AYF Students, Lives in Malaysia

9th batch AYF students study tour in FRIM and Batu Cave, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2004


Moment of 9th batch AYF students with their seniors
8th Batch students, Tour in Penang, Malaysia
8th Batch Birthday Party 2003
The 19th Annual Japanese Speech Contest 2003
The first time in AYF History, AYF Sport Carnival 2003
7th batch Farewell Party 2003
7th batch, moment in Malacca, Malaysia

The 18th Annual Japanese Speech Contest 2002
AYF 7th Batch Bonodorin Dance
AYF 7th batch summer Vacation
AYF Batch 7th visited the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia
6th batch graduation ceremony 2002
Welcome to AYF Photo Album Lives in Malaysia. We welcome all photos from AYF each batch. Please send your photos and a short description to webmaster at bounhengs@yahoo.com  or upload photos by yourself through http://groups.msn.com/ayfers Back to mainpage