Zirilikotik Latinora

From Cyrillic to Latin


Alfabeto Zirilikotik Latinora

Sobiet Batasuna zeneko hizkuntza batzuk lehen alfabeto zirilikoz idazten ziren, baina 90eko hamarkadan idazkera aldatu dute. Moldaviera (errumaniera) eta Azeriera zeharo moldatu dira idazkera berrira, ez dago horren argi hori ote den kasua Txetxenera, Uzbekera eta Turkmenerarekin. Kasu hauetan, GeoNativen ez dugu eskaintzen izenen transliterazio bat, latinizazio bat.

Taula hauetan zeinu diakritikoak ASR sistemarekin adierazi ditugu.

From Cyrillic to Latin

Some languages of the former URSS have switched alphabet from the Cyrillic script to Latin one. The change has been total in Moldavia (Romanian) and Azerbaijan (Azeri), but it is not clear if other switches are being effective really, as is the case of Chechen, Uzbek or Turkmen. Anyway, for these languages, instead than a transliteration scheme, we provide romanisation-latinisation schemes.

In this page, diacritic sings are shown with the ASR system.

Txetxenia - Moldova - Azeri - Turkmen
More info at the Cyrillic site by Thomas Tvegaard at



Txetxeniako Gobernuak nonbait idazkera latinoa hartu du Txetxenera idazteko, baina ez dago argi ea aplikatzen ari diren hori, teorian Txetxenera den arren hango hizkuntza ofizial bakarra 1997ko irailetik. Izan kontuan transkripzioan zeinu diakritiko batzuk ASR sistemarekin adierazi ditugula. Ikus txetxenerazko toki izenak hemen.


The Chechen govt. has adopted a new latin script. We provide the character set used and also the correspondences between the previous cyrillic alphabet and the new Latin signs. Take in mind that in the transcription scheme some diacritic sings are shown with the ASR system. Check the Chechen placename table here.

Txetxenera latinoa: karaktere sorta / Latin Chechen: character set

Txetxenera zirilikoa / Cyrillic Chechen

[Official Chechen Latin script, 1997]

a/ä+1, ä, b, v, g, g·, d, dz, dz, e/ie»/ye2, (yo),
z, z, i, y, k, q, q·, kh, l, m,
n/n+3, o/uo»4, ö, p, ph, r, s, t, th, u, ü,
f, x, x·, h, c, c·, ç, ç·, s¸, (s¸ç),
' (?), (i), (-), e, yu, yü, ya, yä, j

[ä+] is for schwa or turned 'e'
[n+] is a modified n with a descender or hook attached below right.
[uo»] and [ie»] are special ligature characters
Characters in brackets were used in Russian loanwords only. No apparent counterparts in the new script.
1. It is not clear when normal a and when ä+ are used for cyrillic a
2. 'ye' word-initially. In other cases either 'e' or 'ie»' (actually this is a ligature) is used depending on the phonetical value not marked in Cyrillic.
3. Used as 'n' or 'n+'. 'n+' denotes a nasalized ending not indicated in the earlier Cyrillic spelling.
4. Used either as 'o' or 'uo»' depending on the phonetical value not marked in Cyrillic.

(check placename table here)

Romanian correspondences

a   b   v   g/gh1   d   e/ie   j   z   i   i

c/ch2   l   m   n   o   p   r   s   t   u

f   h   t¸   ci/c3   s¸   (s¸c)   (-)   î   i

a(   iu   ia

1. gh behar du e eta i aurrean. gh before e and i.
2. ch behar du e eta i aurrean. ch before e and i.
3. c behar du e eta i aurrean. c before e and i.

Azeri (check placename table here)

You will find the current Latin Turkmen alphabet here <Tvegaard's Turkmen page>, this one below is just another alternative.

Alternative Azeri Latin script correspondences

 a , b , v , g , g( , d , e , ä+ , j , z ,

 I·/i * , y , k , q , l , m , n , o , ö ,

 p , r , s , t , u , ü , f , x , h ,

 ts , ç , c , s¸ , I/i+ * , e , yu , ya

Oharrak: ä+ schwa edo e itzulia da / i+ puntu bako i da/ * Adi letra larriak direnean
Notes: ä+ is turned e or schwa / i+ is dotless i / * take note of the Capitalized versions

Turkmen (check placename table here)

New Turkmen Latin script (1996) correspondences

 a , b , w , g , d , e/ye , yo , j , c ,

 z , i , y , k , l , m , n , ñ , o ,

 ö , p , r , s , t , u , ü , f , h ,

 ts , ç , s¸ , s¸ç , -- , y , -- , e ,

 ä , yu , ya

Eguneratua / Last updated: 1997-12-01

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