al- Imran Aayah 104 reveals: WAL TAKUM MIN KUM UMMATUN YAD OONA ILAL KHAIRI WA OOLAAIKA HUMUL MUFLEEHOON. "There must be among you a class who should invite people to paths of righteousness, enjoin good and prohibit evil. Such indeed are the people who will attain salvation."

Now I would like to mention a few ways to establish Islam in our daily lives.

Salah is the basic and most important pillar of Islam. It's importance has been emphasized more than 500 times in the Qur'an. Salah is so important that a hadith says Salah is the only distinction between a believer and a non-believer.

Salah prepares us to worship Allah (SWT) for our entire lives. It helps us to be constantly aware that we are servants of Allah (SWT) and that every moment of our life must be dedicated to obeying him.

Zakat is a social obligation and a kind of worship observed for the welfare of the Muslim community. It is a charity that makes you feel the noble aims of Islam towards good relations, mercy, assistance, and cooperation. It develops and blesses wealth, and elevates us from the level of stinginess and selfishness to the rank of grace and benevolence.

Fasting is a sign of the strengthening of Iman. It regulates your life and puts discipline in it.

Hajj, the pilgrimage brings the Muslim ummah of the whole world together at one place, the holy Kaaba. Giving them unity, equality, and brotherhood.

These pillars of Islam play a great role to establish Islam in the daily life of a Muslim.

In the end, I make dua'a that may Allah (SWT) guide us all and keep us always on the right path-the path laid down by Allah (SWT) himself, for the humanity at large. And that we do everything in our power to establish Islam in our daily lives. May Allah (SWT) bless us all. Ameen.