Class I Cavity Preparation |
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Mesio-distal cross sections: Flat pulpal wall, 1.5 mm deep, with slightly divergent mesial and distal walls for resistance form. Outline extended 0.5 mm beyond mesial and distal pits |
Class I Occlusal Preparation for Amalgam / page 2 Establish the RESISTANCE form for the strength of amalgam by preparing a flat pulpal wall at a minimum depth of 1.5 mm measured at the mesial and distal walls 0.5 mm beyond their respective pits. Preserve the RESISTANCE form of tooth structure by slightly diverging the mesial and distal walls maintaining a broad base of supported enamel rods. |
Bucco-lingual cross-sections: For RETENTION form, buccal and lingual walls should be slightly convergent as prepared with 330 (or 245) bur or parallel as prepared with 56 bur. |
Occlusal views: Insure CONVENIENCE form by verifying that the smallest amalgam condensor point can fit into all internal areas. FINISH the outline form with sharp cavosurface margins that smoothly wrap around all cusps, remove primary pits and fissures, and extend into non-coalesced and non-cleansible fissures for caries prevention. Perform the TOILET by thoroughly cleansing and drying all aspects of the preparation. |