Archives of 2005 Avonlea Dreams bulletins.
Sad News! :(  // August 9, 2005 @ 10:10 pm

I've just heard some sad news from Kitty. Actress Kay Tremblay, better known to Avonlea fans as Great Aunt Eliza, has passed away at the age of 91. Tremblay is well known for her recurring roles on tv shows such as Road to Avonlea & Wind At My Back, and has made guest appearances in TV series such as Friday the 13th, The Beachcombers, & Street Legal, & also appeared in the 1999 Stephen King film, "Storm Of The Century." Along with a variety of other films & series.
Ms. Tremblay was so good at acting her part, we would almost believe that her character was real. She would make us learn a lesson or two as Great Aunt Eliza, and make us laugh histerically as Cousin Jessie Buchanan in Wind At My Back. According to her agent, Ms. tremblay had enjoyed her time spent playing Great Aunt Eliza on Road to Avonlea & loved the recognition she received from it. Her last years of her life were spent at a nursing home somewhere around the Toronto area. She was a very talented actress and she will be sadly missed. My thoughts & prayers go out to all of the family of Ms. Tremblay. If you wish to send your condolences to the family of Ms. tremblay, you can write to her son, Michael Tremblay, found on the side of this page.

"We'll miss you Aunt Eliza!!!!!!!!!"
--Nikki has posted on 8.9.05 @ 10:10 pm PST |
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More Character Bios // July 5, 2005 @ 11:03 pm

Okay guys, I've updated some more character bios. Bios have been updated for the following characters:
Alexander Abraham
Margaret Lloyd
Dora Keith
Eliza Ward
Ezekiel Crane

Hope you like them! Also, you will find a new calendar on the left side of the site, with all new Avonlea episode air dates and a few "holiday" icons. :)
Also, as said before, look for some new games coming to the site. And if you have any ideas for games, please let me know and I'll post them as well. You will get full credit of course! ;) That's about it everyone. Hope your week is a good one. Keep your eyes open for more updates in the future.

See ya 'round Avonlea! :)
--Nikki has posted on 7.5.05 @ 11:03 pm PST |
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Character Bios // June 24, 2005 @ 10:43 pm

Hi everyone! Okay, I know that you've been waiting for some more character bios, so, I've updated them. You will now find updated bios for the following characters:
Peter Craig
Davey Keith
Mrs. Rachel Lynde
Jasper Dale
Marilla Cuthbert

Hope you like 'em. Also, I will get to the cast bios very shortly, so hold tight for that. I will also be updating a few of the games and maybe adding a couple new ones as well. And hey, for fans of Road to Avonlea or Felix King, I own a couple of fanlistings for you to join. If you are a fan of RTA, & would like to have your name posted, click
here to visit 'The Journey Begins.' And if you adore the Felix King and want to prove it, then click here to visit 'Adventurous: The Felix King Fanlisting.'
Well, that's about it for now. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates in the near future. Have a great weekend everyone!
"See ya 'round Avonlea." :)
--Nikki has posted on 6.24.05 @ 10:43 pm PST |
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Avonlea Dreams' Re-Launch! // June 18, 2005 @ 12:01 am

Welcome to the grand re-opening of Avonlea Dreams! I'm so glad that you've come here to visit. I've updated everything on the site. Now, you can find all new wallpapers, music, and something very new to the site, desktop themes, icons, & screensavers! I hope you enjoy them. All the games remain the same, since I know a lot of fans like all the games, so I won't be changing any of them. I will add new ones later on though. You will find in the cast & characters sections that there are only a few small bios, but I am working on them daily, so check back soon if you want to read them.  I hope you all like the new layout. It's entitled "Family & Friends." I chose the kids running in the field (from the season 1 episode entitled "Conversions") since it's one of my favorites, and I added the polaroids with lots of familiar faces in them. You will notice lots of quotes on the graphic, some of which are famously remembered. The background has a whole "vintage" feel to it I think, and then I added the little navigational buttons on the side for you to better your viewing of Avonlea Dreams. You will find the main navigation on the graphic above or if you prefer, there is an alternate navigation to the left of the site under the button that says, "navigation." Also, let me give you a little pointer on best viewing the site. If you have Internet Explorer 5 or above, great! That's the best browser to use when viewing this site. Otherwise, if you use AOL for instance, the layout and the graphics will come out sort of blurry looking. When using IE, the graphics appear as they should. I could have prevented this from all browsers by making the layout PNG format, but the only thing is, is it takes quite a bit to load on the page, and I don't want you guys to have to wait five minutes for the page to load. All the wallpapers though, are in PNG format so that you can view them as they should be viewed, with any browser! :)  Anyhow, have a look around the site and please send me your comments on the re-launch and let me know how you like the site! Take care guys! :)
--Nikki has posted on 6.18.05 @ 12:01 am PST |
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