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Honestly as weird as it sounds, this is a serious page and the people who have submitted their experiences are very sincere!

What is this all about?
A small but significant number of people world-wide have recurring past-life flashbacks and/or vivid dreams about themselves in the Nazi or Axis forces of World War 2. Unfortunately when it comes to experiences like this, people often think they're the only one and feel that they can't really talk to anyone else about it. Well this is to let them know that they are definitely not alone and there are more of us out there. This page has been set up so that people can find other people and share experiences, find out that they are not going insane and talk openly about their experiences and feelings - as unfortunately there is still a lot of embarrassment about talking about past lives at all, let alone from the wrong side of the war.

Note that there aren't any weird agendas or anything. Just sharing experiences, regression techniques and finding out what it all means.

What's meant by Axis?
Axis meaning anyone from World War 2 who was with the Germans, Italians, Japanese, Rumanians, Bulgarians, Finns or Croats. Also to complicate matters there were volunteers from France, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Czechoslovakia, the Ukraine, the Cossacks etc. The formations we're talking about include the Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS, Luftwaffe, Fallschimjäger, Gebirgsjäger, U-Boot service, Kriegsmarine, Ustasha etc as well as the various non-combatant and political organisations.

A good number of people are open to the possibility of reincarnation these days. But whatever you believe, there are always people who have a life-long fixation for aspects of the Third Reich or Axis forces and even though they may abhor the misguided racial ideas from back then, the era seems to have some deep-seated emotional hold over them. Reincarnation seems to go some way to explaining why - especially when some people get flashbacks and vivid dreams of being back in that time.

How do you tell?
If you don't have past life flashbacks etc then it can be hard to tell if you were in the Axis forces last time around, but there are some signs which keep cropping up again and again. If some of these points are true for you, you may well have have been there...

  • you have a fascination for the period
  • you have feelings of déjà vu when seeing shows, places, etc from WWII
  • you have had strong recurring feelings or dreams about WWII
  • you are drawn to military or political pictures from the era
  • you have felt a need to own/buy WWII artifacts, eg belt buckles, medals, etc
  • you have a 'thing' for the uniforms, jackboots etc
  • you find some of the music of the era inspiring/hauntingly familiar
  • you get unaccountably upset at shows or movies where Axis forces are defeated
  • you are in an Axis forces re-enactment group (or you think it could fun)

    Trying to have past life experiences
    If like most people you would like to have visions or dreams of your past lives, check out some of Steppenwolf's recommended past life techniques.

    Getting in contact
    If this sounds familiar to you, do get in touch.