
Welcome from Kelly and Jon Jon!!!!

Welcome to my home on the web! The music you are listening to is "Truly, Madly, Deeply" by Savage Garden.

I am happy that you stopped by! I hope you find something of interest or help to you while you are here.

Well, it's WAY past time to update- I haven't updated this site since 1999! A lot has happened since then- I'll try to bring this site slowly but surely up-to-date. We'll have great new site awards for you to apply for, updates on the ongoing sagas found scattered throughout the site, information about NeoPets, my newest favorite thing to do online, information and links updates, and maybe even some contests to keep things lively. Thanks for faithfully coming back to visit for over 4 years now. Bookmark us!

Once upon a time, when there were GeoCites Featured Sites, this was one!

snoozin33 got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com

/About Me/ Aerosmith/ /Music I Like/ Apply For An Award/ Family Album/ Family Recipes/ My Good Neighbor Award/ Children Learn.../ My LOTH Page/ My Art 1/ My Victorian Artwork/ My Animated Artwork/ Awards Page 1/ Awards Page 2/ Awards Page 3/ Dedicated To Mom/ Preemie Info/ My Border Backgrounds/ The Serenity Prayer/My Very Special Kids.../Something To Make You Think!/You Are Special/Webrings/


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This is my original GeoCities Guestbook and it is full. You may view entries, but please sign my new guestbook below. Thank you!

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The new counter below begun on October 31, 1998! Click on the counter to see all the cool varieties of counters they have!!

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Site updated September 14th, 1999.