
Self-Defense - Silat Version


This section of my website deals with the subject of self-defense. All articles here will be about self-defense and only that. You will not find any materials on sparring, current issues, etc. All articles here are based on only one style of silat. I am afraid the articles in this section may be confusing to people outside of PASAK. Please understand that this section is catered more for members of PASAK than the general public. Sorry, but you may still read it and enjoy the articles.

Before reading any of the materials here, may I remind you not to try to do the techniques shown anywhere on this website on your own. They are not meant to be practiced. They are meant only for reading. If you do attempt any of the techniques shown on this website, please get your martial arts instructor to help you out. You need to consult your physician first before attempting any form of exercise. Practice these techniques at your own risk.

Information given here is based on my own experiences in Silat Seni Gayong PASAK. Some of the information given here comes from other sources, in which case I will be sure to declare them. Please do not copy my information or ideas and call them your own.

Information shown here may be debatable, even controversial. Please understand that you may or may not agree to all that’s written here. It’s quite all right. Differing ideas and opinions is what makes the world of martial arts so colorful and lively. Another silat opponent with different experiences may have differing views about silat and it’s principles, etc. TRUTH can be found from many sources. It is not a problem with me. Do not make it a problem with you.

If you want you can leave comments in the guestbook or forum provided. But please don’t use foul language. If you want to debate something or ask something, please be polite. Don’t be like that anonymous person called “Chain”, who go around talking rubbish and calling people names in forums. You’ll only make a fool of yourself if you do that.

Please refrain from challenging me to a fight after this. I’m too old. Too old to fight or too old to care about pride or other people’s opinion about me, I’m not sure. Maybe a bit of both.

My name is Azlan bin Abu Hassan, senior member of Silat Seni Gayong PASAK, affiliated to Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia. My silat style is of Bugis origin. My Grandmaster is the late Dato’ Meor Abdul Rahman bin Uda Mat Hashim, my main teacher is Hj. Hussain bin Kaslan. I am from Singapore (right in the middle of South East Asia).

Posted on 9th September 2006.

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