'Picket and Pot-banger Together': Class Re-composition in Argentina?
Harry Cleaver's Response:
On Schoolwork and the Struggle Against It
Intakes: Communist Theory - Beyond the Ultra Left? Review: Change the World Without Taking Power by John Holloway
Italy's 'Hot Autumn' of 1969 and 'Movement of 1977' were two of the high points of late 20th century revolutionary struggle. The recent publication of two books on workerism and autonomia testify to the continued interest in the theoretical development surrounding these events. Steve Wright's Storming Heaven presents a critical history of Italian workerism; and Harry Cleaver's Reading 'Capital' Politically has been influential as an account of the 'autonomist' tradition. The review of these two books gives us the opportunity for a critical reappraisal of the contributions of workerism. We suggest that Cleaver reproduces some of autonomia's problems as well as its useful theoretical tools. These problems include the inadequacy of the concept of autonomy for a class analysis; the absence of a critique of leftism; ambiguity over the 'law of value'; and an inability or unwillingness to theorize retreat. We also argue that Cleaver's 'political' reading of Capital lacks the analytical rigour needed to make the connections between the categories of Capital and the class struggle.
Last century (a few years ago), the French group Theorie Communiste (TC) translated and published our articles on 'decadence' (from Aufheben 2-4), accompanied by a critique. We publish that critique here, plus a short presentation by TC on their theoretical positions. TC write in quite a difficult style but they deal with important issues. While we are not in full agreement with either TC's overall perspective or all their criticisms, we find what they are saying challenging. If they are on the right track, then they have moved beyond the impasse of revolutionary theory as represented by the 'ultra-left'. Since some of the political tendencies that TC allude to will be quite obscure to many non-French readers, for this issue we have written an introduction, with some thoughts about the relation between
communism, the workers' movement and the ultra-left, and the French debates on this from which TC emerge.
In a marked departure from his previous work, John Holloway has written a new book aimed at the anti-capitalist/anti-globalisation activist. This book presents a useful and accessible critique of both the objectivism of traditional Marxism and of state-oriented politics of social change that were dominant through much of the 20th century. However, we conclude that in attempting to overcome the reified and positive conceptions of class, Holloway goes too far and risks dissolving class analysis into an amorphous humanism.