5/20/04 - I fixed some broken links and updated various information.

- The Avonlea Photo Gallery is now open for visits!!

- I was doing a little "spring cleaning" today and I ran across my date with Felix King!  That section has finally been added!  Yay!

- After a long break, I've updated once again!  The Quotes section is now open and I also fixed a few things here and there.

- As promised, it's open again!!  The Gallery and Quotes sections are still under construction.

- It's summer time and I finally have time to update the site!  It will be opening soon!!  :)

- I started work on the site at Geocities... Homestead (the original home of Karen's Avonlea) stopped its service, so Avonlea - A Place to Come Home To had to be moved to Geocities.